This year it’s a Conference with a difference! On Tuesday 7 November we will host #CLDSCConf2023 as part of The Gathering!
As well as the Lecture CLD: Live Long and Prosper (no we haven’t gone Star Trek daft) we’re hosting three seminars/workshops – see our event timetable below:
- There are no Career Pathways in CLD – or are there? Explore the career pathways that currently exist for CLD practitioners at all stages and identify barriers and solutions to participation. 11 am till 12 pm
- CLD research influencing practice – and vice versa! Presentations from CLD practitioners/researchers followed by questions and discussion. 1.30 pm till 2.30 pm
- CLD Standards Council – More Members More Clout! Find out how you can support the recognition of CLD as a professional approach with confident competent practitioners. 3 pm till 4 pm
- CLD: Live Long and Prosper: Evening Lecture. Consider how Community Learning and Development contributes to the wellbeing economy, enhancing the chances for people to live a good life. 4.30 pm till 7 pm
The Gathering takes place over 7 and 8 November 2023 at the EICC, Edinburgh and we will also have a stall in the Exhibition Area for both days, so please pop along and say hello!
So as well as our own CLD Standards Council sessions, you can also take part in everything else available from the packed programme of workshops, seminars, activities on offer at The Gathering over the 2 days.
The full programme launches on 22 September. If you have pre-registered, you should receive an email with details of the programme where you can then select the individual events you want to attend. Don’t worry if you haven’t pre-registered – just visit The Gathering website anytime after 22 September and sign up!
#BecauseOfCLD #SCVOGathering