Author Archives: CLDSC Editor

CLDSC Member Bulletin 25 November 2020

New CLD course from Edinburgh University

CLDSC completed an approval visit with University of Edinburgh in January 2020 with the new MA(Hons) Learning in Communities going live in 2021. The report to University of Edinburgh stated:

“The Approval Panel wished to applaud the commitment to widening participation. It is heartening to see the level of consultation undertaken for the establishment of the programme and panel were impressed that recommendations from the consultation were taken into account and embedded within the programme. The panel also wish to acknowledge that the programme will be delivered by a very supportive staff team.”

This programme has two possible exit routes leading to two qualifications:

  • BA (Ordinary) – exit after Year 3 – SCQF level 9
  • MA (Honours) – exit after Year 4 – SCQF level 10

The BA (Ord) Learning in Communities degree, awarded after three years of study, is professionally approved by the CLD Standards Council for Scotland (CLDSCS).

Students can also graduate after Year 4 with an MA (Hons) Learning in Communities degree.

Find details on programme structure, entry requirements, funding and how to apply on the programme website. Programme details and how to apply

If you have any questions about this programme, you would be welcome to speak to the Programme Directors via live chat at the Undergraduate virtual Open Day taking place on 27 November 2020. Find details on how to register for the Open Day.

Tips & Tricks for CLD Practitioners Webinar

Webinar with Kathryn Koromilas, a CLD Adult Learning practitioner with years of experience of delivering online and blended learning, before it was a necessity. Based on feedback from previous webinar participants this session will aim to give participants some ‘tips and tricks’ around learner engagement online, overcoming technical barriers and making the most of digital platforms.

This webinar is open to all CLD practitioners regardless of role as it focuses on learning engagement. Webinar will take place on 9th December at 11am.

Register for the webinar on Eventbrite.

The College of the Future Report

The Independent Commission on the College of the Future, launched in Spring 2019 as a UK-wide, four nations process, has published its final report. Read the report on the Commission website.

The report aims to answer two questions: what do we want and need from colleges from 2030 onwards, and how do we get there? It sees its recommendations as having a key part to play in “a skills-led recovery to the ongoing health crisis”, and to rebuilding “healthy, connected and cohesive communities”.

Among the recommendations are that Colleges should develop as “key anchor institutions in the local community, supporting wider community action and services as well as providing education and learning”, and that a statutory right to lifelong learning should be established.

The report’s support for strong partnerships between Colleges and “adult community learning providers” (CLD in the Scottish context) at both national and regional/local level is particularly timely as the new Lifelong Learning Strategy develops in Scotland.

Affordability of school uniform in Scotland

Research has found that almost 20% of secondary schools in Scotland specified an exclusive supplier for school uniform, thus increasing costs for families.

In Scotland there is currently no national guidance on school uniform and dress code policy unlike Wales which has statutory guidance and England and Northern Ireland which have non-statutory guidance. The UK Government is supporting a Private Members Bill which intends to ban schools from using an exclusive supplier for uniform.

The research also found that few secondary schools in Scotland address equalities or human rights considerations in their uniform policy and schools do not appear to actively engage pupils in decision-making about uniform policy on a regular basis. These findings have various implications for meeting statutory obligations under UK law, as well as implications for the Scottish Government’s proposed incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scots law.

The research was carried out by Dr Rachel Shanks, Senior Lecturer at University of Aberdeen, and CLD Standards Council Registered member.

You can read the policy briefing PDF on the Aberdeen University site.

There is also a free online event ‘Making School Uniform Affordable’ on Thursday 26th November 10-11am with Sara Spencer of Child Poverty Action Group Scotland and a Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament. You can sign up to attend at the Explorathon website.

Carnegie UK Report – ‘Accelerating Digital: Learning from a digital inclusion accelerator programme’

Eliminating digital exclusion is not a new challenge and the ways that organisations tackle the issue continue to evolve and refine. As a result, policy makers and funders also need to continually review how they support organisations to deliver the best outcomes to improve wellbeing, sustainably and efficiently.

In 2018, Carnegie UK launched the #NotWithoutMe Accelerator, a development programme to create opportunities for different types of organisations to explore, experiment with and learn more about delivering digital inclusion support, specifically with young people.

