CLDSC Member Bulletin – 14 April 2021

Wellbeing Sessions with Dr Karen Edge

The initial well-being, COVID-19 and leadership session was very well received.

That was a great session. Loving the relevant, practical development opportunities. Thank you for putting them on.

Quote from participant

The following three sessions are available for all CLDSC Members, aiming to encourage you to pause, reflect and plan the next steps in your personal and professional CLD journey.

Pause and Reflect Thurs 22nd April 2021 4pm – 6pm Book Pause and Reflect session
Care and Wellbeing Thurs 13th May 2021 4pm – 6pm Book Care and Wellbeing session
Next Steps Thurs 20th May 2021 4pm – 6pm Book Next Steps session

Virtual Member Meet Up

The next members’ meet-up will be at 13.00 on Tuesday 27th April. This meet-up will allow us to spend some time thinking about some of the key aspects of reflective practice, particularly around evidencing the impact of our work through the use of case studies. You can sign up for the Meet-up on Eventbrite.

Project funding for work with refugees – save the date of information session, Tuesday 4th May, 4 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

The New Scots Refugee Integration Delivery Project is a new programme supported by the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. £2.8 million is available for new projects spreading documented good practices and supporting innovation related to the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy.

A number of the funding topics have a clear CLD focus, for example: “Projects improving access to and availability of appropriate language and literacies learning and practice which build refugees’ social connections”; and “Projects to enable the creation, development and participation of refugee-led community organisations”.

There are three levels of funding: small grant – up to £5,000; medium grant – £5,001 – £25,000; large grant – £25,001 – £115,000.

A wide range of organisations can apply, including Community Groups, Local Authorities, Public Bodies, and Social Enterprises. We are arranging an information session with Jewels Lang, Communities Manager at the Scottish Refugee Council, for CLDSC members on Tuesday 4th May, 4 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. – save the date and look out for booking details next week.

Jewels says: “This project presents an amazing opportunity to consolidate best practice and introduce innovative services across the full range of the New Scots Integration Strategy. The potential is there to make a real step change in refugee integration services to the benefit of refugees across Scotland.”

The closing date for applications is 22nd May; for more information and details of how to apply, see the Scottish Government website.

Children’s Human Rights, and CLD – Webinar Video

Following the vote by MSPs to make children’s human rights (as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) law in Scotland, the Children’s Parliament hosted a webinar about Children’s Human Rights and CLD. The aim of this event was to bring together experts in children’s human rights and CLD to consider, at this opportune moment, how we can draw connections between these two important fields of theory and practice.
Our own Dr Marion Allison was part of the panel discussion and you can watch the recording of the webinar on the Children’s parliament website.

You might also like to attend the Children in Scotland webinar on The Teenage Brain: implications for behaviour and learning – Thursday 22 April, 10.30am-12pm. This webinar will focus on the adolescent brain/how it develops. Key learning will include: – The impact of stress chemicals on behaviour and learning.
You can find more details and book your place on the Children in Scotland site. (Note there is a charge of £37.66 for this session).

Education Scotland CLD webinar: Family Learning inspection report, key messages and challenges

Taking place on 7 May 2021 from 2pm – 3pm, this webinar will explore the key messages from the national review of Family Learning that took place in early 2020. It will focus on the strengths and areas for development identified during the review and will explore lessons for practice post-Covid 19. There will be an input from HMIE and practitioners involved in the delivery of Family Learning. There will also be an opportunity for discussion.

Book your place on the webinar on Eventbrite.

HM Inspector of Education vacancies

Education Scotland are currently seeking applications for two HM Inspector of Education posts with a background in:
• Tertiary education (including colleges and work-based learning)
• Community Learning and Development (CLD).

Full application details are on the Work for Scotland website

The main purpose of the HM Inspector of Education role is to bring about improvement in standards and quality in education through external evaluative activities, identifying and disseminating highly-effective practice and building capacity to support continuous improvement. HM Inspectors of Education undertake a programme of scrutiny, including inspections across all education sectors. Please note: This role requires a significant amount of travel and staying and working away from home as Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Education are required to undertake scrutiny and inspection activity across all areas of Scotland.

