Author Archives: Lorna Renton

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 10 February 2021

COVID-19 Further and Higher Education Ministerial Task Force: CLD Students

Our Director, Dr Marion Allison will be representing the CLD Standards Council on the recently established Ministerial Task Force.  This group was established by Mr Richard Lochhead, the Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science to address the immediate challenges in this academic year and then consider longer term consequences for students completing their qualifications on business and the economy, for example, completing their qualifications, practice placements and the future pipeline of suitably qualified CLD practitioners.

Members’ Virtual Meet-up, 26 February

The next Virtual meet-up is on February 26th, 1 – 2 p.m. We’ll be talking about climate change, the Scottish Government’s draft strategy for public engagement on this, and what the role of CLD is, can and should be. Under the strategic objective of “Enabling Participation in Policy Design” the strategy’s aim is that “People actively participate in shaping fair and inclusive policies that encourage adaptation to and mitigation of climate change”. Is this part of what you currently do? Do you think you should be more involved? Do you need support for this?

Register to attend the meet-up on Eventbrite and come along to share experiences and ideas about CLD practice and climate change.

Youth Work Research Reports

Further to the Impact of Universal Youth Work national study report published in 2018, a series of studies have been conducted aiming to add to the evidence base.  You can find out more on the YouthLink website.   The latest study focused on the impact of LGBT Youth Scotland’s digital youth work on young people during lockdown.  Read the LGBT Youth Scotland report (PDF).

Collaborative Research Inquiry Opportunity

A partnership between the Professional Association of Lecturers in Youth & Community Work (TAGPALYCW) the Open University, University of Glasgow and the University of Hull is launching an inquiry running from now until June 2022. 

The aims of the project are twofold:

  1. Firstly, it will examine and capture the experiences of lecturers teaching on youth and community work programmes during the current pandemic, the issues and challenges that COVID is presenting, and how they are creatively addressing these challenges. 
  2. Secondly, the research will look forward to the future post-pandemic (whenever that might be). In a context of great uncertainty, it will explore what the future might look like for youth and community work and youth and community work programmes? Ask whether the pandemic will lead to longer term change in learning and teaching methodologies – including opportunities for learning through collaboration? And, investigate how students can be prepared for working with young people and communities; and for navigating practice in the society that emerges post-COVID? 

If you are interested in participating, there is more information on the TAGPALYCW website and you can email: to express your interest by Friday 19th February. All participants will then be contacted with a full participant briefing pack, submission instructions and invitations to the enquiry sessions.

The inaugural SCQF Week and March workshops announced

SCQF Week from 15-19 March needs your support! Join in by sharing your own achievements and the SCQF Level of your learning. 

SCQF are delighted to announce the very first SCQF Week taking place from 15 – 19 March 2021. The event intends to highlight the important part the SCQF plays in the learner journey. It will celebrate the achievements of individuals and showcase best practice in the use of the SCQF across a range of sectors, as well as raise awareness of the SCQFP’s latest projects and developments amongst partners and stakeholders. Find full details on the SCQF website

To help SCQF find and share any posts please tag @SCQFPartnership and use #RecognisingSkills and #RecogniseMySkills 

SCQF also have additional online workshop opportunities in March focusing on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).  For further details and how to Register for these please see this SCQF information page.

Shifting the Balance of Power

Research on “community power” during the pandemic, carried out by New Local for the Carnegie UK Trust, explores how councils and communities have worked together to do “extraordinary things during Covid-19”, how practices, cultures and attitudes changed – and how to keep hold of some of the advances for the future. The Shifting the Balance report presents real-life examples of where this approach has flourished, puts forward recommendations for councils, communities, and civil society groups to sustain partnership working and local decision-making, and encourages UK and devolved governments to make room for this to flourish.

News From Carnegie UK Trust February 2021 includes a wealth of other information relevant for CLD practitioners. 

Communications from Richard Lochhead on Erasmus

Richard Lochhead Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science has today issued 2 letters regarding the disappointing situation around the withdrawal from Erasmus.

