Christmas message from Marion Allison

All I want for Christmas is … CLD

December equals Christmas songs, right? Well that’s generally the idea, although many shops and radio stations start playing festive tunes in November.  Over recent weeks, songs of Christmas past ask us to think about what we have done over the last year. As team CLD Standards Council reflect on 2017 we are amazed at the achievements and progression of our organisation.

This year, the profile of the CLD Standards Council has been transformed, led by a growing membership and its active engagement in our work. From the Annual Conference, the publication of the “Influencing Change: CLD in Scotland” book, the refreshed code of ethics and improved marketing, communication and business planning it has  been a busy year. Funded by the CLD Standards Council, members new and old attended a range of professional learning events organised by the CLD regional networks, with people engaging with our new website and professional discussions on i-develop and Twitter.  Importantly, the CLD practice placement guidelines were endorsed by CLD employers, universities and colleges and are now being used to support our students and placement providers. Our reach has also continued to grow internationally.  We were delighted to host visitors from Japan, Portugal and partner with YouthLink Scotland to welcome academics from a number of European universities who wanted to learn about CLD: youth work professional training routes.

Increasing member participation prompted the need to revise the CLD Standard Council’s governance arrangements, which led by the Executive Committee, has been continuing for the past two years. However, this work has been substantially redirected to take account of proposals in the Education Governance Review for the CLD Standards Council to become part of a new Education Workforce Council.  The CLD Standards Council has  engaged positively with the opportunities offered by the Review. Over the last few months we have undertaken substantial engagement with stakeholders, Civil Servants and government ministers to ensure that our Members views are upfront and central. In this respect, the general mood amongst Members appears to be one of cautious optimism.  Your views and involvement continue to be vital so remember to participate in the Empowering Schools consultation review.  A CLD perspective of the key questions is available on our website to support Members in gathering their responses.

So for 2018 I’m looking forward to a visible and enhanced role for CLD. Progressing the work and ideas from 2017 such as the National Improvement Framework, Regional Improvement Collaboratives, Community Empowerment and local CLD plans call upon the CLD sector to play a leading role.  It also re-emphasises the need to develop a skilled, respected CLD workforce with CLD ethics being central to negotiating the route ahead.

So, on behalf of Ashley and the team I would like to thank you all for your continued support and contributions to the game-changing profession that is CLD. Your commitment and approach to working with and for the young people and communities of Scotland to improve and change lives is what truly shines a light on possibilities and aspirations.  Here’s to a healthy, happy and fruitful 2018!

Christmas fun

Our CLD Standards Council Christmas night out involved going to a pantomime (oh, no it didn’t!) and as well as the dodgy jokes, innuendos and songs, we loved the community spirit behind the traditional audience song so much, we wanted to share it with you.

Merry Christmas !

CLD Standards Council Members Conference 2018

Registration now open

Conference – 29 March 2018

Location: Dundee
Venue : Westpark Conference Centre
Time: 9:30 till 4pm

Conference theme:

Our conference this year is focussing on Professional Learning with the key aim being for members to participate in interactive workshops covering a spectrum of CLD activity.  The day will be all about learning from each other, sharing good practice and trying out something new!

Register to attend:

Registration closed on Friday 23 March.

Get involved in a workshop :

Members were invited to showcase a piece of work they are involved in by facilitating a workshop.  Thank you to everyone who submitted a workshop proposal.

Details of workshops on offer are available to download below or on our conference pages on i-develop.

Download: Conference Workshop details

Perspective for CLD on the Empowering School consultation

The Standards Council has prepared this Perspective for CLD paper to stimulate discussion and consideration of the implications for CLD from the proposals put forward in the Empowering Schools consultation.

Download: Perspective for CLD

The Scottish Government has developed proposals for changes in the governance of education and the establishment of a new Education Workforce Council.

They are now consulting on the provisions of the Education (Scotland) Bill that will put the proposed changes into legislation.
You can access and respond to the consultation on the Scottish Government Consultation hub

The Standards Council will be submitting a response to the consultation and is seeking practitioners’ views to inform this.  The consultation themes may not seem relevant to CLD at first sight but in fact could have a significant impact on practitioners and CLD practice.

The Standards Council has prepared the Perspective for CLD paper to stimulate discussion and consideration of the implications for CLD, both in relation to the new workforce council and the other aspects of the proposals.

Professional Discussion Events, where practitioners can discuss the proposals and explore the implications for CLD practice, are on-going. A calendar of events is available on i-develop, so please look out for an event near you.

We look forward to hearing your comments and encourage you also to respond directly to the Scottish Government, using the perspective note if this helps you to frame your response.

For further information and commentary from a CLD perspective see our Education Governance Review page.

