Thomas Delaney

CLD education paving the way for recovering addict

Image of Thomas Delaney, CLD Stories

Thomas Delaney is living proof that believing in yourself and pushing through life’s hardships can lead to fulfilment. After more than a decade battling drug addiction, Thomas found a love of learning in community learning and development (CLD) and it’s helping build a life that he deserves.

During 12 years of drug abuse, Thomas was able to hold down a decent corporate job and live a seemingly fantastic life. But things came to a head when he was made redundant, and his addiction escalated. He became homeless and was suicidal, but thankfully Thomas got himself into rehab and his recovery began.

After 6 months in rehab, Thomas was looking to study, as he’d always wanted to go to university, and his case worker mentioned community development to him.

”It wasn’t until I found a course in community development that I realised this is what I’ve been searching for all my life, I never even knew it was an option!”

Thomas was really scared to apply and be open about his addictions due to the stigma attached but decided to go for it. ‘I never thought I was good enough for university, I still had negative thoughts. I cried when I was accepted into the course, I was so happy.’

Thomas is now a 3rd year university student completing a degree in Community Development at Glasgow University. He’s also a recipient of the new Santander University Scholars Programme, which is providing financial support to help focus on his studies.

“The more I learnt about community development, the more I was obsessed with it! I’ve never felt as alive in my life as much as when I’m learning.”

Thomas is also a public speaker, having spoken to thousands of people across the UK and beyond and even in Parliament about his experiences. His story has also reached millions of people online through media coverage.

“I can use my negative experiences and turn them into something beautiful, something people can learn from and be inspired to be better. In terms of community development, that’s exactly what it’s about!”

Thomas has a strong vision for what he wants to achieve in the future, with more study on the horizon as he completes his Honours, a Masters and maybe even a PhD. Eventually he’d love to set up a social enterprise to challenge and change the education system.

“I managed to turn my life around, but we need the right environment. There’s a lot that I think should change in the education system.”

Thomas recently joined Scotland’s CLD Standards Council as an associate member.

“I’ve been to a couple of CLD conferences and it’s great to be part of a network of like-minded people. I’m hungry to learn, and who else better to learn from than other people working in this field?

“With CLD, it’s about working alongside each other and collectively learning and creating change. So for me, I’m in the right place. I truly believe I will make a difference.”

To find out more about membership of the CLD Standards Council click here