Local Place Plans

The Scottish Government is developing detailed proposals for Local Place Plans (LPPs), introduced by the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 and intended to “offer the opportunity for a community led, but collaborative, approach to creating great local places”.
The Government is currently consulting on proposals for regulations which will cover the LPPs content, preparation, submission and registration; and on a draft ‘How to’ Guide (PDF) for community organisations (which the CLDSC has contributed to).
The deadline for responses on the proposed regulations is 25 June, with engagement activities taking place after 6 May. Development of the How to is continuing; comments on to, preferably also by 25 June.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 07 April 2021

Updated Guidance for the CLD sector

The Scottish Government have updated the guidance on the following activities for the CLD sector on 6 April 2021

ActivityAge RangeConditions
Organised school holiday programmes which provide support to the most vulnerable young people.12–17 yearsMax group of 15 persons indoors and 15 outdoors including facilitators. Indoor activity should be limited to activity which cannot take place online or outdoors and is targeted at vulnerable young people.
Essential indoor support services for vulnerable young people.12–17 yearsMax of 15 persons including facilitators. Indoor activity should be limited to activity which cannot take place online or outdoors and is targeted at vulnerable young people.
Indoor adult learning.Over 18One to one services indoors only where essential support is required for vulnerable learners and there is no online alternative.
Outdoor adult learningOver 18In line with household restrictions.

View the full updated guidance on the Scottish Government website

Wellbeing Sessions with Dr Karen Edge

The first of our member sessions with Dr Karen Edge takes place on Thursday 8th April from 4 to 6pm. It is aimed at CLDSC members in leadership/management positions and will focus on CLD leadership.

Book your CLD Leadership place on Eventbrite.

The following three sessions are available for all CLDSC Members aiming to encourage you to pause, reflect and plan the next steps in your personal and professional CLD journey.

Session 2: Pause and Reflect Thurs 22nd April 2021 4pm – 6pm Book Pause and Reflect session
Session 3: Care and Wellbeing Thurs 13th May 2021 4pm – 6pm Book Care and Wellbeing session
Session 4: Next Steps Thurs 20th May 2021 4pm – 6pm Book Next Steps session

Virtual Member Meet Up

The next members’ meet-up will be at 13.00 on Tuesday 27th April. This meet-up will allow us to spend some time thinking about some of the key aspects of reflective practice, particularly around evidencing the impact of our work through the use of case studies. You can sign up for the Meet-up on Eventbrite.

Online professional learning opportunities

Remember that i-develop has lots of Professional Learning resources and information. Most recently added is the recording of the Education Scotland webinar from 19 March on Quality matters and blended learning.

Have a look at the list of over 40 free Open University courses that we think are relevant for CLD practice, some of just 2 hours of study. Or if you are looking for some thought provoking reading we have the Masters dissertations from members Ceri Hunter and Elisha Fisher, and the doctoral thesis from our own Dr Marion Allison.

Volunteering in ESOL Good Practice Framework Evaluation

Last year, CLDSC worked with Glasgow ESOL Forum and volunteer coordinators around Scotland to develop a Framework for Good Practice in Working with Volunteers in ESOL. If you have had the opportunity to engage with the framework -whether you have read it, shared with colleagues or used it to review your practice, they would be grateful if you could fill in this short survey with your thoughts.

Any feedback, however brief, will be useful.

World Community Development Conference 2021

Your chance to (virtually) visit Nairobi: the World Community Development Conference originally scheduled for 2020 is happening as an online event from 21st to 23rd June, with the theme Our Connectedness, Resilience and Empowerment.

For information and to register, go to WCDC 2021 (Registration fee: US $50).

CALL FOR PAPERS to ‘Build back Better’ from the Radical Community Work Journal

Full details on the call available on the TAG website with an abstract deadline of April 30th 2021

The Radical Community Work Journal is offering a space for academics, practitioners, and students to contribute to the discussion about how we, ‘build back better’ for its Summer 2021 issue. The editors write: ‘“As always, we are not looking for a definitive answer but invite thinking and writing which is challenging, thought provoking, inspirational and rooted in real life.” If you would like to be included in this upcoming issue, you will need to email an abstract of your paper (approx. 200 words) to with the subject line “Building Back Better” by April 30th 2021.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 31 March 2021

We’re recruiting! – Corporate Performance Officer

This post is responsible for leading a range of monitoring and evaluation projects, including those with a focus on our support for educational recovery. It is an exciting opportunity to work in a small, friendly team and apply your analytical skills to improve approaches to evaluation and use performance data to support improvement.

