Vision and Mission


“Our vision is that the communities and people of Scotland are served by CLD practitioners that are recognised as competent, confident and committed to equality, empowerment and life-wide learning for all.”


“Our mission is to drive high standards of professional practice in the CLD sector by the approval of professional learning, the registration of practitioners and the enabling of professional development, working with our members to be a voice for the profession.”

Strategic Objectives

  1. Deliver, maintain and further develop a professional Approvals structure for qualifications, courses and development opportunities for everyone involved in CLD.
  2. Maintain and develop the Registration system and establish members’ services for practitioners delivering and active in CLD.
  3. Maintain and develop models of Professional Learning and training opportunities for CLD practitioners.
  4. Improve and develop our organisational capability.
  5. Lead and contribute to relevant CLD policy and workforce information services.

How are we doing?

View our 2020-2021 annual report highlighting progress that the Standards Council is making toward our Objectives, and the work we have undertaken to fulfil our Responsibilities.