Your views on Professional Learning in CLD

Tell us about your experience of professional learning in CLD – SURVEY OPEN UNTIL 7 FEBRUARY!

One of the key aims of the Standards Council is to improve the professional learning and development experiences available to CLD practitioners to develop their CLD practice. To help in doing this, we are seeking your views on the opportunities available to you: what are the good things that should be supported? What could be better? Is there a positive learning culture in your workplace?

We’re interested in courses that you’ve attended and in qualifications you’ve obtained or are working towards – but also in the professional learning that happens in many other ways and other contexts. We’d like you to think about the full range of activities you’ve taken part in or carried out, for example work shadowing, reading or an annual review with your line manager, that have contributed to your learning and development as a CLD practitioner. Or that could contribute more if done in a different way.

The Standards Council Professional Learning Committee leads this aspect of its work. We are looking to work with all of you as the members of the Standards Council to develop the learning culture in CLD – please help us to do this by completing our survey-

The Survey will take roughly 15 minutes to complete and will be open until Tuesday 7th February.

We look forward to hearing your views. We will feedback to you on what members tell us, and we are committed to working with you to make professional learning work for us all.

Mike Naulty, Chair, CLD Standards Council Professional Learning Committee.