They have now published ‘Accelerating Digital: Learning from a digital inclusion accelerator programme’ to explore the relative merits and considerations of the approach, particularly for the third sector. This evaluation has been undertaken by Revealing Reality and is intended to act as a resource for individuals or organisations with an interest in development and capability building in their sector.

This reflective research explores various aspects of the programme design, factors around individual and organisational participation and provides 10 summary considerations. This report is intended to strengthen the evidence base for further capacity building interventions, and with a focus on digital, but also to inform practitioners about this, still relatively novel type of support.

You can read the report on the Carnegie Trust website and follow the hashtag #NotWithoutMe on Twitter to join the conversation.

CLDSC Member Bulletin 18 November 2020

CLD Standards Council Conference 2020

Don’t forget to book your place at our #CLDSCConf2020 on 1 and 2 December. We have a packed programme but have made sure to include lots of opportunities for connecting with colleagues old and new. Register for the conference on Zoom.

SVQ in Youth Work Survey

We are leading a review of the SVQs in Youth work and are seeking views from youth workers, youth work employers, training organisations and educational institutions to inform that work. The SVQs in Youth Work are an important part of the network of qualifications that support the professional learning and development of youth workers in Scotland.

They were last update in 2015. Since then the Youth Work NOS have been revised. Consequently, there is a need to review the SVQs in Youth Work in order to ensure that they remain fit for purpose.
You can contribute your views to the Review by completing our online survey.

We are also planning to conduct interviews with interested parties. If you have things that you would like to say about the SVQs in Youth Work, you can express interest in being interviewed in your survey response or be emailing Graham Hewitson. (

You can complete the SVQ survey on SmartSurvey. The deadline for completing the online survey is 07 December 2020.

CLD Digital Inclusion Survey

The Scottish Government wants to find out the scale of need when it comes to digital exclusion. Your responses will play a vital role in shaping our policy interventions. We want to support those most disproportionately affected by COVID-19 by having the technology they need to access vital services. We would be extremely grateful if you could please complete this short digital inclusion survey and share this survey with your contacts as well.

SCVO Digital Inclusion Qualification

SCVO, in partnership with Glasgow Kelvin College, have created three SCQF credit rated courses, designed to support local people get online and take measures to address the digital skills gap in Scotland. Whilst the qualifications have been developed in collaboration with colleagues in the housing sector, there is relevance to CLD practitioners. CLDSC Member Rory Brown completed the Digital Inclusion Project Management (SCQF Level 8) which is designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills required to design, implement and fully evaluate a digital skills project. It combines both Community Learning and Development (CLD) and Business principles and practices in a range of areas, including; researching current provision, partnership working, project management, recruitment, marketing and self-evaluation.

Here’s what Rory said about it:
“This course has been written to be a practical guide to thinking about, implementing and evaluating digital participation projects in a variety of contexts and reflects the CLDSC Competences. It’s perfect for anyone wanting to undertake flexible, place based learning. If you’re interested in Digital Participation and want a work based qualification to help guide you…then sign up. It’s AMAZING! ”

Other available courses are: Certificate in Digital Inclusion Support (SCQF Level 4) and Essential Skills for Digital Champions (SCQF Level 6). All courses are delivered online and are FREE! There are no entry requirements, other than having a strong interest in digital inclusion. Further information is available on the SCVO website.

New Minority Ethnic Recruitment Toolkit

The Working with Scotland’s Communities research identified the need for more diversity in the CLD workforce. Now the Scottish Government has published a toolkit for managers looking to recruit more people from minority ethnic backgrounds. It includes suggestions and ideas for aspects of the process from setting a strategic direction to sifting and interviewing. While a lot of the content has been drawn from practice that is used in parts of the public sector, the information may be equally useful to employers in other sectors.

You can access the toolkit on the Scottish Government website.

How are you doing? Report

The Children’s Parliament has published the fourth/final report for 2020 on the results from our How are you doing? national wellbeing survey for 8 to 14 year olds.

The survey report can be viewed on the Children’s Parliament website.

Community Development Alliance Scotland (CDAS) AGM and Networking Event

CDAS’s AGM will take place on Zoom on Thursday 3rd December, 10-11.30. As well as dealing with the AGM business, this will be an opportunity to network, with speakers and discussion on influencing decision-making, democratic participation, human rights and other topics.

You can register free on the CDAS website.

The November issue of the CDAS Bulletin, with a focus on collaborative working, is out; you can subscribe at the same address.

