CLDSC Member Bulletin – 10 February 2021

COVID-19 Further and Higher Education Ministerial Task Force: CLD Students

Our Director, Dr Marion Allison will be representing the CLD Standards Council on the recently established Ministerial Task Force.  This group was established by Mr Richard Lochhead, the Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science to address the immediate challenges in this academic year and then consider longer term consequences for students completing their qualifications on business and the economy, for example, completing their qualifications, practice placements and the future pipeline of suitably qualified CLD practitioners.

Members’ Virtual Meet-up, 26 February

The next Virtual meet-up is on February 26th, 1 – 2 p.m. We’ll be talking about climate change, the Scottish Government’s draft strategy for public engagement on this, and what the role of CLD is, can and should be. Under the strategic objective of “Enabling Participation in Policy Design” the strategy’s aim is that “People actively participate in shaping fair and inclusive policies that encourage adaptation to and mitigation of climate change”. Is this part of what you currently do? Do you think you should be more involved? Do you need support for this?

Register to attend the meet-up on Eventbrite and come along to share experiences and ideas about CLD practice and climate change.

Youth Work Research Reports

Further to the Impact of Universal Youth Work national study report published in 2018, a series of studies have been conducted aiming to add to the evidence base.  You can find out more on the YouthLink website.   The latest study focused on the impact of LGBT Youth Scotland’s digital youth work on young people during lockdown.  Read the LGBT Youth Scotland report (PDF).

Collaborative Research Inquiry Opportunity

A partnership between the Professional Association of Lecturers in Youth & Community Work (TAGPALYCW) the Open University, University of Glasgow and the University of Hull is launching an inquiry running from now until June 2022. 

The aims of the project are twofold:

  1. Firstly, it will examine and capture the experiences of lecturers teaching on youth and community work programmes during the current pandemic, the issues and challenges that COVID is presenting, and how they are creatively addressing these challenges. 
  2. Secondly, the research will look forward to the future post-pandemic (whenever that might be). In a context of great uncertainty, it will explore what the future might look like for youth and community work and youth and community work programmes? Ask whether the pandemic will lead to longer term change in learning and teaching methodologies – including opportunities for learning through collaboration? And, investigate how students can be prepared for working with young people and communities; and for navigating practice in the society that emerges post-COVID? 

If you are interested in participating, there is more information on the TAGPALYCW website and you can email: to express your interest by Friday 19th February. All participants will then be contacted with a full participant briefing pack, submission instructions and invitations to the enquiry sessions.

The inaugural SCQF Week and March workshops announced

SCQF Week from 15-19 March needs your support! Join in by sharing your own achievements and the SCQF Level of your learning. 

SCQF are delighted to announce the very first SCQF Week taking place from 15 – 19 March 2021. The event intends to highlight the important part the SCQF plays in the learner journey. It will celebrate the achievements of individuals and showcase best practice in the use of the SCQF across a range of sectors, as well as raise awareness of the SCQFP’s latest projects and developments amongst partners and stakeholders. Find full details on the SCQF website

To help SCQF find and share any posts please tag @SCQFPartnership and use #RecognisingSkills and #RecogniseMySkills 

SCQF also have additional online workshop opportunities in March focusing on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).  For further details and how to Register for these please see this SCQF information page.

Shifting the Balance of Power

Research on “community power” during the pandemic, carried out by New Local for the Carnegie UK Trust, explores how councils and communities have worked together to do “extraordinary things during Covid-19”, how practices, cultures and attitudes changed – and how to keep hold of some of the advances for the future. The Shifting the Balance report presents real-life examples of where this approach has flourished, puts forward recommendations for councils, communities, and civil society groups to sustain partnership working and local decision-making, and encourages UK and devolved governments to make room for this to flourish.

News From Carnegie UK Trust February 2021 includes a wealth of other information relevant for CLD practitioners. 

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 24 February 2021

Time to renew your CLDSC Membership?

