Remember the days when going to University or College looked like this?
But now it looks more like this
As the professional body for people who work, volunteer and/or study in Community Learning and Development the CLD Standards Council Scotland (CLDSC) recognises the many and varied challenges that the current pandemic brings to the lives of Students and their studies. As your Professional Body this edition of our weekly Members Bulletin is dedicated to providing some help, suggestions and support for CLD Student Practitioners.
Message from the Director of CLDSC, Dr Marion Allison
Just imagine, that scary and exciting moment when you’re responsible for the community project and / or centre, with all that it entails. As you journey through your CLD career there will be many occasions you will search for your essays on empowerment, remember your debates about inclusion and draw from your practice presentations on partnerships.
As Scotland considers a post-COVID society the skills, knowledge and experience of qualified CLD professionals will be central to bringing about positive change with and for young people, learners and communities. Interpreting, influencing and implementing legislation and policy, leading learning programmes, understanding good governance, managing budgets are just some of the tasks that will be required. In many respects these are the more straightforward aspects of our roles. Working with and for people and communities is at the core of CLD practice and it is in this space that our professional competence and attributes really matter.
Ultimately, the mixture of theory and practice embedded in Scotland’s college and university CLD programmes ensure that you are prepared to take on these roles. Both aspects are essential. Whilst lockdown continues, the challenges for students, colleges, universities and placement providers are real. Be reassured, herculean efforts are being made to ensure that CLD students and programmes are not diminished. The learners and communities of Scotland need you to be ready for that day, when you are effectively handed the keys.
About Us
We are a member led organisation. Our approach and work plans to deliver our core responsibilities are defined by our member committees and based on feedback from the wider membership.
We are funded by the Scottish Government, with a ministerially appointed Chair. Our core responsibilities are:
Deliver a professional approvals structure for qualifications, courses and development opportunities for everyone involved in CLD
Maintain a registration system available to practitioners delivering and active in CLD practice
Develop and establish professional learning and development opportunities
As a student, you have registered with CLD Standards Council as an Associate Member and you can take advantage of a whole host of Member Benefits including:
Monthly Virtual Member Meet-Ups (see below for info about the February Meet-Up)
CLD Standards Council Members Slack Space with a dedicated channel for CLD Students. Email to request the Slack joining information.
invitation to our Annual Members Conference
access to our Buddy/Mentor/Professional Learning Verifier support
weekly Member Bulletin News updates
free online access to Times Educational Supplement Scotland magazine
membership of Scotland wide University and College Libraries
links with UK-wide Association of Professional Lecturers in Youth & Community Work
access to Scottish Council for Development & Industry materials/events
i-develop access to member only areas and much more…
Why not share this newsletter with your fellow students who have not yet joined CLDSC? All they need to do is go to the Registration page on i-develop, download and complete the application form, and then submit it via i-develop. There’s no charge and within a couple of weeks, they can take advantage of a whole host of Member Benefits.
CLD Professional Practice Placement
Are you in need of some guidance on your placement? Have you used the Practice Placement Standard 2017 document? – Guidelines for Professional Practice Placement. This provides guidance to what you should expect from your placement and who is responsible for what during your placement. The document was created in partnership with Higher Education, Further Education and representatives from employers and practice supervisors in CLD. We are currently working on the 2nd online version of this resource which will include templates and checklists as well as setting out who is responsible for what during professional practice placement.
The new version of the document is being designed putting you, the student, at the very heart of the process; your learning, your evidence, your meetings and your professional development. Watch this space for more updates in March 2021.
Want to join the focus group? Are you a member of CLDSC? It will provide you with an opportunity to share your practice experiences, thoughts, ideas or questions not only with CLDSC but with other students across Scotland. A great networking opportunity. A possibility of gaining some Professional Practice hours?
Join the CLDSC Professional Practice Focus Group Slack Space – Email to request the Slack joining information.
Professional Practice Placement Student Focus Group
At the beginning of February CLDSC hosted an initial meeting to start the process of setting up the focus group. The purpose of the initial meeting was to allow CLDSC as the Professional Body for CLD to engage with Students involved in approved CLD programmes. Educational Providers were asked to provide the names of student representatives to attend the initial meeting (thank you to those who took part). It was agreed the focus group was helpful and should continue.
Want to join the focus group? Are you a member of CLDSC? It will provide you with an opportunity to share your practice experiences, thoughts, ideas or questions not only with CLDSC but with other students across Scotland. A great networking opportunity. A possibility of gaining some Professional Practice hours?
Join the CLDSC Professional Practice Focus Group Slack Space – Email to request the Slack joining information
Professional Learning
As part of your CLDSC registration commitment, you are required to undertake a certain amount of professional learning each year. We have developed a range of materials which you can use to help you record and reflect on your professional learning.
Our Supporting Professional Learning Together offer gives you access to CLDSC Buddies, Mentors and/or Professional Learning Verifiers. It also helps broaden your network through #CLDSCConnectors and the CPD Discussion forum CPD Discussion Forum.
And we also provide a range of professional learning opportunities which you can take part in. You’ll find them in a variety of places including i-develop and our monthly Member Meet-Ups. Read on to find out more!
i-develop supports creative and innovative professional learning and development for CLD practitioners. It integrates the theories and practices such as peer support, communities of practice, learning journeys and reflection-in-action, in order to shape and support a learning community of practitioners across CLD in Scotland.
At this month’s Meet-Up, we’ll be talking about climate change, the Scottish Government’s draft strategy for public engagement on this, and what the role of CLD is, can and should be. Under the strategic objective of “Enabling Participation in Policy Design” the strategy’s aim is that “People actively participate in shaping fair and inclusive policies that encourage adaptation to and mitigation of climate change”. Is this part of what you currently do? Do you think you should be more involved? Do you need support for this?
Register to attend the meet-up on Eventbrite and come along to share experiences and ideas about CLD practice and climate change.