Response to Consultation on National Outcomes

The Scottish Government undertook a Review of the National Outcomes from 14th March to 12th June 2023. This review is a requirement within every five years, under the Community Empowerment Act (2015). The National Outcomes are laid out in the National Performance Framework. This is Scotland’s wellbeing framework, which sets out the type of Scotland that Scottish Government would like to see for the people of Scotland, and measures progress towards the National Outcomes.

As field of professional practice, CLD plays a critical role in the achievement of all the current eleven National Outcomes. It supports the learning, growth, empowerment of individuals and communities, as well as the delivery of other services. The CLD Standards Council complied a report in response to this consultation following discussion with members of the CLD Standards Council, partner organisations and stakeholders. We also attended online consultations hosted by Learning for Sustainability, Volunteer Scotland and by Scottish Government, as well as having dialogue with individual members and the CLD Standards Council staff team.

The report was submitted to the Scottish Government on the 12th June 2023 on behalf of the CLD Standards Council membership.