The Scottish Government were gathering views to help inform the Equality and Human Rights Mainstreaming Strategy, which they feel is fundamental to achieving positive change and a fairer, more equal, society in Scotland for all of those who live here by tackling persistent inequality in society and sustaining equality of opportunity for all of those who live in Scotland. The Equality and Human Rights Mainstreaming Strategy captures the Government’s commitment and aims to take action to further Scotland’s position as a global leader in equality and human rights and sets out the approach to mainstreaming Equality and Human Rights in Scotland, ensuring mainstreaming is a core Government and wider public sector function and responsibility.
We feel strongly that the CLD sector as a profession should be reflected throughout this guidance as a one of the key stakeholders in its support and implementation, across public bodies as well as the wider voluntary sector who often play a critical role in delivering public sector services.
This response was compiled following consultation with members of the CLD Standards Council. We facilitated online consultation events with the Mainstreaming Strategy Team from Scottish Government, as well as dialogue with individual members. We have not offered answers for all questions as set out in the Scottish Government’s consultation but have responded to those questions we felt relevant to the CLD sector. CLD Standards Council members were also notified of the Equality and Human Rights Mainstreaming Strategy consultation, and encouraged to submit a full and individual response.
The report was submitted to the Scottish Government on Wednesday 5th February 2025 on behalf of the membership.