Specific duties include:

  • Lead monitoring and evaluation, data collection and data analysis projects. 
  • Designing qualitative and quantitative evidence gathering tools, such as questionnaires. 
  • Carrying out analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. 
  • Produce high quality reports based on your analysis to provide clear findings, recommendations and insight. 
  • Work collaboratively to define activities/outputs and outcomes (e.g. through logic modelling).
  • Develop realistic monitoring and evaluation plans based on business areas’ activities/outputs and outcomes.

For more information and to apply, view the Scottish Government webpage.

Closing date for applications Monday 5 April at midnight.

Climate Change Public Engagement strategy: CLDSC response

The Scottish Government consultation on its Climate Change – Net Zero Nation: draft public engagement strategy (Climate Change – Net Zero Nation: draft public engagement strategy – consultation – Scottish Government – Citizen Space) closes today (31st March). The CLD Standards Council has submitted a response highlighting the essential role of CLD in achieving the ambitions of the strategy for a “a society-wide transformation” – you can see the response here.

Thanks to all members who contributed to the response, either with written comments or through last month’s virtual meet-up.

Virtual Member Meet ups

We had another well-attended virtual meet-up last Friday, focusing on community development practice. Kathleen Glazik, Community Empowerment Team Leader in the Scottish Government, and Colette McGarva, Co-ordinator of the Community Development Alliance Scotland, responded to issues raised, including how to build on the positive lessons learnt from practice during the pandemic, and the need for support for a stressed workforce.

The next members’ meet-up at 13.00 on Tuesday 27th April will explore how we can use case studies creatively as a way of reflecting on our work as well as evidencing its impact. You can sign up on Eventbrite

CLDSC – Quiz Kirsty!

As the professional body for people who work or volunteer in Community Learning and Development, CLDSC exists to support practitioners in a variety of ways.  As a Registered Member or Associate Member, you have access to a range of member benefits and resources to support your opportunities for ongoing learning and development. 

Is your team/organisation is interested in …

  • finding out about available professional learning opportunities?
  • the ongoing benefits of CLDSC registration?
  • a whistle-stop tour of useful links/pages on our website and i-develop ?

Kirsty is available to join you virtually for an hour or so at times that suit you to go over all of the above and also cover any specific areas you’d like more information on.  While many staff/volunteers are already CLD Standards Council members, we also want to reach out to those who are not and support them to register.

If you’d like your team/organisation to quiz Kirsty on all things CLDSC, email 

Supporting Professional Learning Together – Buddies & Mentors

First launched at our members’ conference in December, Supporting Professional Learning Together offers a range of support to CLD practitioners so you can share their ideas, make connections, expand networks and benefit from each other’s experience.  

  • CLDSC Buddies – are you a CLD practitioner who could share your experience?  Or are you newer to CLD practice and would like to chat with someone with more experience?  You could be buddies!  
  • CLDSC Peer Mentor – a professional development opportunity offering support and challenge to/from a peer.  
  • CLDSC Professional Learning Verifiers – would you like support to discuss your career development?  Or could you help a CLD practitioner reflect on and record professional learning and verify it for CLDSC registration and re-registration purposes?  

Complete this survey to let us know what you are interested in and we will channel our inner Cilla Black to match you up!

Interested but not yet a CLDSC member?  Join CLDSC today! 

We’re ALL Connectors!  Make the most of networks and communities of practice – in person, on social media, online by using the hashtag: #CLDSCConnector

Fairer Futures Learning CLD workshop – 21 April 2pm

Education Scotland & Glasgow Science Centre invite CLD practitioners to join an interactive workshop session to consult on the development of their new learning pack ‘Fairer Futures’. This learning pack invites adult learners and youth groups to have their say in designing Scotland’s path to a greener future. Through discussion based activities, learners will explore different human perspectives and technologies that can help us create a future that is fair for all as we move away from fossil fuels. 

The session will highlight the contents of the pack and discuss definition/glossary guide (to ensure all terms are understood and covered), locality of the pack and future developments for the pack. This links with COP26 and is a really easy to use resource so good for those not confident in discussion climate change as well as activists who are.

Fairer Futures Learning Resources Consultation Tickets are available on Eventbrite.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 24 March 2021

CLDSC Alumni of previous members

The CLD Standards Council is delighted to announce that we will be offering members the option to become part of our Alumni if they end their membership of the CLD Standards Council due to retirement or change of career.