We send both Associate and Registered members a request to renew their registration every 3 years.  If you became a member more than 3 years ago then you should have received a request to renew**. When you receive your registration renewal request please complete the renewal.  You can be removed from the register of members if you do not renew. 

To renew you need to-

  • Reconfirm your commitment to the Values and Ethics
  • Confirm that you have undertaken an appropriate amount of relevant professional learning
  • Also, if you are no longer in active contact with your previous referee then you must provide a new referee.

If you are unable to complete your renewal at this time you can request a deferral. However we are finding a few members have not kept us up to date with their email address. Unfortunately if we are unable to complete a renewal that membership will be suspended and eventually removed from the register. So please remind colleagues to make sure we have up to date contact details so we can contact them to renew. Full details of requirements for renewal including advice on professional learning are available on the website.

** If you have been registered for more than 3 years and not received a renewal request yet, please check the email address you originally registered with – sometimes the emails go into spam or junk folders – but if you cannot find a request please email and we will investigate.

Reminder – Virtual Member Meet-Up
26 February 1-2pm

How do you see the role of CLD in relation to climate change?
The Scottish Government’s draft strategy for public engagement in climate change says this: Putting People First. Decarbonising our nation will have a significant effect on people’s lives, so it is crucial that we understand and respond to people’s concerns, have an inclusive decision making process, and put people in Scotland at the forefront of everything that we do. A net zero nation is not possible without the support and contribution of our citizens. Communities are not bystanders in the transition but integral players in making it a success. 

Does this need a role for CLD? Register to attend the meet-up on Eventbrite and come along to share experiences and ideas, and hear about CLD involvement around the COP26 conference.

College-based Professional Learning Opportunities – Supporting CLD Placements 

The next workshop in this series takes place on Thursday 11 March at 3 pm.  It will focus on Supporting CLD Practice Placements, looking at the importance of the placement experience for CLD Practitioners and the benefits to CLD employers of taking a placement.  Issues surrounding placements will be explored and good practice shared with a view to strengthening partnership working in support of practice placements.  Register for this event through 

#CLDTalks Podcast

Have you caught up with the new CLD Podcast yet?  Created by CLDSC Registered Member Conor Maxwell, CLD Worker in South Lanarkshire, the podcasts have been established to raise the profile of CLD across Scotland.  You can find the podcasts on all the usual podcast sites like or Spotify and follow @CLDTalks on Twitter – make sure you use the #CLDTalks hashtag! There are two podcasts to listen to so far: Jim Sweeney MBE and Adele Martin.  You’re guaranteed insights, information, learning and laughs!

Education Scotland resource and information updates

These webinars are aimed at any education Practitioners, and are large events with 3 presenters sharing information in a CLD context and with Q&A via comments. Platform: Google meet (unless stated).

  • National Numeracy CLD Network 25th February 10am – 11.30am for practitioners hosted on ZOOM (Learning Link Scotland and Education Scotland) – featuring National Numeracy online checker and Glasgow Science Centre, Our World Our Impact with a numeracy focus. 
  • CLD Adult Literacy – 3rd March 10am – 11am – Education Scotland digital team resources & professional learning, Edinburgh – Scots Literacy resources and Education Scotland Numeracy / Maths resources
  • ESOL – 4th March 1pm – 2pm – Ayrshire Partnership, Aberdeenshire CLD Digital learning and NATECLA Scotland
  • CLD Adult Learning – 10th March 10am – 11am – Glasgow Science Centre, Our World Our Impact resources, Adult Achievement Awards – online and National Numeracy Day online checker and resources
  • CLD Digital Delivery of Remote Learning 26th March 9.30-10.30am. This webinar will focus on engaging learners digitally, approaches to monitoring and evaluation and introduce useful digital tools.

Education Scotland have also developed a Summary of CLD Covid resources on the National Improvement Hub highlighting guidance, practitioner resources, research and case studies. Please get in touch with if there is any information you would like to add to this page.