One for Adult learning on the Withdrawal of Adult Education from Erasmus Replacement Scheme
Download: Letter to Adult Learning Partners(PDF)

And one for the Youth work on the UK Government’s Withdrawal from Erasmus and its Youth Work Element
Download: Letter to Youth Work Partners(PDF)

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 6 January 2021

Happy new year!

Happy New Year, everyone! 2021 may not have started as we would have wished, but our CLD family is filled with positivity, resilience and strength both for ourselves and the communities we work with. Let’s lean on each other when we need a boost and celebrate our successes to raise some smiles #BecauseOfCLD. We have a range of ways you can connect with your fellow CLD Standards Council Members:

Update to Scottish Government guidance for the community learning and development sector

Scottish Government have updated their guidance for the sector as of 5 January –
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for the community learning and development sector

Changes have been made to the Overview and Using this Guidance sections to reflect latest position.

Warm Welcome to Barbara Nelson

The CLDSC team are delighted to announce that Barbara Nelson from Education Scotland’s Scrutiny Team will be working alongside us over the coming months. Barbara is currently appointed as an HMIe and has a background in the Further Education Sector. She is a long-time supporter of the CLD sector and will be working with the working groups and the Professional Learning and Approvals Committees. Please say hello to her at various events over the coming weeks.

Growing the young CLD workforce dissertation

Congratulations to Approvals Committee member Ceri Hunter on achieving her Masters in Education in Community Learning & Development. Ceri’s dissertation researches the rising concern in the decrease in the number of young people (those under the age of 35) entering the Community Learning and Development (CLD) undergraduate degree and the significant number of those who intend to leave or retire from the profession in the next five year. This work-based research project also sought to identify the influencing factors, which lead to a career in CLD and whether that knowledge would lead to an understanding of how to grow the young CLD workforce in Scotland. View Ceri’s dissertation on i-develop.

Digital Strategy for Scotland

The Scottish Government and COSLA are updating the Digital Strategy for Scotland originally developed in 2017, and published a draft for consultation.  View the CLD Standards Council’s response to the consultation.

Our response highlighted the opportunities for a digital strategy which supports lifelong learning and community development, and in particular, argued that the development of a common digital platform for the delivery of lifelong learning across all sectors and settings would have a major impact in improving inclusion in learning, digital upskilling and progression pathways. We emphasised that “leaving no-one behind” should be a guiding principle for the strategy.

Scottish Government guidance for Community Centres

Published 21 December 2020

View the Guidance on the Scottish Government site 

This national guidance aims to support community centres to re-open safely during COVID-19 in line with Scotland’s Strategic Framework. It balances the important role which community centres play with the need to avoid further community transmission. The Strategic Framework sets out five levels of protection which have different restrictions in place to best tackle the virus and protect people.

The guidance is for those managing community centres, village halls, and other community facilities and is primarily about how to reopen buildings as safely as possible.

However, it will also be relevant to those hiring or using a community centre to understand how to deliver services as safely as possible.

The guidance is aimed at ensuring that when a decision is taken to open a community centre that it can do so as safely as possible – it is not an instruction to open. It does not provide guidance for the wide range of activities that take place within a community centre. You should refer to the sector specific guidance for details on particular activities.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 9 December 2020

CLD Plans Guidance 2021-2024 now available

Scottish Government has now published the guidance setting out expectations for education authorities and their partners when meeting duties in CLD planning for 2021-24 as per The Requirements for CLD (Scotland) Regulations 2013. There is an expectation that Community Learning and Development (CLD) plans will be informed by this guidance. The guidance is intended to reinforce the valuable contribution that the CLD sector is making to supporting learners and communities during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. It also takes into account the challenges that the sector is facing as a result of the pandemic and the impact this will have on CLD planning. You can view and download the guidance from the Scottish Government website.