Housing First National Framework Consultation

A new National Framework for Housing First in Scotland has opened for consultation.

Housing First provides ordinary, settled housing as a first response to redress the disadvantages faced by people whose homelessness is made harder by longer-term experiences such as trauma and addiction. The National Framework is a ‘how to and why’ professional guide, setting out what each partner brings, and what each will need in order to make Housing First a success in all parts of the country from 2021. The Framework is designed for all organisations and sectors starting or scaling up Housing First in Scotland. It sets out the context in which the approach can be successfully delivered, and should act as a guide to planning, commissioning and implementing the approach.

Homeless Network Scotland has drafted the Framework with support from expert advisors from across national and local government, housing and support providers and the Pathfinders.

If you are an individual or organisation that has an interest in Housing First, or a role in delivering it, you can share your views by please responding to the consultation by 31 December 2020.

View the National Framework for Housing First (PDF)  and complete the consultation survey.

There is also a series of consultation webinars during November and December. Please follow @HFScotland on Twitter for updates and email to discuss any element of the Framework.

CLDSC Member Bulletin 11 November 2020

CLDSC Conference 2020 – Registration now open!

It’s been delayed by eight months, looks a little different and the programme has been updated to reflect our ever changing practice landscape, but we’re delighted to announce that Conference 2020 registration is now open!

Over the afternoon of 1 December (1.30-4pm) and the morning of 2 December (9.30am-1pm) we’ll take time to reenergise by focussing on our health and wellbeing as practitioners whilst looking to the future of CLD in 2021 and beyond. Gavin Oattes, author, comedian and managing director of Tree of Knowledge is our keynote speaker on the 1st. On the 2nd there will be panel inputs with Q & A sessions and member discussions where we will consider emerging issues for our profession. We’ll be using Zoom as the conference platform and our friends at SCVO are dealing with booking administration. Please register on Zoom to attend.

We look forward to seeing you but meantime, if you’re tweeting, please spread the word using #CLDSCConf2020.

Community Learning and Development (CLD) COVID-19 recovery guidance webinar series

    In partnership with the Scottish Government, leaders from key national CLD organisations are collaborating to provide a series of webinars focussed on the recently updated CLD COVID-19 recovery guidance, and other relevant government guidance and related third sector advice on assessing risk and planning for re-opening safely.

  • The series is designed to address a range of audiences in the CLD sector, both generic and practice specific. The webinars will be of most interest to managers and practitioners in the public, and third sector including community representatives planning the recovery of services, or adjusting recovery plans in light of ongoing changes in local circumstances.
  • The webinars will offer a walkthrough the latest Scottish Government CLD guidance, highlight other related guidance, and provide an opportunity to learn from others’ experiences of interpreting and applying guidance in their context. Insights to the webinars will inform ongoing Scottish Government monitoring and review of the guidance.
  • Delegates are invited to contribute a question in advance of the session, and we will aim to respond to as many of the emerging themes as we can.

Please sign up to the event of most relevance to your area of focus at the link below.

20th November, 3-4pm – CLD COVID-19 recovery guidance webinar for universal CLD audience
Register on Eventbrite for 20th November universal audience

24th November, 5.30 – 6.30 pm – CLD COVID-19 recovery guidance webinar for youth work
Register on Eventbrite for 24th November Youth work

25th November, 3-4pm – CLD COVID-19 recovery guidance webinar for adult learning
Register on Eventbrite for 25th November adult learning

26th November, 10-11:30am – CLD COVID-19 recovery guidance webinar for community development
Register on Eventbrite for 26th November community development

Stay in Scotland – a toolkit for EU citizens and their employers

Are you or is another CLD practitioner or volunteer you know an EU citizen? Perhaps some of the community members, learners or young people you work with are EU citizens. EU citizens must apply to the UK Government’s EU Settlement Scheme by 30 June 2021 in order to continue living, working and studying in the UK after that date. The Scottish Government’s Stay in Scotland toolkit includes information on the EU Settlement Scheme, details of the application process and requirements, links to other resources and some practical suggestions about how employers can support their EU employees in the workplace.

As part of the Stay in Scotland campaign Citizens Advice Scotland operate a free national helpline on 0800 916 9847 where people with questions about the EU Settlement Scheme can get confidential and impartial advice and support from qualified advisers. CLDSC members can help get this information out to those who need it. Full details can be found on the website.

