CLDSC Members Conference Reminder
There’s still time to register for our annual Members Conference being held (via Zoom) over the afternoon of 2 December (1pm-4.30pm) and the morning of 3 December (9.30am-1pm).
We’ll focus on Covid-19 Recovery: CLD Identity, Support & Wellbeing. Using the framework of the four harms (Health – Covid; Health – non-Covid; Society; Economy), identified by Scottish Government, and will consider the impact of and support requirements for our professional CLD practice in the recovery phase.
We’re delighted to announce that we have inputs and keynotes from Jamie Hepburn, MSP (Minster for Further Education, Higher Education, Youth Employment and Training), Professor Linda Bauld (Bruce and John Usher Chair in Public Health, Usher Institute, College of Medicine, University of Edinburgh, and Interim Chief Social Policy Adviser, Scottish Government) and Dr Karen Edge (Reader in Educational Leadership, University College London).
It’s an exciting programme, so book your place at the CLDSC Member Conference. And don’t forget to follow and comment on Twitter #CLDSCConf2021.
Scottish Attainment Challenge 2022-2023
Education Secretary, Shirley-Anne Somerville, yesterday announced plans for the refresh of the Scottish Attainment Challenge from 2022/23 onwards.
This refreshed approach signals Scottish Government’s continued commitment to the Challenge and will ensure that children and young people most impacted by poverty continue to be supported to achieve as much as their more affluent peers. Recognising the impact of the pandemic and poverty on pupils across the country, a redesigned approach to the Challenge will also see a streamlined funding model extended to all 32 of Scotland’s local authorities to support education recovery and improve outcomes for children and young people impacted by poverty.
Specific reference to CLD organisations and delivery was noted:
“A number of National Programmes, including a number of third sector organisations, will be supported to enable them to target work to raise attainment and improve equity, alongside enhanced support for youth work/CLD services and family learning programmes.”
Final allocations for Pupil Equity Funding, the Care Experienced Children and Young People Fund and National Programmes will be published in the Spring.
Education Scotland’s Annual STEM Professional Learning Survey for CLD Practitioners, 2020-2021
Education Scotland is asking for help from Standards Council members to shape the future of STEM professional learning for CLD Practitioners by completing this 10 minute online survey. They would like to hear from CLD practitioners and managers – in the public and voluntary sectors – who took part in any kind of STEM-related training or professional learning in 2020-21. You may have taken part in online professional learning with Education Scotland; with your own employer; through a STEM grant-funded programme; with a science centre; with STEM Ambassadors; or with national organisations like YouthLink, Youth Scotland, Learning Link, National Numeracy etc.
You may not have had access to STEM-related professional learning last year, but have views on what future priorities should be. Whatever your experiences, they would like to hear from you. The survey is open for another 4 weeks until 20 December.
Dyslexia Scotland
Dyslexia Scotland is committed to creating a dyslexia-friendly Scotland, where people with dyslexia can reach their potential in life, learning and work. Career education, information and guidance plays a vital part in supporting this ambition.
Since 2016, Dyslexia Scotland has delivered a small, all-age career guidance service for people with dyslexia. Alongside this, they have developed training and professional learning resources, to help career and employability practitioners learn about supporting dyslexic clients.
Five years on, they want to understand how they can be helpful to both these groups in future.
They are undertaking a piece of research to find out:
- What are the career guidance needs of people with dyslexia in Scotland?
- What are the dyslexia-related learning and development needs of people delivering career education, information, advice and guidance sector in Scotland?
They are looking for:
People with dyslexia, over the age of 16, living or working in Scotland:
You can take part in the research through this questionnaire or by interview with a career coach – appointments can be scheduled on Eventbrite.
If you would prefer to take part by post, email, or recording your answers, please contact
People who work in the employability, career education, information, advice and guidance sector (CEIAG):
You can take part in the research through this questionnaire or contact the Career Coach, for more information.
The questionnaires close on 7 January 2022.
University of Dundee Promotion of Undergraduate Programme
Interested in studying Community Education at University of Dundee?
Are you in need of some inspiration to apply, then you can also read about one of the recent inspiring graduates at Fungai’s blog.
We’re recruiting! Development Officer – Policy & Practice
Do you have experience of policy development along with knowledge of the CLD sector? This could be the role for you! The Development Officer will contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of relevant CLD policy and will work closely with the senior management team to assist in the development of CLDSC policy.
Specific duties include:
- Supporting the development of the CLDSC’s work to renew our governance arrangements
- Providing advice to senior officers and assisting in drafting a range of policy papers and discussion pieces
- Draft and present policy and strategy papers and draft high-level briefings
- Working closely with the CLDSC Committees and Officers, co-ordinate the CLD Standards Council internal and external policy profile including CLD workforce data
- Working with senior officers, provide advice and guidance to institutions and key stakeholders (both internal and external) on areas relating to CLD as required. This will include collating and responding to external consultation exercises.
For more information and to apply, view the Work for Scotland website.
Closing date: midnight 3 December 2021.
A huge thanks from CLDSC Staff Team
We would like to thank all our members and non-members who attended events to discuss the Education Reform – the Scottish Government consultation on the Education Reform plans, which include replacing the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and reforming Education Scotland (ES). The response, collated from your discussions will be submitted this week. We will share further information on this via our News Bulletin. Watch this space!