Praxis Lunch Friday, 26th February 12-2pm – Universal Basic Income

Hosted by University of Dundee and Dundee City Council, the latest praxis lunch welcomes Dr Marcia Gibson from MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit at Glasgow University who will be speaking about Universal Basic Income.

Marcia has published a scoping review of evidence from studies similar to basic income and she will share some of her findings and perspectives on the desirability of BI based on simulation modelling studies. Please click here to read a blog post that Marcia has published which outlines her views on BI in the current context.

The lunch will will take place on TEAMS.  The session will follow the normal format of an input from Marcia and then time for discussion and reflection.  If you’d like to attend, please email Sarah McEwan and she will send you the invitation.  

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 27 January 2021

Supporting Professional Learning Together Virtual Meet-Up

First launched at our members’ conference in December, Supporting Professional Learning Together was the topic of the first Virtual Meet-Up of 2021 this week.

Over 30 CLDSC members shared their ideas and began to make connections, expand networks and benefit from each other’s experience. There was a feeling that this year, more than ever, we need to be supporting each other. It’s not too late for you to get involved:

  • CLDSC Buddies – are you a CLD practitioner who could share your experience? Or are you newer to CLD practice and would like to chat with someone with more experience? You could be buddies!
  • CLDSC Peer Mentor – a professional development opportunity offering support and challenge to/from a peer.
  • CLDSC Professional Learning Verifiers – would you like support to discuss your career development? Or could you help a CLD practitioner reflect on and record professional learning and verify it for CLDSC registration and re-registration purposes?

Complete this survey on SmartSurvey to let us know what you are interested in and we will channel our inner Cilla Black to match you up!

Interested but not yet a CLDSC member? Join CLDSC today!

Virtual Meet-Up Friday 26 February 1- 2 p.m.

Climate Change public engagement strategy – CLDSC response

Our next Members’ Meet-up on 26 February will focus on the CLDSC response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on Net Zero Nation: Draft Public Engagement Strategy for Climate Change.

The strategy aims to support “widespread participation and engagement” as an essential part of successfully limiting the effects of climate change, preparing for the impacts that are already locked in, and harnessing the opportunities to innovate and adapt to a changing climate; so CLD practitioners potentially have a key role.

The CLDSC will be submitting a response to highlight this role, seeking to ensure that it is fully reflected in the final strategy. Join the meet-up to find out more and contribute your views.

Register on Eventbrite to attend the Virtual meet-up.

CLD COVID-19 Placement guidance for Academic year 2020-21

As COVID-19 continues to impact on all our lives, CLDSC are continuing to engage with our Stakeholders and our colleagues across the UK via Joint Education Training Standards (JETS) to review and discuss our Guidance for CLD Students and programme providers. More information on JETS can be found on our Partnership Working page.

We will continue to review the guidance as situations arise. Please keep checking back to our Guidance page on the website for any changes. The current guidance COVID-19 Placement Guidance Academic Year 2020-21 September 2020 is the most up-to-date guidance at this point.

Practice Placement Focus Groups

Calling all students and practice supervisors. In our commitment to engage with Stakeholders we intend to set up 2 Practice Placement Focus Groups. One for Students and 1 for Practice Supervisors.

The first meeting of each focus group will be Chaired by Dr Marion Allison, Director of CLD Standards Council Scotland.

  • Students Focus Group 2 February 2021 12:00 – 13:00
  • Practice Supervisors Focus Group 4 February 2021 10:00 – 11:00

The purpose of the focus groups is to allow Students and Practice Supervisors involved in approved CLD programmes to engage with CLDSC as the Professional Body for CLD. The focus groups will provide you with an opportunity to share your practice experiences, thoughts, ideas or questions not only with CLDSC but with other supervisors or students across Scotla

We apologise for the short notice on this but we felt it was important to set these focus groups up as soon as possible.

If you want to get involved and help shape your Practice Placement experience please contact us at Please title your message either Student Focus Group or Practice Supervisors Focus Group. This will allow us to add you to an attendance list and send you links to the meeting which will be held on Zoom.