Introduction to the STEM Ambassador Programme for CLD Practitioners

A webinar on Tuesday 17 November 4-5 pm is being hosted in conjunction with Education Scotland. It is open to anyone delivering CLD services and will provide information about the STEM ambassador programme and how it can support local CLD groups with a focus on young people and family learning.
You can register on Eventbrite for STEM Ambassador introduction.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 4 November 2020

Updated Covid-19 Guidance for CLD Sector

Scottish Government has published updated guidance for the CLD sector to include reference to the new protection levels which were introduced on 2 November.

Specific information has been included regarding the delivery of Youth Work and Adult Learning in each protection level. Please visit the Scottish Government website for more information.

Information for Community Development delivery can be found on the SCDC website.

Meet Up – Climate Emergency – 13 November 1-2pm

Join in the Climate emergency conversation at our next Virtual Meet Up. As CLD Professionals, our Code of Ethics, competences and values call us to be critically aware, well informed and proactive in addressing inequality and injustice.

Can we do more individually and collectively to address these issues? Does our practice need to change now in order for us to protect democratic, human rights and the natural environment for our own and future generations?

Register to attend on Eventbrite.

CLDSC Conference – 1 and 2 December 2020 – SAVE THE DATES!

Just a reminder that our Conference is back! We’re delighted to confirm that Gavin Oattes, author and managing director of Tree Of Knowledge will be our keynote speaker. Keep look out in your email inbox for registration and programme details.

CLDSC Membership– Tell a pal!

Encourage someone you know to join. If you have a colleague who is not yet a member send them this link to our new membership information video. It is just 2 minutes long and tells them everything they need to know.

Remember there are associate and registered member options. Benefits include taking part in Member meetups, our annual conference (see info above!), learning opportunities, and being part of your recognised professional body, not to mention this newsletter.

Apply online on i-develop.

Intercultural Youth Scotland Covid in Colour report

Intercultural Youth Scotland is “a youth-led movement dedicated to supporting young Black and young People of Colour to share, grow and succeed in their personal lives, at school and at work”. They “aim to give young people a chance to express themselves as well as help to expose the problems they currently face in Scottish society”.

Recognising the issues raised by both the Covid pandemic and the traumatic events leading to the Black Lives Matter movement, in their Covid in Colour research report they aim to tell “what the impact of these uncertain times has been on our Black and POC youth communities”.

Please visit the Intercultural Youth Scotland website for further information.

DTAS conference – 9-12 November 2020

We’re looking forward to attending the Development Trust Association Scotland (DTAS) virtual conference and hosting a virtual market stall. As with all things this year, it will be a bit different for us not to attend with our bundles of Competent Practitioner Framework booklets, Code of Ethics and of course, the obligatory CLDSC pens! However, it will be a valuable space to network and hear about the triumphs and challenges of DTAS members.

Visit the DTAS website for more information.

EPALE Conference October 2020 – view videos

The EPALE Community Conference brought together world-renowned policy makers, trainers, and professionals who focus on the powerful potential of our daily choices in teaching, providing education and training programmes for adults in different contexts. Lots of exciting topics were addressed, exploring the problem of how to reach groups at risk of social exclusion and the issues of inequality in accessing digital opportunities, digital inclusion of rural areas and the need to make sure that technological platforms and solutions are inclusive and not exclusive.

All the speeches at the conference touched on participation and engagement as key elements of inclusive education and effective outreach. You can view the speeches, panel and workshops on the EPALE website.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 28 October 2020

Member Meet Up 13 November 1-2pm – Climate Emergency

Climate emergency represents a crucial moment for all human beings to take stock of our circumstances and review what impact our activities or lack of them are having on the planet and potential future generations. CLD Professionals have a code of ethics and set of values that calls us to be critically aware, well informed and proactive in addressing inequality and injustice – climate emergency and the Covid 19 pandemic exacerbate and magnify already catastrophic levels of inequality both locally and globally.

Can we do more individually and collectively to address these issues? How does our practice need to change now in order for us to protect democratic, human rights and the natural environment for our own and future generations?

To join the conversation, Register on Eventbrite.

CLD Standards Council Conference 2020 – Did you save the date?

As we said last week, the CLDSC Member Conference is back! We are hosting a virtual conference over 1st and 2nd December and we’ll have a split day format (Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning) so that we avoid zoom fatigue and increase opportunities for members to participate. We’ll also make sure as many inputs as possible are recorded and placed on i-develop so you can access them if you’re not able to attend. More details will follow soon.

