New CLD Standards Council Committee Members
12 new members have been appointed across the 3 Standing Committees and as we welcome them we thought we would give you some update information. As a member-led organisation we have a governance structure designed to allow the voice and views of our membership guide how the organisation functions and grows. We currently have 4 committees for members to be appointed to – Executive, Approvals, Professional Learning and Registration.
To be included within any CLD Standards Council (CLD SC) Committee individuals must be registered with CLD Standards Council Scotland – Registered or Associate Membership.
To be considered as a member of a Committee individuals must obtain agreement and support from their line manager or governing board, to ensure time will be available to attend committee meetings and for participation in committee work.
Committee members are there to represent the views of the CLD field/sector and not the views of their employer/organisation as an employee.
Committee members commit to attending scheduled committee meetings or will intimate apologies as far in advance as possible.
The Executive Committee has overall direction setting and reporting responsibilities for the work of the CLD Standards Council and is led by a member who has been approved by the Cabinet Secretary for Education. The process of appointment is robust and involves an application stage, an initial interview with a sifting panel and then a final interview with the Chief Executive of the host agency – Education Scotland. Following that process, the Chief Executive make their final recommendations to the Cabinet Secretary.
The role of the organisational Chair is to guide the organisation over a 4 year term of office. This involves providing strategic direction and guidance to the Executive Committee and Director, representing and promoting the organisation across the CLD, Education and Public sectors and making representation on behalf of the membership to policy-makers, decision-takers and funders on CLD workforce support and professional standards.
The 3 Standing Committees – Approvals, Professional Learning and Registration – have a key role in overseeing and directing the work of the CLD Standards Council within the committee area of responsibility. The committee’s work closely with the staff team to achieve the ambitions of the committee work plan. The committees are required to keep the executive committee informed of progress and development of the work it is responsible for, highlight any issues of note or concern and refer any decisions with implications for the Council as a whole to the executive and the CLD Standards Council Director. There are opportunities for the 3 committees to work on shared projects and areas of interest.
We warmly welcome the 12 new committee members onboard and are very much looking forward to working alongside the committees over the next few months, to develop and publish their work plans and celebrate their success. If you would like any more information on our committees, you can visit further pages on our website or please get in touch by emailing us contact@cldstandardscouncil.org.uk