Carnegie UK Trust Digital Services Delivery Summary Paper

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the landscape that services operate within. Traditionally face-to-face delivery organisations have been forced to move online, many for the first time, as lockdowns and continued social distancing has meant it impossible or impractical to deliver their work in person.

To support organisations as they continue to navigate this process, Carnegie UK Trust partnered with Your Own Place to produce ‘Our Digital Lockdown Journey’, a blog and vlog series during 2020, exploring how organisations have managed to continue providing vital services by shifting online. The Trust has now published a short summary paper: ‘Going Digital or Going Bust’, which brings together the key insights, learnings and questions raised through the series. Topics explored include tensions in delivering outcomes when delivery models change, safeguarding, the role of values, impacts on the team and cost.

College Development Network Professional Learning opportunities

CDN is planning a new series of Virtual Bridge Webinars. Some topics are FE specific, however there are a range of upcoming webinars which CLD practitioners might find useful.

CDN has also launched the brand-new podcast series – Pedagogy Matters, which aims to shine a light on key aspects of pedagogy, and how these can be realised in current practice, whether that be online delivery, face-to-face delivery, or a mixture of both. The podcasts follow a conversational format with professionals from the FE and college sector across the UK, sharing their views, experiences and insights across different elements of pedagogy, what it means to them and how they can be integrated within daily practice. In the first podcast episode the topic of ‘Retrieval Practice’ was discussed. This podcast is now online and available to listen for free. There is also a short video looking at the what, the why and the when of Retrieval Practice, view the video on YouTube.

And finally, the resource Working Remotely gives insights and tips on how to manage yourself and your space, so that you can stay focused, effective, and motivated. It was created to support staff across the college sector, but has top tips for all of us working remotely!

Nominate for the Young Scot Awards 2021

If you know any inspiring young people (11 to 26 year olds) who deserve recognition nominate them for a Young Scot Award by the 14 February.

There are 13 categories to nominate for including community, volunteering, environment and equality and diversity for young people working to improve the lives of others, or Young hero for recognition of courage against the odds.

Find full details on how to nominate on the Young Scot Awards website.

Communications from Richard Lochhead on Erasmus

Richard Lochhead Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science has today issued 2 letters regarding the disappointing situation around the withdrawal from Erasmus.

One for Adult learning on the Withdrawal of Adult Education from Erasmus Replacement Scheme
Download: Letter to Adult Learning Partners(PDF)

And one for the Youth work on the UK Government’s Withdrawal from Erasmus and its Youth Work Element
Download: Letter to Youth Work Partners(PDF)

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 20 January 2021

Virtual Meet-Up on Tuesday 26 January 1- 2pm

Don’t forget to register for our first Virtual Meet up of 2021 to find out about Supporting Professional Learning Together. Get information about how to volunteer or take part in:

  • CLDSC Connecters –making the most of networks and communities of practice
  • CLDSC Buddies – experienced CLD practitioners informally supporting those newer to the field
  • CLDSC Peer Mentor – support and challenge from a peer.
  • CLDSC PL Verifiers – help to reflect on and record your professional learning and to verify for registration and re-registration purposes.

Register for the Meet-up on Eventbrite.

College-based Professional Learning Opportunities for CLD Practitioners

CLDSC is working with the College Development Network and colleagues across sectors to develop, support and promote college-based Professional Learning Opportunities for CLD Practitioners across adult learning, community development and youth work. The first of four workshops is on Friday 5 February, 1 – 3 pm and aims to:

  • Promote awareness of the range of accredited programmes for CLD practitioners
  • Explore issues regarding current provision and accessibility of these programmes and the extent of unmet need/demand.
  • Identify action to address the issues identified.

This session is targeted at current, former and potential providers of CLD practitioner programmes in college and approved centre settings, as well as organisations/managers looking for learning opportunities for CLD staff and volunteers.

Register your interest to attend the workshop through Eventbrite.