Virtual Meet Up 17 December 2020 5-6pm

So, you might be looking at that date and thinking “I’m sure the next Virtual Meet Up was meant to be on 11th December?!” You’re right! Can’t possibly think how it slipped our mind (could it have been that pesky #CLDSCConf2020?!) Anyway, we’ve rescheduled for a post work (hopefully) slot so please join us with a mince pie and a mulled wine to connect and reflect on our year. There might even be a Christmas Quiz! Register for the meet up on Eventbrite.

Conference Evaluation

Thanks to everyone who came along to our first ever virtual Conference last week! We hope you found it useful and got a chance to ‘connect’ with colleagues. If you haven’t already, could you please take 5 minutes to complete the conference evaluation.

Review of SVQs in Youth Work Stakeholder Survey

We have had a very positive response to our SVQ Review survey; thanks to all of you who have contributed. To date, over 140 people have taken the time to offer their views, but we’d still like to hear from more people with knowledge of the field and the SVQs in Youth Work. The survey has been extended to Friday11 December 2020 to ensure that anyone who would still like to contribute can do so.

The survey only takes a few minutes, but we’re still keen to talk with people familiar with the awards, who can help us to develop a comprehensive view of how the revised qualifications can support the development of youth workers and youth work practice. If this is you, don’t be shy in coming forward to take part in an interview.

You can find the survey, which includes a space for you to volunteer to participate in a short interview on SmartSurvey.

CLD Practitioner event: Our World Our Impact. Tuesday 15th December at 1-2pm

This is an event organised by Education Scotland & Glasgow Science Centre to share and explore new resources on climate change. Glasgow Science Centre would like CLD Practitioners to shape future plans for resources which support CLD practice in relation to the needs and interests of communities for learners. Following their very generous offer of free resources, please support this event by attending or allowing a member of your team to come along. Register on Eventbrite for the event. To be held on Microsoft Teams by Glasgow Science Centre.

Participatory Budgeting in Schools: New Resource

PB Scotland have published a new resource, Evidence and Ideas: PB in Schools — PB Scotland which shows how participatory budgeting can help schools to play a central role in developing the life-skills, citizenship and confidence of young people, and looks at key success factors.

It highlights themes of:

  • Deepening democracy and participation in schools;
  • Addressing inequalities;
  • Strengthening school culture and increasing wider community involvement in the school; and
  • Developing student’s life skills;

It also provides case studies and resources for each theme.

CLDSC Member Bulletin 2 December 2020


CLD Standards Council Scotland Members’ Conference 1 and 2 December 2020

Over 130 CLDSC Standards Council members registered for our first ever digital conference. Although it would have been great to see each other face to face, there was much to learn, to talk and to laugh about and opportunities for virtual networking.

The aim of the conference was for members to consider the role of professional CLD practice in respect of Scotland’s COVID-19 experience and offered a professional learning opportunity for members to learn, share and discuss:

  • Health & wellbeing: CLD connections and motivation
  • CLD Practice: responses, planning and evaluation
  • Digital: agile or fragile?
  • CLD: Policy and workforce planning
  • Networking

Conference information and inputs can be found on the conference area on i-develop.

All of the conference inputs were underpinned by the CLD Code of Ethics. The Ethical Practice, Competent Practitioners resource has been refreshed.

Tuesday 1 December

Richard Lochhead, Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science praised the flexibility and creativity of CLD practitioners in supporting communities through the pandemic. He noted that although work on the development of the Youth Work and Adult Learning Strategies had been delayed by the pandemic, it was hoped that these would be published in the Spring and followed later in the year by a Lifelong Learning Framework which will raise the profile of CLD and promote its integration with the broader education system. He concluded by thanking the sector for their contribution and impact. Watch the video of the Minister on idevelop.

