The CLDSC’s inaugural Christmas lecture on 5 December marked the start of celebrations of the CLD Standards Council’s progress since being established in 2008, which are also the launch pad for the next steps for our professional body and for the CLD profession.
Dr Marion Allison, the Head of the CLD Standards Council, presented the findings and key issues from her PhD thesis on Young People, Enterprise and Social Capital.
The full Thesis is available on i-develop.
Look out for the rest of the #CLDSC10 landmarks!
Our 2019 conference, open to CLDSC members only, will feature dialogue around award-winning CLD practice that demonstrates CLD’s role in the pursuit of social justice by communities and learners, and explore how we can develop the types of leadership needed to support this. The Deputy First Minister, John Swinney MSP, is scheduled to give the keynote address.
The Working with Scotland’s Communities workforce survey closes on December 7; thanks to all members who contributed to the great response from well over 1,000 individuals and organisations. Last chance to respond here –
Rocket Science, who are undertaking the research on behalf of the Standards Council and Education Scotland, are undertaking follow-up interviews with a sample of around 50 people.
The CLDSC will be exploring the messages from the research as they emerge, and taking a lead in identifying the issues they highlight and the action needed.
The CLDSC is up-grading the Registration system and linking it much more closely with support for professional learning. Regular re-registration every 3 years will help members to demonstrate that they belong to a professional body that has high expectations of registered members.
- Thank you Ashley…. New CLDSC chair to be appointed
Ashley Pringle stood down as Chair in September after ably steering the CLDSC’s development for 5 years. The process for appointing a new Chair of the Standards Council is under way. Jim Sweeney and Mike Naulty have taken on the role of interim co-chairs. - Welcome to new Committee members, thanks to all who applied
The Approvals, Professional Learning and Registration Committees are benefiting from new members appointed from a large and talented pool of applicants. Recruitment to the Executive will follow once the new Chair is in place. - Membership: 2,200 and rising
More than 300 new members have registered with the Standards Council over the past year, and there is a steady flow of new applications.
Do you have CLD colleagues, partners or volunteers who would benefit from registering as members of their professional body? Encourage them to apply at
The CLDSC bid successfully to undertake the review of the Youth Work National Occupational Standards. Work on the review is underway; for further information contact Kirsty Gemmell –
- And another anniversary…
Concept journal’s latest issue marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed – a tribute to “one of the most distinctive, compelling and (still) contemporary voices in popular education”.
Open access at - Volunteering in CLD – i-develop
Have you seen the Volunteering in CLD theme on i-develop? It aims to help support volunteers to be confident CLD practitioners, and includes advice on volunteer policies, recruitment and supporting volunteers in practice. - Local Governance Review
The CLDSC submitted a response to the Scottish Government’s Democracy Matters consultation, which closed last week, following an excellent discussion at the Executive Committee. Particular thanks to Dawn Brown, who has recently joined the Approvals Committee, who shared her experience of engaging local groups in Aberdeenshire in the consultation.
Read the CLDSC response. - The world heads for Dundee in 2019
What’s new about that you may say. The difference is that the World Community Development Conference – WCDC 2019 – will take place in Dundee from 24 to 26 June next year. Details at A great opportunity for CLD practitioners in Scotland to get involved in a global dialogue. Early bird registration available until 31 December 2018. The time to make plans on how to fund your place and get there is now!