Adult Learning Strategy Consultation Events

The Adult Learning Strategic Group is developing an Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland and some of the consultation events were cancelled due to the national lockdown in March 2020. Additional online events are now planned for 27th & 28th January. These events are aimed at practitioners and learners who have so far been unable to contribute to this consultation process. Participation by practitioners working in adult literacies and ESOL learners is particularly encouraged. Participation from practitioners in South West, South East, North (Aberdeenshire and Islands), and West (Lanarkshires) who were not able to attend the planned events is also welcome.

Please find the appropriate links below to each event. Please share this with your teams/practitioners/partners and learners.

Adult Learning consultation event Wednesday 27th January 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Adult Learning consultation event Thursday 28th January 12.30pm – 1.30pm

Education Scotland CLD posts

Education Scotland is currently recruiting for Community Learning and Development Education Officers
Full information is available on the myjobscotland website

Closing date 03/02/2021

Education Scotland Tips & Tricks Webinar recording now available

In December Education Scotland delivered a webinar for both youth work and adult learning practitioners offering tips and tricks for online delivery of learning, learner engagement and tips for platforms featuring Kathryn Koromilas. It covered tips on learner engagement online, overcoming technical barriers and making the most of digital platforms. The recording is now available on i-develop.

Open University in Scotland: free courses

OUiS is offering some fully-funded places on a range of Micro-credentials which might be of interest. These include:

  • Online Teaching: Creating Courses for Adult Learners
  • Online Teaching: Accessibility and Inclusive Learning
  • Teacher Development: Embedding Mental Health in the Curriculum
  • Management of Uncertainty: Leadership, Decisions and Action

Each course takes 12 weeks to complete with approximately 13 hours of study required each week. You can find more information about the courses, as well as the application form on The Open University website.

The deadline for applications is 14th February 2021.

College Development Network Joint Curriculum Development Groups

In response to feedback from college colleagues, CDN is developing a set of new Joint Curriculum Development Groups. These Groups will encompass a wide range of subject areas and are designed to allow lecturers and other colleagues to share good practice within their subject specialism. There are groups on Essential Skills – English and Communication, Essential Skills – Maths and Numeracy, and Social Science, all of which may be of interest to CLD practitioners.

If you’re interested in participating, you can register on the CDN website.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 13 January 2021

CLD Student Placements and COVID-19

CLDSC is aware of the impact that the ongoing lockdown situation is having on CLD Students and Education Providers in completing or arranging of their mandatory placement hours towards professional recognition. CLDSC is asking all providers to continue following the guidance published in September 2020 that provides exceptional allowances for CLD Standards Council approved qualifications in light of Covid-19 restrictions.

This guidance is designed to cover the full 2020-2021 academic year and it is expected the guidance will continue to apply to all students who have been impacted by Covid-19 restrictions as they work towards the completion of their studies in future academic years. CLDSC are continuing to have discussions with the Education Providers and with colleagues across the UK responsible for approval of similar qualifications. Please keep checking back to our Guidance page on the website for any changes.

CLDSC Conference Videos

If you missed any of the CLDSC Conference held on 1 and 2 December 2020 or if you’d like to remind yourself of what went on, we have good news! Inputs from Richard Lochhead, MSP; Alan Sherry (CLDSC Chair); Dr Sinead Gormally (Glasgow University); Nicola McAndrew (Scottish Government); Professor Karen McArdle (Professor Emeritus, Aberdeen University); and Kevin Ditcham and Dominique Carlisle-Kitz (CLDSC committee members) are now available to view on i-develop.

Virtual Meet-Up on Tuesday 26 January 1- 2pm

The focus of our Virtual Meet-Up on Tuesday 26 January 1- 2pm will be on Supporting Professional Learning Together. See the CLDSC information for Supporting Professional Learning Together on i-develop where you will find information about how to volunteer or take part in:

  • CLDSC Connecters –making the most of networks and communities of practice
  • CLDSC Buddies – experienced CLD practitioners informally supporting those newer to the field
  • CLDSC Peer Mentor – support and challenge from a peer.
  • CLDSC PL Verifiers – help to reflect on and record your professional learning and to verify for registration and re-registration purposes.