Being part of the Alumni means you would continue to receive the weekly newsletter, take part in meet-ups and could volunteer to be a buddy for a newer member. 
Alumni will be required to confirm their ongoing commitment to the CLD values and code of Ethics.

We will invite resigning members to join the Alumni and we hope that they will take up the offer and continue to support the CLD Standards Council and CLD profession by sharing their skills, knowledge and expertise.

CLDSC Practice Placement Guidance Academic Year 2020/21

Due to the continuing Covid-19 situation, we have updated our Guidance and Frequently Asked Questions documents relating to CLD Practice Placements in Academic Year 2020/21.  This Guidance relates to placements for those studying CLDSC approved qualifications through the Professional or Developmental Approvals routes.   For the 2020-21 academic year, in order to avoid compounding disadvantage for students, it has been agreed through the Joint Education Training Standards (JETS) Approvals group that a flexible reduction of up to 25% in placement hours be granted across the full length of any programme provided that students have gained a consistent pass in previous practice assessments (where applicable) and are considered fit to continue practising. As well as a flexible reduction in placement hours, flexibility has also been built into what constitutes placement activities. The aim is still for students to complete 100% of required placement hours and activities as normal.  

Please see the Placement Guidance webpage for more details.

Members meet-up Monday 29th March – what are your current Community Development practice issues?

There’s still time to book to attend the next members’ meet-up on Monday 29th March from 1 till 2 p.m. Share your experiences of CD practice over the last year, your ideas on what we can learn from these, and your ambitions as more space for community activities opens up. Discuss what support for CD practice is needed and where the CLD Standards Council fits into that. Book your place on Eventbrite

Kathleen Glazik, Community Empowerment Team Leader in the Scottish Government, and Colette McGarva, Co-ordinator of the Community Development Alliance Scotland, will be taking part in the discussion and responding to issues raised.

Children’s Parliament Panel Event – 30th March

Join our Director Marion Allison on 30th March 11am-12noon at the Children’s Parliament Panel Event to explore the links between Scotland’s Children’s Human Rights and CLD. Two weeks after MSPs voted to make children’s rights law in Scotland, this event is the first of its kind. Register on Eventbrite

National Occupational Standards Reviews – Consultations now open

Are you involved in delivering/managing Career Development/Guidance and/or Learning & Development?  If so, we want your views!

We are carrying out a review of two National Occupational Standards (NOS) suites –  Career Development/Guidance and Learning & Development.  NOS specify the standard of performance an individual must achieve when carrying out a function in the workplace, together with the knowledge and understanding they need to meet that standard consistently. Essentially NOS are benchmarks of good practice with each NOS defining one key function in a job role.  NOS also influence the design and content of training programmes.

The standards are applicable across the United Kingdom, we are working with a range of national and local organisations from Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales during the review process.

An initial review has now been undertaken and we would like your input on the proposed changes.  If you have an interest in the delivery of either of these areas, please complete the relevant survey.  We are seeking views from employers, training organisations and practitioners, so please circulate to your networks.

Learning & Development NOS Review Survey
Career Development NOS Review Survey

The surveys will be open until Monday 19 April 2021.

Accessible Messages about Cyber Resilience – Lead Scotland survey and support programme

Technology has never been more essential and equally it is ever more important to learn how to stay safe online. Lead Scotland highlight that many of the key messages about cyber resilience such as internet scams and creating strong passwords presume that we are confident readers who will be able to understand abstract concepts and relate them to our own experience. Some people need this critical information in more accessible formats, and some staff and volunteers want to feel knowledgeable and confident to be able to support others to stay safe online. 

Richard Lochhead MSP, Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science commented on Lead’s work, highlighting the role of CLD: “The Scottish Government’s Strategic Framework for a Cyber Resilient Scotland commits us to supporting people to know the cyber risks they face and be well prepared to manage them. Guidance must be accessible to all so I am pleased that Scottish Government funding will help Lead Scotland to coordinate this important work. I ask that community learning and development partners play their part in ensuring that these materials reach as many people as possible.”

To help the planning of a programme of work to meet these needs, Lead Scotland is working with partners to produce a range of alternative formats and a programme of training sessions for 2021-22. You can help Lead understand how they could support your staff and the people you work with to stay safe online by responding to their Accessible Messages Survey before 31 March.