Education Scotland Events

Education Scotland CLD colleagues are hosting a range of events over the next few weeks – see below for information and joining details:

Introduction to the STEM Ambassador Programme for CLD Practitioners
Tuesday 17th November, 4pm – 5pm Platform: Zoom
Sign up to join the session on Eventbrite.

ESOL Practitioner national webinar
Wednesday 18th November 10am – 11am
Register to attend the webinar

4 lunchtime Blethers for CLD practitioners in the West of Scotland
Register to attend the Blethers

Outdoor Education Funding 

The Scottish Government has announced it will provide £2 million of funding to mitigate the financial challenges facing the residential outdoor education sector as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.  The package will include funding to help centres provide safe, impactful outdoor learning experiences to support young people’s education and wellbeing through this challenging period. Discussions on administration of the package of support continue and details of how to apply will be made available as soon as possible.

For further information please visit the Scottish Government Help for residential outdoor education.

Get into Governance – Free Virtual Workshop

Joining a board is a great way to share your views, enhance your skills, expand your professional networks and make a difference to your local community.
To find out more about becoming a board member join CDN and Changing the Chemistry for the free Get into Governance virtual workshop on 9 November at 6pm.

The workshop will explore why you should consider going on a board, and hear from current board members in the education and third sector about their experience and what joining a board has done for them. It will also provide information on the support and training available including the new Get into Governance training programme.

Further information and booking on the CDN site.

Exams 2020: Review and Scottish Government Response

Scottish Government commissioned a rapid review of the processes through which National Qualifications were awarded in 2020 after exams were cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. The review made 9 recommendations for the future, 8 of which have been accepted by Scottish Government.

Among the recommendations accepted were suspension of the 2021 National 5 exams, development of improved systems for moderation of assessments not based on exams and – of particular interest from a CLD perspective – development of more systematic processes for working with and engaging young people, as stakeholders and rights holders in education.

The recommendation not accepted was for commissioning of independent research into the development and application of the 2020 Alternative Certification Model.

You can access the review report on the Scottish Government website and the Scottish Government Response.

National Standards for Community Engagement – Recovery and Renewal

The Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) is offering a guide to the National Standards for Community Engagement, which aims to help with thinking about how to engage communities for recovery and renewal. It covers some of the issues arising from the Covid-19 pandemic which are impacting on communities and which might make it more difficult for people to take part in engagement activity. It also points to useful resources and online tools that can help address these issues.

You can download the guidance from the Voice Scotland website.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 21 October 2020

CLD Standards Council Conference 2020 

Well, we thought it might not happen and it certainly won’t happen the way we thought, but, your CLDSC Member Conference is back!  We’ll be hosting a virtual conference over 1st and 2nd December so save the date!  After having to cancel our original dates in March, we’ve taken time to review and reflect on how our world is changing and learn from the lessons our online interactions have taught us.

Through increased engagement with members and experiencing a range of webinars, workshops, blethers and conferences during the last 6 months, we’ll have a split day format (Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning) so that we avoid zoom fatigue and increase opportunities for members to participate. We’ll also make sure as many inputs as possible are recorded and placed on i-develop so you can access them if you’re not able to attend. We’re still working on the programme, so watch this space for information and booking details. Can’t wait to see you!

Framework for Good Practice in Working with Volunteers in ESOL

We were delighted to be part of the steering group developing the Framework for Good Practice in Working with Volunteers in ESOL and we’re now proud to highlight its launch. As you will know, volunteers bring enthusiasm and a range of other valuable skills. This Framework aims to aid organisations to reflect on their practice to ensure a positive volunteering experience for learners, volunteers and projects. We hope it will be an interesting read and source of support for projects of any size.  

You can continue to share ideas on Volunteering in ESOL page on i-develop
You might also want to attend one of the events below:

7th November: NATECLA Scotland conference online. Book here.
26th November: National discussion (Scotland) event for volunteer ESOL coordinators. Book on Eventbrite

Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference 2020

To mark the 2020 conference SERA has organised three online events. The theme for the week of events is:
Education and Educational Research – past, present and future.

Monday 16th November 4pm – 5:30pm
Wednesday 18th November 4pm – 5:30pm
Thursday 19th November 4pm – 5:30pm

Look out for more information about speakers and registering for the events on Twitter and the SERA website over the coming weeks.

