Governance of the CLD Standards Council

The CLD Standards Council aims to govern itself and manage its own business as a professional body, on the basis of a Framework Agreement with the host organisation, Education Scotland, and carry out the remit set for it by Scottish Ministers.

The following documents describe the way in which the CLD Standards Council is directed, controlled and led. They define the relationships and the distribution of rights and responsibilities among those who work with, and in, the CLD Standards Council.

CLD Standards Council Charter

The CLD Standards Council has agreed a Charter setting out its role as the professional body for CLD. The Charter sets out the CLDSC’s purpose, role, operating principles and aspirations. The Charter sits alongside the Framework Agreement with Education Scotland.

Standing Orders and Operational Guidance

This guidance provides the basic information that members of the Executive Committee and functional (Approval, Professional Learning and Registration) committees need to understand their role.

Code of Conduct

The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to provide guidance to members of the CLD Standards Council Executive and functional (Approval, Professional Learning and Registration) committees in carrying out their responsibilities both to Scottish Government in relation to the remit it has set for the CLD Standards Council, and to members of the Standards Council.

Theory of Change Logic Model

The CLDSC has developed a Theory of Change Logic model to show its activities and desired outcomes.

Communications Strategy

This Communications strategy has been designed to facilitate communication of the positive impact the organisation makes for its members, and in its ambitions to raise standards within the CLD discipline. Through a series of collectively agreed key messages, the CLD Standards Council will deliver consistent and confident corporate communications across all channels, and in person.

Framework Agreement with Education Scotland

The CLD Standards Council is hosted by Education Scotland.  The framework agreement sets out the strategic goals, roles and responsibilities of both organisations whilst accounting for operational requirements.

View the Framework agreement