This was followed by Alan Sherry, Chair of CLDSC, who echoed the Minister’s praise of the sector’s commitment, going the extra mile…being the glue which holds communities together. Gained political capital. He described the opportunities afforded through the Leadership Group to promote recognition of the impact of CLD on national priorities. Looking ahead to CLD’s role in meeting the needs of those made unemployed for the first time, he stressed the importance of having professional qualified workers to guide and support CLD practice. He reviewed the work of CLDSC over the last year, thanking the staff team, Committee members and all the membership for their contribution.

Susie Bisset, CLDSC Team Member, got us all to share our lockdown laughs – it is safe to say ‘You’re on mute!’ featured in a few. This proved to be a good warm up for our main speaker of the afternoon.

Gavin Oattes internationally-known speaker, award winning comedian, author of several books, and Managing Director of Tree of Knowledge led a session titled ‘be the milk’. You had to be there to fully understand why we all need a Mary Poppins in our lives, why we need to plant trees we will never see and that ‘being the milk’ is about Rice Crispies!  Rice Crispies are quiet and still until you add milk then they come alive. We in CLD are the milk and our tweeters made sure the Twittersphere knows it!

“Was definitely what was needed to remind me why it’s still important to be the milk #CLDSCConf2020 #magic

“Massive thank you to @gavinoattes for an inspiring input to the @cldstandards virtual conference today. It certainly brightened this afternoon for me. #becauseofCLD #CLDSCConf2020

Wednesday 3 December

Alan Sherry, Chair of CLDSC, began the morning by sharing key points from the CLDSC paper Engaging, Educating, Connecting and Empowering.

CLDSC see this as a starting point for influencing policy and contributing to discussions on building back better after the pandemic. It expresses the view that the ‘old normal’ is neither viable nor desirable. The three pillars of Health, Economy and Education are fundamental to this. The paper highlights the importance of partnership working in creating the kind of world we would like to live in. The paper emphasises:

  • co-creation – sitting down with people to identify their needs and agreeing how to address them.
  • the importance of learning out with schools and the need for bite size tailored learning opportunities.
  • greater devolution taking more regionalised approaches, with CLD, schools colleges and higher education working together to create a seamless learner journey.

The 2 Sides of the Story session looked at CLD planning and meaningful evaluation.

Nicola McAndrew, CLD Policy Team Scottish Government spoke of the work and aspirations of the CLD Policy Team. She noted that the Adult Learning and Youth Work Strategies were back on track and it is hoped these will be completed over the next few months. Following this, a Framework for Lifelong Learning will be developed. The Framework is intended to be a blue print to support local planning, helping and influencing CLD practitioners and others who do not deliver, but are part of the wider education environment. The CLD Policy Team have strengthened connections across government to recognise the value of CLD at national level but are hopeful that the Framework will be meaningful at local level and help to improve learner journeys locally.

The publication of these documents times well with next round of new 3 years plans for CLD. The guidance for these plans is to be published next week. This draws on learning to date from previous reviews and the findings of HMI inspections.

Professor Karen McArdle then spoke about meaningful evaluation, referring to the recently-published book The Impact of Community Work, which she had co-authored with other CLDSC members.

Karen argued that CLD practitioners need to work at 3 levels – individual, community, and systems and power – and that while we are generally good at the first 2, we need to develop the 3rd, building the transformative capacity of CLD: the ability to establish institutions to carry forward positive change. “Meaningful evaluation” needs to consider both statistics and stories and clarify the scale, quality and significance of CLD work. We need to get better at expressing what we do well to policy makers, and in order to do this, we should reconsider the identity of CLD, thinking about work at the 3 levels; for example, we work on issues that are identified, interpreted and managed at local level, but that are of national and global significance.

Karen’s PowerPoint is available on the conference i-develop space.