Register now on Eventbrite.

SG consultation on Climate Change draft public engagement strategy: CLDSC response

The Scottish Government has published a consultation paper, Net Zero Nation: Draft Public Engagement Strategy for Climate Change. Its starting point is that “widespread participation and engagement is essential if we are to successfully limit the effects of climate change, prepare for the impacts that are already locked in, and harness the opportunities to innovate and adapt to a changing climate”, and it recognises that “those working with people and communities in areas relevant to climate change policy” will have an essential role in delivery of the strategy. “The main audience for this strategy are these delivery stakeholders” so CLD practitioners can be seen as potentially having a key role: “trusted messengers to ensure that the public are put at the heart of our national approach”.

We will be engaging with CLDSC members to formulate a response before the closing date of 17 March. You can access the draft strategy on the Scottish Government website.

CHEX Conference

CHEX, the Community Health Exchange, are running their online conference on 2nd & 3rd March, with a menu of workshops exploring the impact of Health Issues in the Community (HIIC) across Scotland. HIIC is a course that helps people understand what affects their health and the health of their communities. CHEX say: “At a time when the impact of inequality on health and wellbeing has never been clearer, it is increasingly important that communities are supported to have a voice in changing things for the better. HIIC does this”.

Further details CHEX website.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 6 January 2021

Happy new year!

Happy New Year, everyone! 2021 may not have started as we would have wished, but our CLD family is filled with positivity, resilience and strength both for ourselves and the communities we work with. Let’s lean on each other when we need a boost and celebrate our successes to raise some smiles #BecauseOfCLD. We have a range of ways you can connect with your fellow CLD Standards Council Members:

Update to Scottish Government guidance for the community learning and development sector

Scottish Government have updated their guidance for the sector as of 5 January –
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for the community learning and development sector

Changes have been made to the Overview and Using this Guidance sections to reflect latest position.

Warm Welcome to Barbara Nelson

The CLDSC team are delighted to announce that Barbara Nelson from Education Scotland’s Scrutiny Team will be working alongside us over the coming months. Barbara is currently appointed as an HMIe and has a background in the Further Education Sector. She is a long-time supporter of the CLD sector and will be working with the working groups and the Professional Learning and Approvals Committees. Please say hello to her at various events over the coming weeks.

Growing the young CLD workforce dissertation

Congratulations to Approvals Committee member Ceri Hunter on achieving her Masters in Education in Community Learning & Development. Ceri’s dissertation researches the rising concern in the decrease in the number of young people (those under the age of 35) entering the Community Learning and Development (CLD) undergraduate degree and the significant number of those who intend to leave or retire from the profession in the next five year. This work-based research project also sought to identify the influencing factors, which lead to a career in CLD and whether that knowledge would lead to an understanding of how to grow the young CLD workforce in Scotland. View Ceri’s dissertation on i-develop.

Digital Strategy for Scotland

The Scottish Government and COSLA are updating the Digital Strategy for Scotland originally developed in 2017, and published a draft for consultation.  View the CLD Standards Council’s response to the consultation.

Our response highlighted the opportunities for a digital strategy which supports lifelong learning and community development, and in particular, argued that the development of a common digital platform for the delivery of lifelong learning across all sectors and settings would have a major impact in improving inclusion in learning, digital upskilling and progression pathways. We emphasised that “leaving no-one behind” should be a guiding principle for the strategy.

Scottish Government guidance for Community Centres

Published 21 December 2020

View the Guidance on the Scottish Government site 

This national guidance aims to support community centres to re-open safely during COVID-19 in line with Scotland’s Strategic Framework. It balances the important role which community centres play with the need to avoid further community transmission. The Strategic Framework sets out five levels of protection which have different restrictions in place to best tackle the virus and protect people.

The guidance is for those managing community centres, village halls, and other community facilities and is primarily about how to reopen buildings as safely as possible.