Interesting articles from the latest Times Educational Supplement

How to use body language when delivering learning in a mask  – when facial expressions are obscured and your voice is muted by a covering, other body language becomes key, find some tips on using it well. 

As the world reacted to Harry and Meghan’s explosive interview about racism in the Royal Family, this might be a good moment for us to explore our own work around racial equality.

Your CLDSC membership provides you access to the full stories on TES. 
You will find the access details on the Members Benefits area of i-develop.
You will need to login to access this information as it is a member only benefit.

If you have any problems accessing please email And remember reading and reflecting on what you might take from an article can count towards your Professional Learning hours!

Guidance for CLD students and programme providers for academic year 2020/21

Please see the updated guidance for 2021-2022

Please see the following advice from the CLD Standards Council Scotland (CLDSC) in response to the disruption to delivery of CLDSC approved programmes caused by the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak. Due to these exceptional and rapidly changing circumstances, this guidance is intended to manage and minimise disruption to CLD students attending Scottish Further Education Institutions (FEIs) and Higher Education institutions (HEIs) whilst seeking to ensure that the quality of CLD learning programmes is not compromised.

This is the guidance updated as of March 2021

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 17 March 2021

Covid-19 CLD Guidance Updated

On 10 March 2021, the First Minister announced that from the 12 March organised activities for young people between the ages of 12 and 17 can take place outdoors for groups of 15 people. This number is inclusive of participants and facilitators.

In addition, the revised guidance highlights that many CLD staff are considered to be key workers and Local Authorities should evaluate the activities of CLD staff providing services to young people, adults, communities and families and consider if these roles are aligned to the categories described in the guidance overview. 

1:1 Digital Coaching Opportunity

In conjunction with Education Scotland and Know you More, we have secured places to offer 1:1 digital coaching to Local Authority CLD Managers who are CLDSC members. The offer is part of the  package of support opportunities which is funded through the £1.5 million allocate by Scottish Government to help manage additional pressures on the education workforce as a direct result of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

What this coaching  can offer you:

This digital coaching programme (4×30 minute sessions) has been designed to support you with any of the issues you are facing during these challenging times, and because we know that work and life are not separate there will be space to talk about personal as well as professional issues.  The coaching is delivered by practitioners, all of whom have experience of working and coaching within education. You will meet your coach online using a video conferencing face-to-face tool that suits you and your coach.

Your coach will first work with you to clarify what you want to focus on and the difference you intend to make for yourself through coaching. They will work alongside you to help you achieve your goal, tailoring the journey to suit you by using the process, skills and tools that will support you best. There is no ‘one right way’ for this kind of dialogue to work. You and your coach can work together with as much or as little structure as you wish, and decide the balance of reflection and pragmatic action that suits your needs.  You are likely to conclude your coaching with new ways of understanding yourself and your situation, clarity as to how you can play to your strengths and further strategies available to you for staying on track.

This is a pilot and in the first instance is available to Local Authority CLD managers who are CLDSC members.  For more info please contact

JETS Update

CLDSC have a lead role in the UK wide Joint Education Training Standards (JETS) committees.  The JETS  meets to share good practice, to develop commonality of approach, and to take joint action on any issues and concerns. The primary responsibilities of the Education Training Standards committees are to validate and endorse courses leading to qualification in professional and pre-professional youth work (and for CLD in Scotland) in their respective jurisdictions. 

The latest virtual meeting of JETS was held on 9 March 2021 and was hosted by our colleagues in Wales. Key topics on the agenda:

  • Update on COVID 19 Guidance and Placements provided by each nation.  There are no major changes to information available and there is an agreement that each nation informs the others if they are intending to make major changes and discuss to ensure that mutual recognition agreement is not adversely affected. Mutual Recognition across the UK and Ireland Professional (higher education) qualifications are recognised in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland as long as the programme of study has been professionally validated/approved by the NYA (England), ETS Wales or the Joint ETS for Northern Ireland and Ireland and CLD Standards Council Scotland. This mutual recognition agreement was arranged by Joint Education Training Standards Committee (JETS).  
  • Creating a database for Practice Placement providers: Discussion for each Nation to explore creating a database of the quality placements/practice supervisors/mentors across their own area and in long term to share this across UK & Ireland. 