Back to the Future let us think about the post Covid future for CLD –
Sinead Gormally, Senior Lecturer in Community Development and Adult Education at the University of Glasgow, spoke first. To try to summarise Sinead’s input is an impossible task. She provoked, inspired, challenged and motivated us. We asked delegates to pick a key piece of learning they’d take away from the Conference – many related to Sinead’s input. Here are just a few:

  • Be disruptive!
  • Ask why
  • Promote our achievements loudly
  • Be a lamp, a lighthouse, a ladder

She also read Jennifer Lentfer’s poem –  ‘Here’s to the disruptors; a poem for the development community’

Sinead was followed by Dominique Carlisle-Kitz and Kevin Ditcham. Dominique is Strategic Services Senior Lead in East Renfrewshire Council and she spoke about the Peer Mentoring relationship that had evolved between herself and her colleague, Sue Briggs. They had both got a lot out of the relationship and wanted to share the idea with colleagues.

Peer Mentoring is part of a suite of processes Supporting Professional Learning Together. This also includes CLDSC Connectors, CLDSC Buddies and CLDSC Professional Learning Verifiers. Find further information about these on the Supporting PL Together space on i-develop.

Kevin Ditcham, Network and Delivery Manager at Democratic Society and Co-chair of the Feeling Strong charity, led us into a discussion about the Virtual Meet up’s which create an opportunity for CLDSC members to come together informally to share and reflect on their practice experiences. There have been 7 meet ups to date, engaging 289 members. Kevin facilitated members to give their views on whether the meet-ups were valued, useful and sustainable in their current form, as well as how to get more members interested in hosting and practical ways to do this that work for members

The PowerPoint from Dominique and Kevin can be viewed on the i-develop conference page.

Alan highlighted that Sinead had challenged us to be ready to challenge and disrupt restrictive structures, power relationships and practices, and that Dominique and Kevin had introduced some of the ways that the CLDSC is working to enable practitioners to support each other to do this. He invited people to explore how this might work for them and discussion in smaller groups proved a valuable experience.

Our conference was well received by delegates who shared their thoughts in this word cloud.

word cloud of feedback from delegates

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 14 October 2020

CLDSC Member Meet-ups

Thanks to all those who joined in and shared their practice in using the CLD competences to challenge poverty at last week’s Virtual Meet-up. Our next meet-up will take place at 1 pm on Friday 13 November when we will look at the role of CLD practitioners in tackling climate change. Register for the Meet up on Eventbrite.

You can suggest and select topics for the meet-ups, or volunteer to lead or present on this or future Meet-ups by joining our Slack group workspace (you can download the Slack app on a tablet or phone). We can chat, share information, files, and more. Increasing numbers of people are joining and chatting about CLD practice. If you’d like to join, email and we’ll send you the workspace invite!

Feedback from Network inputs

During September, we provided inputs to a range of network meetings and webinars hosted by Education Scotland. We spoke with Adult Learning, Adult Literacy & Numeracy practitioners to tell them about what the Standards Council has been doing, highlight some new resources and get their views on the benefits of membership. We also asked people to tell us if there were any particular reasons that they hadn’t joined CLDSC – for most people who aren’t members, it’s on their To Do list!

Below are some of the benefits they identified of being a member of CLD Standards Council. If you’d like us to come along to your team or organisation to talk about registration, have a tour of i-develop or just find out a bit more about us, please get in touch.

Citizen Literacy App Test and Evaluation Opportunity

The Citizen Literacy project is developing an app and learning resources to support adult learners improve their reading and writing skills.
The app uses voice and handwriting recognition technologies for learner input and features virtual tutor voices to provide information and directions to learners. The final version of the app will be free to use, with no registration required, no adverts and no personal data recorded.

There is an opportunity to provide direct input into the design process through a test and evaluation exercise for the app.
You can find all the information and web links you need to participate in the testing and evaluation exercise on the Citizen Literacy web page. You will also find a user and feedback guide and options for providing your feedback, as well as evaluation copies of the Teacher Handbook and Student Workbook, and a link to the ‘White Paper’ that provides background information about adult literacy in the UK.