EPALE UK in Conversation with the Adult Learning Sector

EPALE is hosting a day of online workshops: ‘EPALE UK in conversation with the Adult learning sector’ on Tuesday 10 November 10.30am-3.30pm. 

Participants will have the chance to share learning experiences, discuss challenges facing the sector, and make valuable connections with like-minded adult learning practitioners.

Particularly relevant themes including digital skills, community learning, and inclusion, will all be covered.

Click to register on Eventbrite

Carnegie UK: ‘Learning from Lockdown: 12 Steps to Eliminate Digital Exclusion’

Since the outbreak of Covid-19 the scale of digital exclusion in the UK has been exposed and exacerbated beyond previous understanding. While new initiatives have been rapidly and successfully delivered, substantially accelerating progress and ensuring thousands of individuals now have appropriate digital access, there is still much more to be done to ensure no one in the UK is left digitally excluded. 

In its new report, Carnegie UK sets out a series of 12 recommendations calling for ambitious action from policy makers, practitioners, academia and industry. The recommendations build on work on digital inclusion over the past decade, and particularly draw on learning and reflections from the coronavirus outbreak and lockdown period. 

You can read the report here and follow the hashtag #12stepsfordigital on Twitter to join the conversation. 

Scottish Funding Council – Review of Coherent Provision and Sustainability

Back in August, we told you that we’d submitted a response to the review of sustainability on Further and Higher Education being led by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), the national, strategic body that funds further and higher education and research in Scotland. The review has now been published and you can access it on the SFC website.

Best Wishes
CLD Standards Council

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 07 October 2020

Virtual Meet Up Challenge Poverty Week – 5-11 October 2020

If you didn’t manage to join our Twitter blether on Tuesday co-hosted with Education Scotland CLD Team, there’s still time for your to join the conversation. You can catch up with the Twitter chat by clicking here: #CLDChallengePoverty

But there’s a bonus! This month’s CLDSC Virtual Meet Up on Friday 9th October 1-2pm will explore the same key questions around CLD competences in practice in relation to poverty to encourage reflection, highlight issues and identify any Professional Learning needs.
Register for the Meet up on Eventbrite and connect with colleagues from across Scotland.

Introductory Videos of Digital Learning Tools

Following on from interactive demonstrations at a member meet-up, 3 of our members- Anita Jamieson, Vikki Carpenter and Jenni Snell, have now recorded video demonstrations of 4 learning tools – Padlet, Kahoot,, Menti and Jamboard. These videos are available to watch on a new meet-up resources area of i-develop. (You will need to log in to access – email us at if you have any trouble accessing)

The videos are only about 10 minutes long each and should give you a good taster for the tool and how you might start using it with your team or learners.

New CLDSC Membership Information Video

Have a look at our new video which tells you all about how to register with CLDSC, what your commitments are as a member and what the benefits are of being a CLDSC Member. Watch on the CLD Standards Council website

Please feel free to share with your wider networks to help raise awareness of CLD Standards Council and how we support your professional practice and professional learning.

Free OU Course – Online Teaching: Improving and Evaluating Courses

The Open University Scotland is offering a limited number of fully-funded places on its new microcredential Online Teaching: Improving and Evaluating Courses.

This course will start on 30th November and will run for 12 weeks, requiring approximately 13 hours of study a week. Upon completing the course, learners will gain 15 credits at SCQF level 11.

More information and the application form can be found on the The Open University website.

The deadline for applications is 19th October 2020.

Public Health Scotland Strategic Plan

Public Health Scotland’s first Strategic Plan, focusing on COVID-19, mental wellbeing, communities and place, and poverty and children, shows the scope for links between CLD and public health. The plan highlights the need for collaboration, saying that “No one organisation, sector or community can tackle these public health challenges alone”. Public Health Scotland aims to “combine their expertise in health protection, data and intelligence and long-term population health, with specialist knowledge and evidence across the public and third sectors”, and to “work with communities and local, regional and national partners to improve health and wellbeing locally together”.

Please visit the Public Health Scotland website to view the Strategic Plan: ‘A Scotland where everybody thrives’.