The JETS Group meet at least twice a year and we will keep you updated on any discussions/actions. 

Educating the Informal Educator Survey

Dr Annette Coburn, Dr Edward Beggan (both University of the West of Scotland) and Dr Sinead Gormally (University of Glasgow) are undertaking a research study to gather the views of current students and graduates on their experience of Community Learning & Development or Community & Youth Work higher education programmes. It asks about learning, teaching and assessment experiences to better understand how these are used in practice. If you are a current student or graduate of CLD higher education programme, they’re looking for your input.  You can complete the survey here.

CLDSC response to Account Commission Consultation

The CLDSC has submitted a response to the Accounts Commission’s consultation on its priorities and work programme for 2021 and beyond, advocating a strong focus on community empowerment and lifelong learning in the Commission’s work.

The Accounts Commission is “the public spending watchdog for local government”, holding councils in Scotland to account and helping them improve.

Investing in Volunteers Standards Launch 24th March 2021 2-3.30pm

Volunteer Scotland is working with partners across the UK to launch the Investing in Volunteers (IiV) quality standard for good practice in volunteer management.  It provides a framework to assess the quality of volunteer management and involvement, prove and improve the effectiveness of work with volunteers, and enhance the organisation’s reputation.  

See more about IiV here and Register on Eventbrite for the launch.

SQA seeks views on 2021 Appeals Process

SQA has published a consultation on the appeals process for 2021 National 5, Higher, and Advanced Higher courses.  The consultation is open until 26 March and they want to hear from teachers, lecturers, training providers, employers, and other stakeholders including parents, carers and learners themselves, to inform the final proposals.  More details on the appeals process can be found here

Inclusion Scotland – Disabled People’s Question Time

14 April 6-7.30pm

On Thursday 06 May 2021, Scotland will elect a new Scottish Parliament. Inclusion Scotland has created an opportunity to ask candidates what the new Parliament will mean for disabled people.  

Disabled People’s Question Time will give attendees the opportunity to hear direct from leading politicians from Scotland’s main political parties on how they plan to make a difference for Scotland’s disabled people over the next five years.  Inclusion Scotland’s Rights and Renewal manifesto for the Scottish Parliament elections includes ‘Five Asks’ for the next Scottish Parliament: 

1.    Incorporate the UN Convention on Rights of Disabled People into Scots Law to fully promote, protect and realise our human rights.
2.    Recognise social care support as a fundamental basic right with the same criteria wherever you live.
3.    Ensure equal access to education and jobs for disabled people, particularly disabled young people.
4.    Use Scottish Social Security powers to help reduce the number of disabled people living in poverty.
5.    Involve us, the experts in our own lives, in making post Covid-19 Scotland better for disabled people.

The event will be chaired by leading journalist Pennie Taylor. The panel will include a representative from each of the five parties elected in the last Scottish Parliament.  Those who sign-up to Disabled People’s Question Time, will be sent information in advance of the event on how they can submit questions for the panellists. Register on Eventbrite.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 10 March 2021

Members’ Meet-up 29 March 2021


Our next Meet-up will focus on Community Development and we’re delighted to be joined by Colette McGarva (Community Development Alliance Scotland) and David Reilly (on secondment from Scottish Community Development Centre to the Scottish Government).  You can register on Eventbrite. Let us know what you would like to talk about at the session – what are the current issues for your community development practice as we (hopefully) emerge from lockdown and communities look to recover and renew?

Conversation with John Swinney and Gayle Gorman 
15 March 2021, 4.15-5.30pm

CLD practitioners, along with  school staff and early learning and childcare colleagues, are being invited to a conversation with the Deputy First Minister, John Swinney, and Gayle Gorman, HM Chief Inspector of Education. The event is an opportunity to engage in dialogue about learning and teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic and the future of Scottish Education.

During the sign-up process, participants will be asked to submit a question for consideration. These questions will then be collated, themed and presented for discussion by a representative at the live session. Throughout the session, there will be opportunities to ask supplementary questions using a chat function.

You can register for the event here. Places are limited to 3,000 participants and registration will close at 17.00 on Thursday 11 March. 

Developing College-based Professional Learning Opportunities – CLDSC Approval

The next workshop in this series takes place on Monday 22 March at 12:00 pm.  
It will look at the Developmental Approval Process and developing how to access support from colleagues and CLDSC for making a submission for approval of qualifications such as HNC Working with Communities. Register now on Eventbrite.

