Alumni of previous members

The CLD Standards Council offers members the option to become part of our Alumni if they choose to end their membership of the CLD Standards Council due for instance to retirement or change of career.

An alumni member would

  • continue to receive the monthly e-bulletin
  • be able to attend our meet-up sessions
  • retain their i-develop account

They could also volunteer to act as a CLD buddy for newer members who could benefit from their knowledge and experience.

We might also from time to time invite members of the Alumni to take part in a working group or give feedback on CLDSC papers on topics where they have valuable expertise.

When a member terminates their membership they will be invited to join the Alumni and confirm that they will maintain their commitment to uphold the values underpinning CLD and the Code of Ethics for CLD. Alumni will however not need to undertake the Professional Learning requirement.

We hope resigning members will join the Alumni and continue to support and contribute to the CLD Standards Council and CLD profession by sharing their skills, knowledge and expertise.

Alumni may reapply for membership if they wish and have taken up new CLD practice activities.