Carnegie UK Pooling Together Report

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Carnegie Trust has been undertaking a series of conversations with communities across the UK, exploring the changing relationship between local government, public services and communities. Community hubs were found to be a critical part of the emergency response and the Trust believes that these hubs could have a longer-term role in recovery from the pandemic.

Building on the learning from conversations with four areas, (North Ayrshire, Renfrewshire, Lancaster and Scarborough), their new report offers examples of best practice, challenges, opportunities and learning for the future. You can also listen to Connected Communities North Ayrshire Council tell the story of the Virtual Community Centre, view the video on YouTube.

Best Wishes

CLD Standards Council

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 23 September 2020

CLD Practitioners Health & Wellbeing Blether – 29 September 2-3pm

This blether is all about you! Information from the CLD Standards Council (CLDSC) Covid-19 Surveys highlights areas impacting on your health and wellbeing as practitioners including: volume/pace of work; return to face-to-face delivery; and job security. The CLDSC Code of Ethics will frame the discussion giving an opportunity to share issues of concern as well as time to discuss strategies and support.

To attend the Blether, register on Eventbrite

Surveys closing soon – have you responded yet?

Online Professional Learning
The CLD Standards Council is reviewing our online learning provision. We are keen to gather your views and details of use of professional learning online, and the i-develop service in particular. This information will help us support the professional learning needs of CLD practitioners and to update the i-develop platform accordingly.

Please complete the Survey of Online Professional Learning

Supervisor Training and Support
The CLD Standards Council is planning to support students through the creation of a Scotland–wide placement supervisor professional training and development qualification. Help us shape this work by completing one the following surveys:

All of the above surveys will close on Friday 2 October.

Youth Work Education Recovery Fund Now Open

The Youth Work Education Recovery Fund will enable the sector to support young people in some of the country’s most vulnerable communities engage and re-engage with vital learning opportunities.

The fund will be administered by YouthLink Scotland and is open for applications from Community Learning and Development services working with young people to build confidence and skills; support their mental health and wellbeing; and those that address the poverty-related attainment gap.

Funding awards of £20,000-£60,000 are available, with the aim of strengthening youth work and schools partnerships, increasing access to outdoor learning opportunities, and increasing the youth work provision for families and communities disproportionately disadvantaged by Covid-19.

Click here to apply

College Development Network Virtual Bridge sessions

CDN has partnered with Jisc to bring you Virtual Bridge, a brand new series of webinars. A direct response to the current crisis, these sessions have been designed to support college staff in delivering remote learning and teaching, but also have lots of great information for CLD practitioners not in a college setting.

The 30-minute sessions are now running twice a week (Tuesday and Friday, 11am) and anyone can join for free! You can also view past webinars on the CDN YouTube Channel

SCQF – Professional Learning Opportunity

Looking for some Continuous Professional Development hours towards your CLDSC Registration commitment? Interested in Credit Rating a piece of CLD Learning you are developing? Or, interested in Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) then SCQF may be able to assist you

Please click here for the upcoming workshops

Programme for Government Commentary

The CLDSC is a member of Children in Scotland, who invited us to contribute a CLD perspective on the Programme for Government for their members. The blog is published here.

Welcoming the programme’s positive references to CLD, and commitment to a Lifelong Learning Strategy, we highlight the challenge of ensuring that it engages individuals, families and communities as real partners, and links to strategies for community empowerment. And we argue that the challenge posed by the pandemic must be used as an opportunity to engage, connect, educate and empower.

Kickstart Scheme

Kickstart is a UK Government Scheme that provides funding to employers to create 6 month job placements for 16 to 24 year olds who are currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment.

Please visit the UK Government website for further information

Any organisation, regardless of size, can apply for funding; organisations employing less than 30 Kickstart roles need to apply through an intermediary representative organisation. SCVO is offering this service to third sector organisations or you may be able to access support through your local authority

Please visit the SCVO website for further information

Join Us at the Scottish Charity Awards Ceremony!

The Scottish Charity Awards recognise and celebrate the best that Scotland’s voluntary sector has to offer and CLD Standards Council is proud to be sponsoring the Celebrating Communities Award at this year’s #ScotCharityAwards. Sally Magnusson is presenting live and there will be surprise special guests too.

The ceremony is being held online on Friday 25 September and we’d like to invite you to join us for virtual pre-ceremony drinks reception at 6pm. Get your gladrags on, top up your glass and join fellow CLDSC members to celebrate the work of CLD in the voluntary sector. The ceremony is scheduled to take place form 7-8pm and we hope to watch together as it will be live streamed on YouTube.

