The CLD Response to COVID-19 – seeking your views

The CLD Standards Council would like to ask CLD practitioners to complete a short survey to gather information and examples on how CLD practice is being utilised to support individuals and communities in meeting the challenges that we all currently face.

Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus, the UK and Scottish Government have responded by issuing guidance that has drastically altered the way we live our lives in order to keep people safe. Workplaces, schools and shops have closed, and movement is severely restricted. Individuals and organisations are seeking ways to deliver services to the most vulnerable under new and difficult circumstances.

For many CLD practitioners this has meant assuming a key worker role. From working in learning hubs and supporting communities to deliver vital services, to developing and delivering online learning resources for young people, adults and community groups; CLD is playing an important part.

Our Chair, Alan Sherry OBE, representing the CLD sector, is working alongside colleagues from tertiary education, the Scottish Funding Council and a range of Trade Unions, on a Leadership Group chaired by Mr Richard Lochhead MSP, Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science, which will be co-ordinating responses to COVID-19. We want to make sure that the contribution of CLD practitioners to the COVID-19 challenge is clearly demonstrated with a long term aim of securing CLD services that are properly resourced to rebuild learning communities.

In order to do this we need CLD practitioners’ help. We will be running a short survey over four months to find out about the successes, challenges and well-being of CLD practitioners.
We are asking colleagues to complete the survey once a month (deadline the 17th of each month) which will allow us to track changes for CLD practitioners over the coming months.

Survey results so far

The fourth wave of the survey

Wave 4 was closed on the 31 July. We are now analysing the data and considering how to best present the findings form the survey so far and to capture CLD practitioners’ experiences and impact in the next stages of recovery.