Registration Renewal

Registered Members and Registered Associate Members must renew their Registration every 3 years.

Why renewal is required

The purpose of renewal is to ensure the ongoing validity and credibility of the registration system by ensuring that all registered members continue to practice according to the values and ethics of Community Learning and Development in Scotland.

What’s involved

Members will be contacted by email to complete the renewal online via i-develop or by returning a form by email.
In order to renew their registration members will be asked to –

  • Reconfirm their commitment to the values and ethics
  • Confirm that they have undertaken an appropriate amount of relevant professional learning
  • Confirm that there has been reflective discussion with the line manager / mentor about the professional learning  and it has been verified by line manager or mentor.
  • Confirm that if selected as part a random sample they would be able to submit the verified evidence of the professional learning.
  • If they have changed role or employer  since registering / last renewal they would provide a new reference.

Full details of the renewal process are detailed in the Registration System definition.

Renewal and Professional Learning and Development

The requirement to undertake professional learning is a key requirement of registration and forms a key part of the renewal.  More about the Professional learning model.

As a member what should you do

1 Make sure we have your up to date contact details

If we are unable to contact you to complete the renewal you may be removed from the register.   You can update your details on your i-develop account or by emailing

2 Follow the Professional learning process – See Professional Learning and Development review process

  • On an ongoing basis you should keep a record of your professional learning activity. This may already be in your employer’s existing HR / Performance Review systems. For those that do not have this we also provide documents to use and a system on i-develop.    See advice on this
  • Identify a mentor who will review and verify your professional learning and help you plan future learning  See advice on this

3 Don’t panic –

We have prepared answers to what we think will be most asked questions about the renewal process.   Please have a look at these first but if you cannot find an answer there please get in touch.
See our Guidance FAQ’s

How do I change from Associate to Registered member

If you have been contacted to renew your Associate membership please first complete the renewal process and then apply for Registered membership following the application guidance.

Development of the renewal process

The renewal process has been defined by the Registration Committee,  reviewed by the other committees and approved by the Executive Committee of the CLD Standards Council. They are in line with the requirement of the Registration System introduced in 2013 to develop a mechanism for ensuring members continue to meet the registration requirements.