Vacancy for a Member’s Services and CPD Development Officer


The Standards Council is looking for an experienced CLD professional to develop and enhance the CLD Standards Council members’ services package.
The successful candidate will promote registration, liaise with current and prospective CLD Standard Council members, lead on the CLD professional learning strategy and expand relationships with relevant organisations and networks.

Experience required

The successful candidate will require to have substantial experience in the CLD sector in Scotland and have a deep understanding of the sector and its component domains. The ideal candidate will have considerable experience of collaborative working at all levels, be able to demonstrate excellent relationship building skills and be able to quickly identify, design, develop and deliver training opportunities with partners. Applicants should also have experience of working in a community facing role at a mid-senior level and have experience of IT and business change programmes. It is expected that they will bring business development experience to the role to enable them to effectively influence stakeholders in the CLD Standards Council for Scotland.


Applications must be submitted through the  Work for Scotland website where you will also find the Person Specification and Further Information for Job Applicants.
Closing Date 4 August 2016

New programmes approved for University of West of Scotland

The CLD Standards Council for Scotland is delighted to announce that following an approval visit to University of West of Scotland on 20 April 2016 the following programmes have been granted approval:

  1. BA/BA Honours Community Education approved for 5 year period
  2. Post Graduate Certificate approved for 3 year period.

Annette Coburn from the UWS accepting the approval certificate from Garry Cameron of the CLD Standards Council Approval Committee

Overall it was very clear to the panel involved in the visit that much has developed and improved since the original approval in 2012.   This was further evidenced by the positive and unanimous response to the question of whether students would recommend the programme to others.  It is clear that students feel supported by the staff team. Great work!

The panel were also encouraged by the creative approach to assessment e.g. capstone project. It was also heartening to see the evidence of support and use of i-develop, registration as a member of CLD Standards Council for Scotland and CLD competences.

Well done to University of West of Scotland and a big thanks for all the hard work.

QAA Consultation

The QAA (Quality Assurance Agency) are seeking comments on the revised Subject Benchmark Statements for –

This consultation is likely to be of interest to employer organisations and their members; staff involved in education and accreditation activities of professional, statutory and regulatory bodies; Staff involved in the design, delivery and review of academic programmes; academic support staff; students and their representatives

View the full consultation invitation information.

Feedback should be submitted via the consultation surveys by 17 June 2016:

Consultations on Community Empowerment Act – Regulations and Statutory Guidance

The Scottish Government is currently consulting on draft guidance and regulations on three aspects of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act:

• Participation Requests (view consultation paper);
• Community Planning (view consultation paper); and
• Asset Transfer (view consultation paper).

The consultations will be open until June, specifically they will close on the 15 June for Participation requests, 13 June for Community Planning and 20 June for Asset transfer.

These are important opportunities for community organisations and CLD practitioners to engage with the implantation of this key legislation. Members of the Standards Council can play a significant role in raising the awareness of colleagues, community organisations and other partners – please consider what you can do!.

The Standards Council will be responding to this consultation process from a CLD perspective and in particular focusing on the issues and implications for workforce development. It is important that the response is directly informed by the experience of members; if you would like to be involved in developing it, please let us know and pass on any initial comments you have at this stage.

The Scottish Community Development Centre has produced a briefing on the participation requests consultation and is running a series of focus groups; information is available on how to get involved.

Spring 2016 update from Marion Allison

Blue Sky thinking… is it really just another hackneyed phrase? I would argue not. Marion Allison
For the CLD Standards Council, Blue Sky thinking has been a fact of life in recent months. As the sun shines stronger, inspiring fabulous views of Glasgow from the 9th Floor of The Optima Building, spring bright blue skies have marked some key developments. Through a winter of change, the Team, Council Chairs and Members have sought to secure, strengthen and grow the base of our Standards Council.

Natasha Zachary-Docherty has returned from Maternity Leave with a spring in her step and has bounced over to a new post within the Communications Team of Education Scotland, where we wish her lots of luck. We are delighted to welcome our new member of staff, Lorna Renton, who, with a wealth of experience will be working to further develop our web presence and support i-develop.

We are thrilled to announce that we now have more than 1300 members and it will be Lorna’s job to maintain and support the Professional Register. With our new and refined registration process now being operated via i-develop, our growing numbers mean that the CLD Standards Council’s membership is similar in size to the Scottish Institute of Directors – the professional body for Chief Executives. Onwards and upwards for us!

Importantly, April 2016 marked a new stage in the relationship between Education Scotland and the CLD Standards Council. Signed by Dr Bill Maxwell, Chief Executive of Education Scotland and Ashley Pringle, Chair of the CLD Standards Council, the new Framework Agreement sets out the strategic goals, roles and responsibilities of both organisations whilst accounting for operational requirements. Already one positive off-shoot is an agreement with HMI. Pre-inspection work will now include data gathering in relation to the number of professionally registered CLD Standards Council members included in an organisation’s complement of staff and volunteers. For both parties, this significant development signals for the first time ever, the inclusion of the CLD Standards Council alongside other professional bodies operating within education and community work sectors. One other budding development is a ground-breaking partnership agreement with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS). This draft agreement will recognise and reaffirm the role of CLD Standards Council Registered Professionals, GTCS Registered Teachers and the unique but complementary work of both professional associations and help us to grow and tend relevant professional networks and learning opportunities.

Council members have been toiling in our new meeting venue, The Prince’s Trust Wolfson Centre in Glasgow. Having agreed our organisational purpose, mission, vision and refined strategic objectives, the Committees are working hard to plant Council plans, strategies and governance procedures that will mature over the next three years. Recent work with the University of the West of Scotland, which pending sign off from the Approvals Committee, will professionally validate their BA/BA(HONS) and PGCE in Community Education, and further to a refresh, the subject benchmark statements for Social Work and Youth and Community Work are now open for consultation. Additionally, the CLD Standards Council will now be represented on the Quality Committee of the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework.

Other things to look out for over the coming months include plans for a new Standards Council constitution, programmes of work and yes – another new member of staff! Interviews will be held at the end of May for the new Members’ Services post. The successful candidate will have the pleasure of getting to know our Membership in detail to secure services that will meet and enhance our professional practice needs.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone involved for helping to drive the Standards Council forward over the last few months. I am truly heartened by the co-operative nature, wisdom, passion, and sheer hard work of our Members and partners. Sadly the Glasgow evening sunshine, is now is not so warm, but the skies are still clear, hinting at clement days ahead.

Welcome to the CLD Standards Council for Scotland

Welcome to the CLD Standards Council for Scotland

The Standards Council for Community Learning and Development for Scotland is the body responsible for the registration of CLD practitioners, the approval of training courses, and the continuing professional development of the sector workforce.