CLDSC Members Conference Reminder
There’s still time to register for our annual Members Conference being held (via Zoom) over the afternoon of 2 December (1pm-4.30pm) and the morning of 3 December (9.30am-1pm).
We’ll focus on Covid-19 Recovery: CLD Identity, Support & Wellbeing. Using the framework of the four harms (Health – Covid; Health – non-Covid; Society; Economy), identified by Scottish Government, and will consider the impact of and support requirements for our professional CLD practice in the recovery phase.
We’re delighted to announce that we have inputs and keynotes from Jamie Hepburn, MSP (Minster for Further Education, Higher Education, Youth Employment and Training), Professor Linda Bauld (Bruce and John Usher Chair in Public Health, Usher Institute, College of Medicine, University of Edinburgh, and Interim Chief Social Policy Adviser, Scottish Government) and Dr Karen Edge (Reader in Educational Leadership, University College London).
It’s an exciting programme, so book your place at the CLDSC Member Conference. And don’t forget to follow and comment on Twitter #CLDSCConf2021.
Education Reform CLDSC Final Consultation Event
On 19 November 11am-12pm, we are offering a final chance to comment and add information to the response we will submit on behalf of CLDSC. This session will focus on feeding back the key messages we’ve gleaned so far from our consultations with CLD practitioners for the Scottish Government consultation on the Education Reform plans, which include replacing the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and reforming Education Scotland (ES).
You can view some of the comments so far on this Padlet – why not add your own too? Register for the Education Reform CLDSC Final Consultation event on Eventbrite.
We’re recruiting! Development Officer – Policy & Practice
Do you have experience of policy development along with knowledge of the CLD sector? This could be the role for you! The Development Officer will contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of relevant CLD policy and will work closely with the senior management team to assist in the development of CLDSC policy.
Specific duties include:
- Supporting the development of the CLDSC’s work to renew our governance arrangements
- Providing advice to senior officers and assisting in drafting a range of policy papers and discussion pieces
- Draft and present policy and strategy papers and draft high-level briefings
- Working closely with the CLDSC Committees and Officers, co-ordinate the CLD Standards Council internal and external policy profile including CLD workforce data
- Working with senior officers, provide advice and guidance to institutions and key stakeholders (both internal and external) on areas relating to CLD as required. This will include collating and responding to external consultation exercises.
For more information and to apply, view the Work for Scotland website.
Closing date: midnight 3 December 2021
Professional Approval Annual Review Report for Academic Year 2020-2021
This report by the Community Learning and Development Standards Council (CLDSC) considers the data and presents the key findings obtained from the first annual review of Community Learning and Development (CLD) Professionally Approved Programmes in Scotland for academic year 2020-2021.
The report should be of interest to all involved in the CLD sector including Higher Education (HE), Further Education (FE), employers of CLD practitioners, practice placement supervisors/providers, Student CLD practitioners, potential members of CLDSC, existing members of CLDSC, Joint Education and Training Standards (JETS) and other stakeholders/partners.
This process was undertaken as a pilot in the move to replacing mid-term reviews (MTR) of the approved CLD Professional learning at degree level and above with a more robust annual review process.
The returns from the pilot have provided useful data with some of the high level key findings being:
- the need for further/increased promotion of CLD as a profession and the career pathways that are available
- emphasis on the importance of the 3 domains of practice within CLD: CLD–Youth Work, CLD-Adult Learning and CLD-Community Development and the benefits of these working together
- work to be done on equalities and diversity
- a need to emphasise the importance of CLD Qualified Staff (delivery and practice placement) to support Student CLD Practitioners
These and other areas are considered within this report. There is an action document in Appendix 1. If anyone has any comments on this report please contact us at
Leading CLD programme – note of interest closing date
Only a few days left to note your interest in the Leading CLD professional learning programme. Working alongside Education Scotland colleagues, we have developed this programme for CLD leaders who play a pivotal role in establishing collaborative approaches to support recovery and renewal.
Participants will engage in professional learning and reflect on their current CLD role.
The programme will be of most interest to senior local authority managers responsible for CLD services, who have identified CLD leadership as an area for professional development. (This includes managers with no, or little previous experience of CLD; and those interested in developing their leadership capital and professional network).
The pilot programme will run from the end of January to May, and will include four x 1 day sessions. Interested individuals are invited to contact to learn more, and/or to register interest through MS Form by close of business on Friday 19th November. Following initial registrations of interest there will be a second stage in the application process to formally apply for the 20 places available.