To join us on the night, please register on Eventbrite

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 16 September 2020

CLDSC Practice Placement Guidance

Academic Year 2020-21

Due to the continuing Covid-19 situation, we have updated our Guidance relating to CLD Practice Placements in Academic Year 2020/21.

Please click here for the Updated Guidance

CLD Blethers

Delivering in partnership with CLD colleagues in Education Scotland, we have not one, but three blethering opportunities to tell you about!

  1. CLD Practitioners Health & Wellbeing Blether – 29 September 2-3pm
    This blether is all about you! Information from the CLD Standards Council (CLDSC) Covid-19 Surveys highlights areas impacting on your health and wellbeing as practitioners including: volume/pace of work; return to face-to-face delivery; and job security. The CLDSC Code of Ethics will frame the discussion giving an opportunity to share issues of concern as well as time to discuss strategies and support.

To attend the Blether, register on Eventbrite

  1. Blended Learning/Digital Engagement Blether – 5 October 2-3.15pm
    Online/blended delivery and engagement are hot topics just now. With some brief inputs from other practitioners, this blether will focus on how you’ve maintained engagement with current learners and encouraged new learners to participate – what’s worked, what hasn’t? It will also create the opportunity to identify strategies and professional learning needs.

To attend the Blether, register on Eventbrite

  1. Challenging Poverty Week Twitter Blether – 6 October 12-1pm
    To promote Challenge Poverty Week (5-11 October), we’re hosting our very first Twitter Chat! Using the CLD Competences as a guide, we’ll look at key areas of CLD practice in relation to addressing the causes and highlighting the impacts of poverty. The Poverty Alliance will also be taking part. Search for the chat on Twitter by using #CLDChallengePoverty and don’t forget to follow @CLDStandardsCouncil and @EdScotCLD too!

COSLA launches Blueprint for Scottish Local Government

CoSLA believes that the Blueprint will “allow Local Government to build around an ambitious vision for Scotland’s future – one based on the empowerment of people and communities”.

The Blueprint argues that “decisions should be made from the community up, not from the top down. In making the voice of local people heard and acted upon across all public services, we can address the huge health, social and financial costs of persistent inequality in this country.

We also recognise that engaging a representative group from across our communities can be difficult and that we need to be realistic about the work and time involved in ensuring that the voice of people heard is reflective of the wider community”.

Community Development Alliance Scotland Annual Conference: Action, Impact and Change

Speakers at CDAS’s conference on 7 October include Doreen Grove (Scottish Government), Anna Clarke, President of the International Association for Community Development, and Phil Prentice (Scotland’s Towns Partnership). There’ll be time for discussion on key themes including influencing decision making, human-rights and inclusion.

To learn more and register for the conference, please go to the Community Development Alliance Scotland website

Shaping the future of Adult Learning in Europe: EPALE Community Conference

6,7 and 8 October

To learn more and to register for the conference, please go to the EPALE website

Community Conversation: Making Rights Real

17 September, 10am -12pm

Making Rights Real is a new grassroots human rights organisation in Scotland, and with the Scottish Human Rights Commission and the Participation and the Practice of Rights project is hosting this event for people living in Scotland who may be experiencing human rights concerns.

For further information, please visit the Making Rights Real website

And finally, Thank You!

Our Virtual Meet-Up in aid of Macmillan last week raised £75! Those attending pooled information and experience of implementing Coronavirus CLD Guidance and delivering blended learning.

We also heard about a free 2-day online event being run by Co-operative College Learning Live (sessions include What is Co-op Learning, Social Action Showcase and Making Knowledge Together Through Radical Learning – all with a global slant). And of course a sweet treat recipe or two was shared too!

Guidance for CLD students and programme providers for academic year 2020/21 – September 2020

This guidance has been updated – please see UPDATED Guidance as of March 2021

Please see the following advice from the CLD Standards Council Scotland (CLDSC) in response to the disruption to delivery of CLDSC approved programmes caused by the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak. Due to these exceptional and rapidly changing circumstances, this guidance is intended to manage and minimise disruption to CLD students attending Scottish Further Education Institutions (FEIs) and Higher Education institutions (HEIs) whilst seeking to ensure that the quality of CLD learning programmes is not compromised.

This is the guidance at September 2020.