Feedback to the Social Renewal Advisory Board

Help shape a fairer recovery after coronavirus by submitting your ideas to the Social Renewal Advisory Board, which has been set up by the Scottish Government.
This is an invitation for you to tell the board what needs to change to bring about a Fairer Scotland in the future, based on your learning from the COVID pandemic.
Your ideas could focus on one of the themes discussed by the board: housing and place, work, income, public services, and attitudes and discrimination. Or on something else you think is important.
Any organisation should feel free to send in ideas. The Advisory Board would particularly like to hear from groups working with people with protected characteristics.
Further information is available on Communities Channel Scotland

Community-led Action research toolkit

The Scottish Community Development Centre and the Poverty Alliance have recently launched their Knowledge is Power community-led action research toolkit.
The toolkit provides a comprehensive and easy-to-access guide to community-led action research for community groups and projects.

The launch marks the next stage in their Knowledge is Power programme supporting local groups to plan and implement their action research projects. Currently affected by Covid-19 restrictions, it is hoped these projects will be able to get going fully by the turn of the year. Check out the resource and learn more at

National Youth Work Conference –

Youth Work 2020: Resilient, resourceful and reimagined

Online Event: Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th November 2020, 10am to 2.30pm.

The National Youth Work Conference will showcase the strength and adaptability of the sector, share practice from across Scotland – and internationally – and explore the future direction of youth work.
This event is for member organisations of YouthLink Scotland, but is also open to anyone who has an interest in making the youth work sector in Scotland ever more resilient, growing our resources and working towards a positive future for young people.
More information including programme for the event and online booking available on the YouthLink website.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 30 September 2020

Challenge Poverty Week – 5-11 October 2020

We have a couple of events focussing on Challenge Poverty Week. First up, along with Education Scotland CLD Team, we plan to run our very first CLD Twitter blether to promote Challenge Poverty Week. The event will take place on Tuesday 6th October at 12pm until 1pm on the @edscotcld twitter account using the hashtag #CLDChallengePoverty. You do not need a sign in to read posts but we would encourage you and your staff to join in the discussion and post lots of comments.

Our second event is the next CLDSC Virtual Meet Up on Friday 9th October 1-2pm. Register for the Meet up on Eventbrite.

At both of these events there will be key questions asked about CLD practice in relation to poverty which will encourage reflection, highlight issues and support ongoing planning in relation to the impacts of poverty. The Poverty Alliance will be taking part in the discussions and we want to promote CLD’s role in supporting and highlighting poverty and the impacts of poverty.

Blended Learning/Digital Engagement Blether

5 October 2-3.15pm

Online/blended delivery and engagement are hot topics just now. With some brief inputs from other practitioners, this blether will focus on how you’ve maintained engagement with current learners and encouraged new learners to participate – what’s worked, what hasn’t? It will also create the opportunity to identify strategies and professional learning needs.
Register for the Blether on Eventbrite

Connecting with the Children in Scotland Network

The CLDSC is a member of Children in Scotland whose mission is to give all children in Scotland an equal chance to flourish; they bring together a network of people working with and for children, alongside children and young people themselves. Catherine Bromley, their Senior Communications Officer, has written a blog for our website, outlining Children in Scotland’s role and how members of the CLDSC can benefit from our membership.
You can read Catherine’s blog on the CLDSC website. From there, you can explore the Children in Scotland Members’ Hub. If you need to access any of the resources that require a sign-in, you can do so through your CLDSC membership, just email for details.

Scotland Learns

The latest issue of the Scotland Learns newsletter from Education Scotland is now available! View and Subscribe on the Education Scotland site.
It has information to support learners, parents and carers as well as news and professional learning opportunities for practitioners. See also the resources for practitioners section of Scotland Learns.

Supporting Student Carers course from the College Development Network

CDN and Carers Trust Scotland have joined forces to help improve support to over 12,000 student carers in Scotland, who are studying at college alongside providing unpaid care for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems.
Supporting Student Carers at College is a new innovative free digital training module that has been developed by CDN and Carers Trust Scotland from funding received by The Scottish Funding Council. The module will help practitioners to better understand the challenges faced by many student carers, and it provides guidance on how to improve support for these students at college.