Interim Report on Professional Discussions

Since the announcement of the proposed Education Workforce Council in June of this year, the CLD Standards Council has been conducting professional discussions with CLD practitioners all over Scotland. We have prepared a summary of key findings and a full progress report.

Download: Summary of Interim Feedback

Download: Progress Report

Key points of interest include:

  • Maintaining the Identity of CLD
  • Recognition for the range of contexts of CLD practice, and the breadth of its impact
  • Opportunities for collaboration and raising standards
  • Parity of esteem
  • Funding
  • Registration and membership
  • Existing CLD Standards Council functions
  • Governance of the Education Workforce Council
  • What should the new workforce body be called? The most popular of a variety of suggestions for names that would be more inclusive of a wider workforce was “Education and Communities Workforce Council”.

Engagement with our Members and professional discussions will continue over the following weeks. All data gathered by the CLD Standards Council will be used to inform the final response to the Empowering Schools consultation.

Empowering Schools consultation announced – 7 November 2017

Empowering Schools: A consultation on the provisions of the Education (Scotland) Bill

The Scottish Government has opened a consultation seeking views on the detailed policy proposals being taken forward by the Scottish Government in the Education Bill.

The Consultation will be open until 30 January 2018.

You can access the consultation paper and link to provide your views from the Scottish Government website –

The CLD Standards Council will support practitioners to consider the consultation through professional discussion events across Scotland.  Views of practitioners will also be gathered at these events and through directed forums and online questionnaires to enable the Council to make a response on behalf of the sector.

For further detail see our Governance Review page.

South Lanarkshire Council Youth Learning Service Youth Work SVQ approved

Ashley Pringle presents the award to Roz Gallacher and Robert Hynd

Ashley Pringle presents the award to Roz Gallacher and Robert Hynd

South Lanarkshire Council Youth Learning Service have been awarded developmental approval for the Youth work SVQ they deliver.

The approval will last for 5 years from August 2017.

The Panel would like to thank the provider for their hard work to create the submission for the first SVQ programme to be granted Developmental Approval. The panel appreciate the patience of the provider in explaining the evidence provided and the procedures for delivery of SVQ qualifications.
The commitment from the team at South Lanarkshire Council Youth Learning Service is very evident and is reflected in the strong feedback from External reports.

Education Governance: Next Steps – CLD Standards Council Position Statement

The Scottish Government published the Education Governance: Next Steps –
Empowering our teachers, parents and communities to deliver excellence and equity for our children  on June 15 2017.

CLD Standards Council Position Statement – 10 August 2017

This Position Statement prepared by the CLD Standards Council will prompt you to consider what the Next Steps proposals could mean for you and your practice.

Download: [fac_icon icon=”file-pdf-o” color=”#392D43″ font_size=”18px”]CLD Standards Council Position Statement

It is essential that the CLD profession engages in the process of consultation to realise the CLD values, creating an infra-structure that develops and supports quality, competent CLD professionals.

Over the coming months there will be opportunities to share your views. There will be professional discussion events around the country and on i-develop as well as online questionnaires.

Expanded Position Statement

This expanded version of the CLD Standards Council Position Statement includes further information on the development and achievements of the Standards Council, the Scottish Government’s policy for CLD, and the Standards Council’s response to the Education Governance Review.

Download: [fac_icon icon=”file-pdf-o” color=”#392D43″ font_size=”18px”] Education Governance Expanded Position Statement

See also the initial response from the Standards Council.

Professional approval for two programmes from University of Glasgow

Marion Allison presents cetificates to Trevor Gale

Marion Allison presents cetificates to Trevor Gale

Congratulations to University of Glasgow on professional approval of –

  • BA/BA (Hons) Community Development
  • PGD Adult Education, Community Development and Youth Work

The Approval Panel would like to thank the delivery team for the time spent in creating such  strong and clear submission documents.  It was very clear from the submission and discussions during the approval visit that the team are committed and passionate about the success of these programmes.

In particular the panel felt that the evidence for equality and diversity was very strong.   It is apparent that the team have strong visions for widening access and that the support they provide to each other, students and practice supervisors is very evident in the submission and the discussions they had with the panel during the visit.   The students and practice supervisors were keen to share their positive experiences in being involved in this programme.

Standards Mark Approval for Tayside and Fife Professional Learning Alliance

Sue Holland Smith receives certificate from Ashley Pringle

Sue Holland Smith receives certificate from Ashley Pringle

Congratulations to Tayside and Fife Professional Learning Alliance on achieving their Standards Mark Approval.

The Panel were very impressed with the strength of the collaborative working that takes place across the areas.  The panel also felt there was good use of technology and evidence that the learning is embedded in the workplace.

The Tayside and Fife Professional Learning Alliance covers –
Angus Council
Dundee City Council
Fife Council
Perth and Kinross Council