CLDSC Member Bulletin – 30 September 2020

Challenge Poverty Week – 5-11 October 2020

We have a couple of events focussing on Challenge Poverty Week. First up, along with Education Scotland CLD Team, we plan to run our very first CLD Twitter blether to promote Challenge Poverty Week. The event will take place on Tuesday 6th October at 12pm until 1pm on the @edscotcld twitter account using the hashtag #CLDChallengePoverty. You do not need a sign in to read posts but we would encourage you and your staff to join in the discussion and post lots of comments.

Our second event is the next CLDSC Virtual Meet Up on Friday 9th October 1-2pm. Register for the Meet up on Eventbrite.

At both of these events there will be key questions asked about CLD practice in relation to poverty which will encourage reflection, highlight issues and support ongoing planning in relation to the impacts of poverty. The Poverty Alliance will be taking part in the discussions and we want to promote CLD’s role in supporting and highlighting poverty and the impacts of poverty.

Blended Learning/Digital Engagement Blether

5 October 2-3.15pm

Online/blended delivery and engagement are hot topics just now. With some brief inputs from other practitioners, this blether will focus on how you’ve maintained engagement with current learners and encouraged new learners to participate – what’s worked, what hasn’t? It will also create the opportunity to identify strategies and professional learning needs.
Register for the Blether on Eventbrite

Connecting with the Children in Scotland Network

The CLDSC is a member of Children in Scotland whose mission is to give all children in Scotland an equal chance to flourish; they bring together a network of people working with and for children, alongside children and young people themselves. Catherine Bromley, their Senior Communications Officer, has written a blog for our website, outlining Children in Scotland’s role and how members of the CLDSC can benefit from our membership.
You can read Catherine’s blog on the CLDSC website. From there, you can explore the Children in Scotland Members’ Hub. If you need to access any of the resources that require a sign-in, you can do so through your CLDSC membership, just email for details.

Scotland Learns

The latest issue of the Scotland Learns newsletter from Education Scotland is now available! View and Subscribe on the Education Scotland site.
It has information to support learners, parents and carers as well as news and professional learning opportunities for practitioners. See also the resources for practitioners section of Scotland Learns.

Supporting Student Carers course from the College Development Network

CDN and Carers Trust Scotland have joined forces to help improve support to over 12,000 student carers in Scotland, who are studying at college alongside providing unpaid care for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems.
Supporting Student Carers at College is a new innovative free digital training module that has been developed by CDN and Carers Trust Scotland from funding received by The Scottish Funding Council. The module will help practitioners to better understand the challenges faced by many student carers, and it provides guidance on how to improve support for these students at college.

Funding Awareness Outreach offer from the Student Awards Agency Scotland

The Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) is an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government who help higher education students find the right information about support and funding. The Funding Awareness Team offer support and guidance by offering Funding Talks to groups of students and/or parents/carers on the funding available and how to apply. They also offer a digital alternative where they deliver the funding presentation online followed by a Q&A session. For more information about the online schedule please check the social media channels @saastweet

Updates from Disclosure Scotland

  • Applying for disclosure checks: From late March until 25 June 2020, Disclosure Scotland had been encouraging customers to only submit checks for coronavirus response workers. Since 26 June, individuals and employers have been able to apply for routine disclosure checks, which you can now do online. The latest forms are available on the Disclosure Scotland website.
  • Disclosure Scotland e-bulletin: Interested in keeping up to date with what’s happening at Disclosure Scotland, including forthcoming changes in disclosure legislation that may affect you? Complete the Disclosure Scotland online sign up form to receive the quarterly e-bulletin.