However, it will also be relevant to those hiring or using a community centre to understand how to deliver services as safely as possible.

The guidance is aimed at ensuring that when a decision is taken to open a community centre that it can do so as safely as possible – it is not an instruction to open. It does not provide guidance for the wide range of activities that take place within a community centre. You should refer to the sector specific guidance for details on particular activities.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 16 December 2020

Festive edition

2020: a COVID Christmas

In December 2019 COVID-19 was a far off disease causing havoc on distant shores. This year, the very same virus has resulted in a pandemic that has changed our lives and the face of CLD practice across Scotland. Like many, the CLD Standards Council (CLDSC) had to quickly adapt to working from home and providing our services using a range of digital platforms. Our learning curve was steep! However, with your help and patience we have been able to stick to the FACTS.

F is for Face Coverings (and Fun)

Face masks are the health essential of 2020 and our Members applied a CLD professional approach to this rule. Accessing and distributing PPE and supporting learners and young people to design their own masks helped to reduce anxieties and keep people safe while still having fun participating in virtual learning and discussion activities: online quiz or Zoom bingo anyone?

A is for Avoid Crowded Places (and Agile)

As lockdown kicked in, the CLD sector proved just how agile it is. People worked across CLD practice. From adult learning to youth work and everything in between, Members worked with learners and communities from home, learned new digital skills, delivered food, medical equipment and learning materials. The speed and ingenuity of our sector did not go unnoticed. Try buying a gazebo or camping chairs and you’ll probably find that they were sold out to support outdoor, pop-up community spaces.

C is for Clean hands (and Collaboration)

Not only did we clean our hands, we worked with everyone and anyone. Partnerships were even more prominent across CLD, with Members reporting that working across sectors and organisations were key to improved service delivery. With our Chair representing the CLD sector at the Ministerial Leadership Group and leading the CLD partnership group, key collaborations have resulted in supporting the workforce via the CLD guidance, online “Blethers” and CLD webinars.

T is for Two Metres Distance (and Teamwork)

As physical distancing became the norm, the CLD Standards Council Committees connected online. The Approvals Committee continued its programme, implemented the Annual Review system, developed COVID practice placement guidance and continued to work with our UK partners. The Professional Learning Committee ensured that Member support was high on the agenda. Members’ Catch Ups supported peer learning, with the question “Digitally Agile or Fragile” proving to be a hot topic. The launch of Professional Pathways Report provided a picture of CLD professional learning opportunities across the country and the refreshed Code of Ethics resource is a handy guide for practitioners in these mercurial times. Membership continues to grow with the Registration Committee supporting registration renewals and IRP (Individual Recognition Process) requests. Development of a member Alumni featured in their work as did Fitness to Practise matters in collaboration with the other committees. The Executive Committee supported the development of a CLDSC Logic Model to help us focus on our goals and strengthen our planning and evaluation, the recruitment and induction of new Council members and the renewed Framework Agreement with Education Scotland and the Scottish Government. There have been a range of Cross Committee working groups that have seen the CLDSC consider and progress items such as Equality, Inclusion, Professional Induction and Practice Placement Supervisor Training.

S is for Stay Safe (and Self Care and see you in the New Year)

In line with our Self Care ethic, staying safe remains the top priority for us all. Staying connected with the CLD family has sustained and supported our health and wellbeing throughout the year. I would like to say a huge thanks to you all for your engagements and contributions. From responding to our Newsletters to following us on Twitter, completing Members’ surveys and participating with Members’ catch ups you have truly helped to highlight the essential nature of professional CLD practice. So, here’s to a safe and healthy 2021 for us all.


Virtual Meet Up 17 December 2020 5-6pm

Join us with a mince pie and a mulled wine to connect and reflect on our year. There might even be a Christmas Quiz! Register for the meetup on Eventbrite.

CLDSC Holiday Dates

The CLDSC office will be closed for the festive break from this Friday the 18th December and will reopen on Wednesday 6th January.

We wish you and your loved ones a peaceful festive season.

CLD Standards Council