And it’s not too late to book a place for the workshop taking place tomorrow (Thursday 11 March at 3 pm) which focuses on supporting CLD Practice Placements, and looking at benefits for CLD Practitioners and the CLD employers taking a placement. Register now on Eventbrite

Climate Change Public Engagement – highlighting the CLD role

The CLDSC is preparing a response to the Scottish Government consultation on its Climate Change – Net Zero Nation: draft public engagement strategy – consultation.

Help us to highlight the importance of the role of CLD practitioners by sharing your ideas and your examples of how CLD supports public engagement in climate change.

You can add to the CLDSC response by accessing it on Google Drive or find it on the CLDSC website and email your comments to

Latest Concept Journal published

Take some time out and have a read of the articles in the latest Concept journal.  Dip into Chatter that Matters exploring how young people feel severe and multiple disadvantage impacts upon their lives and families, especially in relation to health and wellbeing, read Letters from Lockdown and much more… And don’t forget to log any professional reading you do as part of your Professional Learning log! 

SAMH Resources

SAMH (The Scottish Association for Mental Health) has a range of information and publications to help you support your own mental health and those around you by increasing knowledge, understanding and highlighting positive coping mechanisms. Click the links for more information on a variety of topics:

There are also a range of supports and services available at national level if you are experiencing levels of distress. Please visit the Distress Brief Interventionwebsite. The programme is built on the vision of connected compassionate support with the national programme consisting of two parts, with part 1 supported by NHS24 to help ease any individual.  If further support is required, they are referred to the DBI service with a promise of contact within the next 24 hours to start providing support.

Part 2 is provided by commissioned and trained third sector staff who contact the person and provide problem solving support, wellness and distress management planning, supported connections and signposting.  Support is offered for up to 14 days. Any adult age 16 and over in Scotland has access to this service.  Call NHS24 on 111 to access this service.

Also, SAMH have a vacancy for a Children & Young People’s Service Manager. Click here if you’d like to find out more. 

Disclosure Scotland Online

Disclosure Scotland is launching a new digital channel to apply for PVG level disclosures.  Taking a digital first approach, the new online PVG service will become the main application process for most PVG applications.  An initial trial of the new service saw Disclosure Scotland process thousands of PVG applications from over 250 organisations. Those who took part in the trial have seen key benefits, with a better, easier to use, application service and faster application turnaround times.

You can access the service from Disclosure Scotland’s website. Organisations enrolled with Volunteer Scotland Disclosure Services (VSDS) can access PVG Online through VSDS. To find out more, please contact Disclosure Scotland

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 03 March 2021

New Student Resources Website page 

Have a look at our new Student Resources webpage dedicated to resources and links relevant to CLD students.  You’ll find information on benefits of CLDSC Associate Membership for students, Practice Placement guidelines, links to useful CLDSC resources and much more. 

If you’re a CLD student, you might also be interested in this video message from Richard Lochhead, Minister for Further and Higher Education regarding support available to students whose studies have been disrupted due to Covid-19.  You can also find more information on the Student Information Scotland website

CLDSC Equalities Reference Sub-Group

The CLDSC Equalities Reference group are aiming to bring equalities into view.  Whilst the group draft terms of reference and the strategic overview of equality and inclusion for the council, they are aiming to host some informal zoom “fire-side” chats where Members can share their experience, ideas and hopes in a safe space.  As we pull together some sessions we are also hoping to share some more literature, documentaries, commentary that raise awareness of protected characteristics.  To get the ball rolling the following texts have been recommended:

  • The Good Immigrant, by Nikesh Shukla 
  • White Teeth by Zadie Smith
  • Windrush Betrayal: Exposing the Hostile environment by Amelia Gentleman
  • She would be king by Wayetu Moore
  • Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging by Afua Hirsch

Keep your eyes peeled for updates re Fire-Side chat session and in the meantime, happy reading!

Supporting Professional Learning Together

We launched our Supporting Professional Learning Together offer at our Members’ Conference in December.  We have been doing some matchmaking and are now delighted to announce that we have:

  • 6 pairs of CLD Buddies, an experienced/retired CLD practitioner sharing their experience and helping others reflect on their practice
  • 3 CLDSC members matched with Professional Learning Verifiers helping assess and explore PL needs and opportunities and verifying PL records for CLDSC registration renewal.
  • 2 pairs of Peer Mentors meeting together using the professional peer support model. 

