CLDSC Member Bulletin – 19 October 2022

CLD Standards Council Members Conference 2022 – Have you booked yet?

CLD Standards Council Member Conference 2022

Registration for our Annual Lecture and Members Conference 2022 is now open and it’s ALL ABOUT YOU! 

We will host our Annual Members Lecture on Thursday, 1st December (6-8pm) with the main Conference taking place on Friday, 2nd December (9.30am-4.30pm).

We are delighted to announce that the speaker for this year’s Annual Members Lecture will be Professor Ken Muir who has been leading the review into Education Reform. Come along and hear the implications for CLD professionals, practice, policy and services. 

We will focus on how best to support and develop the CLD sector workforce – staff and volunteers alike. Sign up for the chance to consider broader issues affecting YOUR practice, take part in workshops highlighting professional learning available to YOU, and connect with YOUR peers from across Scotland.

This year we are holding a hybrid event with in-person delegates joining us at the John Macintyre Centre, Edinburgh, and online delegates joining our live streamed keynotes from both days.

We’ll be using Zoom as the conference platform and our friends at the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) are dealing with booking administration.

Book your place at the CLD Standards Council Member Conference 2022.

And don’t forget to follow and comment on Twitter #CLDSCConf2022.

Closing date for registration is: Friday 11 November for in-person attendance and Monday 28 November for virtual attendance.

CLD Standards Council – Virtual Member Meet-up November: How CLD Competencies can impact Support and Supervision

Don’t forget to sign up to join us at the November members virtual meet-up session on 2nd November at 1pm to take a dive into the CLD competencies and how they align and inform CLD practitioners work and professional learning.

Register for the November Virtual Members Meet-up on EventBrite.

CLD Standards Council hears from the Bank of England

Last week our Director, Dr Marion Allison, attended a lecture by Huw Pill, the Chief Economist for the Bank of England at an event hosted by the Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI). In addition to monetary and fiscal policy updates, Mr Pill discussed labour market issues such as the recruitment and retention of staff. Keen to keep people central to policy Mr Pill, also highlighted the role of Citizens Panels.

Our members meet up in December will focus on the cost of living crisis and CLD’s response. Come along and tell us how it’s impacting upon your practice.  Keep an eye on upcoming bulletins for registration details. If you have any examples (i.e. warm banks) please share these with us by emailing us at

CLD Standards Council: Have your Say: National Conversation on Scottish Education

We are asking all of you marvellous CLD practitioners out there to get involved to support all aspects of lifelong learning within this national discussion on Scottish education reform.

You can help spotlight the critical informal CLD learning being carried out across Scotland, as well as support and encourage ALL learners to have a voice.

Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said:

“We want to bring the widest possible range of voices and views into the room. It is our children and young people who hold the biggest stake in our education system.”

She added that Professor Ken Muir, in his recent report, had:

“challenged all of us to work together to establish a consensual vision for education, which can genuinely put the learner at the centre”.

In November, we will be hosting some in person focus groups for CLD practitioners and we want you to bring your learners.  We would also like to support you to ask your young people what they think and capture their views, especially the views of those marginalised, less heard and often not asked!  You can take the survey yourself, and encourage your learners to do the same, or even host a group discussion.  

Find out more about the National Discussion on Scottish Education and keep an eye on future bulletins for information on how you can sign up for a CLD Standards Council focus group discussion.

Wanted – New CLD Standards Council Executive Committee Members

The CLD Standards Council as a member led body needs you!

We have vacancies on the Executive Committee and we are looking for members who want to be at the core of influencing the CLD Standards Council approach and development.  We are looking for members with experience of:

  • strategic leadership and planning of CLD services
  • HR and performance management
  • IT and digital activity
  • communications and marketing
  • business planning

The recruitment period will run from Monday 31 October until Friday 25 November. Further information on how to apply will be available in the coming weeks.

Youth Work Strategy

Mr Jamie Hepburn MSP, Minister for Higher Education and Further Education, Youth Employment and Training, wrote to stakeholders earlier this week to provide a brief update on the publication of Scotland’s new Youth Work Strategy, due for publication later this year.

Highlights of the letter include confirmation that the strategy is on-track for publication by the end of the year and that Professor Rowena Arshad, Professor Emerita at Moray House School of Education and Sport at the University of Edinburgh has been invited to convene a  new Youth Work Strategy Review Group which will be co-chaired by two young people.

The Review Group will bring together people and organisations who have expertise in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and will have a focus on ensuring that EDI is fully embedded and becomes a central component of the strategy.

For young people who wish to be involved, and considered as possible co-chairs, the application deadline is tomorrow (Thursday, 20 October). Please email for more information. We’ll keep members posted on any future developments on the new youth work strategy’s publication.

CLD Professional Learning Networks – Winter Learning Festival 2022-23

The Winter Learning Festival for CLD 2022-23 is being coordinated and delivered by the CLD professional learning networks across Scotland.    

Each network area is leading on a week’s worth of learning between now and February 2023. All events are open to any CLD practitioner, regardless of where you practise.

You can find out more on the Winter Learning Festival 2022-23 page on i-develop. Events will be added over time, so keep checking back to find out what’s new.

Numeracy Champion Training – more places available!

National Numeracy is delighted to report that there was great take-up for the first training programme in September and is also fully-booked for the final programme in December! 

However, there are a few places available on the middle two programmes. These were originally targeted at the South East Collaborative in Oct-Nov and the Tayside programme in Nov-Dec. However, as the ‘all regions’ programme in December is now already fully booked these two programmes are now open to CLD practitioners in all regions!

Sign-up links & dates below:
•    South-East Collaborative (starting Thursday 20th Oct) – now open to registrations from other regions
•    Tayside Collaborative (starting Wednesday 30th Nov) – now open to registrations from other regions