Supervision Spaces launched to support mental health and wellbeing
Education Scotland is working in partnership with Barnardo’s to offer anyone in an education leadership role (including CLD leaders) three reflective supervision spaces which will focus on looking after their mental health and the mental health and wellbeing of those they lead.
These three workshop-style sessions will take place on Wednesdays and last 90 minutes per session. Participants have a range of date and time options to choose from between now and June 2022 and can sign up to one, two or all three sessions.
Workshop one will focus on personal wellbeing and capacity to help leaders to support the wellbeing of those they lead. Participants will be guided through a personal wellbeing plan to enable them to use this process with others they lead.
Workshop two will allow participants to reflect on their own system and how a trauma informed/relational approach could support the mental health and wellbeing of people they lead.
Workshop three will enable participants to reflect on current challenges and consider priorities for their establishment or team in developing a consistent language and approach to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of the learners they work alongside to the benefit of the wider system.
Maureen McAteer, Assistant Director, Children’s Services at Barnardo’s said: “Mental Health and Wellbeing does not exist in a vacuum. There are multiple interdependencies and influences through our relationships and systems. Our set of 3 interconnected sessions aim to support practitioners to reflect on these factors in their own setting with a view to developing an action plan to take forward in their establishments.”
CLD Leaders can find out more and sign up for the sessions at the Barnado’s Education Community website.
CLD Talks
CLD Talks started as an idea to create a space for CLD workers to feel and remain connected to the field while offering the opportunity to reflect on practice.
This third season of CLD Talks has just concluded and has had amazing conversations covering so many different topics from participation, intergenerational practice, academia, peoples careers, peer education, research and so much more! Guests this season are: Alan Mackie, Ruth Kerracher, Sinead Gormally, Stuart Moir, Gary Brown, Ryan McKay, the team from LANDED, Susan Hunter, Tim Frew.
Season 3’s final guest is Karen Anderson from She Scotland. Karen discusses the history of SHE, her CLD experience and the challenges for girls and Women in Scotland right now.
CLD Talks has had well over 3000 plays in total and the CLD Talks community keeps on growing. There will be a few live sessions on Twitter Spaces on the run up to Christmas so make sure you follow @CLDTalks. And look out for Season 4 in the new year.
Access the CLD Talks podcast where you will find all streaming platforms.
Investing in Communities Fund (ICF) Webinars
The Investing in Communities Fund is currently anticipated to open for a second round of applications in spring next year. The ICF aims to support community anchor organisations based in the places they serve by delivering activity across the following four areas for action in the most disadvantaged and fragile communities across Scotland:
- tackling poverty and inequality
- sustaining place-based approaches
- community-led regeneration
- ensuring a just transition to net zero
Webinar sessions are being held for interested stakeholders and prospective applicants. These will provide an overview of the fund’s aims, eligibility criteria and the application process prior to its anticipated opening for applications next calendar year and will also include time for Q&A.
The webinars will last one hour and are planned for Tuesday, 30 November 2021 and Wednesday, 8 December 2021. You can register at the links below.
Tuesday, 30 November 2021 – 10.30am – 11.30am – Register Now
Wednesday, 8 December 2021 – 2.00pm – 3.00pm – Register Now
A copy of the presentation slides will be accessible on the ICF webpage prior to the first event so that interested organisations have the opportunity to consider any questions they may wish to ask during these sessions. The current version of the fund’s guidance note and FAQ will also be accessible on the ICF webpage by mid December 2021 to ensure that you have access to all of the details.
For anyone encountering problems completing the registration process please email:
Audit Scotland report: Community Empowerment: Covid-19 Update
Audit Scotland has produced a report sharing some of the many good examples of the community response to the pandemic and summarising the learning. It builds on the Principles for community empowerment published in 2019 and notes that Covid-19 has disproportionately affected Scotland’s most vulnerable citizens. During the pandemic, local people and communities across Scotland played a critical role in supporting the most vulnerable people in society. Partnerships and the voluntary sector were vital in supporting and empowering people to do this.
Read the Community empowerment: Covid-19 update report.
Final days to nominate for the National Youth Work Awards
Don’t forget to submit your nominations for the National Youth Work Awards. The deadline for nominations is 9am on 22 November 2021.
CLDSC is proud to sponsor the Team of the Year category. Please submit and give the judging panel lots to think about in this and all other categories!
Download the National Youth Work Awards nomination form (PDF)
Download the National Youth Work Awards guidance and criteria (PDF)