Since the announcement of the proposed Education Workforce Council in June of this year, the CLD Standards Council has been conducting professional discussions with CLD practitioners all over Scotland. We have prepared a summary of key findings and a full progress report.
Download: Summary of Interim Feedback
Download: Progress Report
Key points of interest include:
- Maintaining the Identity of CLD
- Recognition for the range of contexts of CLD practice, and the breadth of its impact
- Opportunities for collaboration and raising standards
- Parity of esteem
- Funding
- Registration and membership
- Existing CLD Standards Council functions
- Governance of the Education Workforce Council
- What should the new workforce body be called? The most popular of a variety of suggestions for names that would be more inclusive of a wider workforce was “Education and Communities Workforce Council”.
Engagement with our Members and professional discussions will continue over the following weeks. All data gathered by the CLD Standards Council will be used to inform the final response to the Empowering Schools consultation.