Funding Awareness Outreach offer from the Student Awards Agency Scotland

The Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) is an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government who help higher education students find the right information about support and funding. The Funding Awareness Team offer support and guidance by offering Funding Talks to groups of students and/or parents/carers on the funding available and how to apply. They also offer a digital alternative where they deliver the funding presentation online followed by a Q&A session. For more information about the online schedule please check the social media channels @saastweet

Updates from Disclosure Scotland

  • Applying for disclosure checks: From late March until 25 June 2020, Disclosure Scotland had been encouraging customers to only submit checks for coronavirus response workers. Since 26 June, individuals and employers have been able to apply for routine disclosure checks, which you can now do online. The latest forms are available on the Disclosure Scotland website.
  • Disclosure Scotland e-bulletin: Interested in keeping up to date with what’s happening at Disclosure Scotland, including forthcoming changes in disclosure legislation that may affect you? Complete the Disclosure Scotland online sign up form to receive the quarterly e-bulletin.

Connecting with the Children in Scotland Network

The CLD Standards Council is a member of Children in Scotland. Catherine Bromley, their Senior Communications Officer, has written a blog for us, outlining Children in Scotland’s role and how members of the CLDSC can benefit from membership.

Giving all children in Scotland an equal chance to flourish is at the heart of everything Children in Scotland does.

By bringing together a network of people working with and for children, alongside children and young people themselves, we offer a broad, balanced and independent voice. We create solutions, provide support and develop positive change across all areas affecting children in Scotland.

Without doubt, the COVID-19 crisis has deepened inequalities, delayed or halted services, diverted resources and compounded pressures on families across Scotland. But it has also created opportunities. We’ve seen how the third sector has mobilised, using its knowledge and expertise to work with statutory bodies and help shape local services. We’ve seen the value of networks really come to the fore and the difference that working together can make to communities.

As a member of Children in Scotland, you’re connected to thousands of professionals from across the children’s sector, across healthcare and community support services, education and the arts.

The forums and groups that we coordinate to meet regularly bring together knowledge and expertise to identify solutions and put them into practice. For example, the most recent meeting of our Children’s Sector Strategic & Policy Forum was attended by Deputy First Minister John Swinney. Under discussion was policy development on child poverty, a Scottish Budget focused on National Performance Framework outcomes, family support, mental health and child rights in education. The forum also focussed on the progress made on UNCRC incorporation, the publication of the Bill and what it will mean for children in Scotland to have their rights enshrined in Scots law.

Our members have access to some of the best training opportunities the sector has to offer. Now adapted to a comprehensive online learning programme that includes a number of free webinars, we deliver CPD where it matters most. But we also focus on self-care for practitioners as we know that the people who support children and young people need to look after themselves too.

Our Children in Scotland Magazine and our Members’ News provide essential reading for the sector. The magazine offers news, features and opinion as well as content updating you on the latest policies, projects and good practice, while the fortnightly Members’ News delivers exclusive insight from our staff and our members to share learning and forge connections.

Our Parliamentary Monitor keeps track of activities at Holyrood and Westminster to keep you informed of the latest policy developments relevant to children and families in Scotland, across the UK, and in Europe.

And our legal helpline with our partners at Gillespie Macandrew offers Children in Scotland members legal advice and guidance in free 30 minute consultations.

All of these benefits and services are available to our members through our Members’ Hub. Our website and social channels update on current projects and our participation work with children and young people.

For more information about our work in the last financial year, our Achievement Report for 2019-20 (PDF) includes detail on the projects and partnerships made possible by the knowledge, enthusiasm and commitment of all of our members.

Thank you for supporting Children in Scotland, and if you have any queries regarding membership or any of your benefits, please get in touch.

Catherine Bromley

Senior Communications Officer
Children in Scotland

CLDSC Members can access Children in Scotland resources through their membership. Once you have identified an opportunity you can contact us at for details.