Members Governance Consultation January 2017

Future Governance of the CLD Standards Council:
Consultation on Draft Memorandum and Articles of Association

The CLD Standards Council (Scotland) was established in 2008 by Scottish Government Ministers as the professional body with responsibility for setting standards in Community Learning and Development. It was assigned to Education Scotland, as  host agency and is recognised separately on the basis that it should be one-step removed from government. From the beginning, it has been the ambition of those involved, working on behalf of CLD Standards Council members, to find a practical means of organisational development.

Over the last two years, Ashley Pringle, Chair of the CLD Standards Council, has worked with the Executive Committee and the staff team, in consultation with Education Scotland and taken legal advice, to develop specific proposals for changes in the CLD Standards Council’s governance arrangements. A proposal for the way forward has been agreed; the key features of this are:

  • The CLD Standards Council registering as a company limited by guarantee, and so establishing its own organisational and legal identity.
  • A Board of Directors, with the majority elected by and from the registered members of the CLD Standards Council (while allowing for co-opting directors who can bring particular expertise).
  • The Board of Directors taking responsibility for the direction of the organisation within the remit agreed with the Scottish Government.
  • The CLD Standards Council, including the staff team of Civil Servants to continue to work closely with Education Scotland and the wider Scottish Government.
  • Our preference is that the next Chair of the Standards Council should be a Ministerial Appointment.

Once the new arrangements are agreed and established, the memorandum and articles of association of the new company will be the “constitution” of the CLD Standards Council.
We are now seeking members’ views on the draft –
[fac_icon icon=”file-pdf-o” color=”#392D43″ font_size=”18px”] Articles for Consultation

and on the proposed new governance arrangements as outlined above.

Please provide your comments by Friday 3rd February 2017 through this survey  –

All responses to the consultation will be considered and any major changes in the proposals will be fed back to the membership.

Current members of the CLD Standards Council Executive Committee have been invited to put their names forward for membership of the initial board, which will guide the organisation until the first AGM of the company; this will hopefully be held around November 2017. At that point Directors will be elected by the registered members of the CLD Standards Council.