Can you offer to support another members as a CLD Buddy or PL Verifier? Would you like support from a CLD Buddy or PL Verifier?  Get yourself matched by completing this survey.

We matched the first few Peer Mentors to help get the ball rolling but it’s over to you now as key to this is that you choose to be involved and you approach another CLDSC member with whom you feel you could have this kind of peer mentoring relationship.   We would love to hear how you get  on.

And don’t forget, we’re all #CLDSCConnectors – use the hashtag to make the most of our networks and communities of practice.

CLD Talks Podcast

Our Director, Dr Marion Allison features in this week’s podcast.  Grab a cuppa and have a listen to her stories from 30 years of CLD practice.  You can find the podcasts on all the usual podcast sites like or Spotify and follow @CLDTalks on Twitter – make sure you use the #CLDTalks hashtag!

Plant Trees You’ll Never See Webinar

If you weren’t able to make it along to our Members Conference in December and missed Gavin Oattes entertaining us about Silly Stress, Fire and Flow and how to Be The Milk, you might want to sign up for this ‘Plant Trees You’ll Never see’ webinar.   The event will be on 16th March on Zoom from 4-5pm. Book here

Climate Change Public Engagement and CLD

Our Virtual Member Meet-Up last week focused on CLD’s role in public engagement in combatting climate change. Members made clear that they are ready for CLD to have an important role in this. They emphasised the need to work across all aspects of CLD on this. They highlighted that CLD’s distinctive skills can make the links between global issues and people’s everyday experiences as a starting point for change, and that CLD practice should be informed by a critical perspective on the power relationships shaping these experiences. 

The CLDSC is preparing a response to this Scottish Government consultation: Climate Change – Net Zero Nation: draft public engagement strategy – consultation (closing March 17th). We’d particularly welcome your examples of how CLD supports public engagement in climate change, and any other contributions to the response. 

…And our next Members’ Meet Up –
Will be on Monday 29 March 1-2pm – watch out for details!

Happy 60th Birthday to Community Education at Moray House, University of Edinburgh

Our Director, Marion Allison was delighted to share in the birthday celebrations with the staff and students past and present.  In her key note speech Marion invited us to look towards the diamond age of CLD in Scotland, comparing CLD practitioners to diamonds who are formed under pressure, resilient and sparkly and the other form of carbon, graphite, as we are conductors of learning and education. To hear students and practitioners share their experience of their time at Moray House and how they managed the balance of theory and practice, follow the links below. Happy birthday from all at CLDSC!

4th Year Students

Free training sessions on tackling the Disability Employment Gap

The Disability Employment Gap Public Social Partnership Project is offering free support sessions on employing and supporting disabled people to employers and providers in local communities. CLDSC member David Stewart of SUSE (the Scottish Union of Supported Employment) writes: “With options from online taster sessions to project collaboration, we’d be delighted if practitioners working in CLD could attend in order to benefit the diverse people and communities you support. There are a wide range of sessions on offer during March 2021”. 

Details can be found at the Scottish Union of Supported Employment website or by contacting David at or 07305 064 282

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 24 February 2021

Time to renew your CLDSC Membership?

We send both Associate and Registered members a request to renew their registration every 3 years.  If you became a member more than 3 years ago then you should have received a request to renew**. When you receive your registration renewal request please complete the renewal.  You can be removed from the register of members if you do not renew. 

To renew you need to-

  • Reconfirm your commitment to the Values and Ethics
  • Confirm that you have undertaken an appropriate amount of relevant professional learning
  • Also, if you are no longer in active contact with your previous referee then you must provide a new referee.

If you are unable to complete your renewal at this time you can request a deferral. However we are finding a few members have not kept us up to date with their email address. Unfortunately if we are unable to complete a renewal that membership will be suspended and eventually removed from the register. So please remind colleagues to make sure we have up to date contact details so we can contact them to renew. Full details of requirements for renewal including advice on professional learning are available on the website.

** If you have been registered for more than 3 years and not received a renewal request yet, please check the email address you originally registered with – sometimes the emails go into spam or junk folders – but if you cannot find a request please email and we will investigate.

Reminder – Virtual Member Meet-Up
26 February 1-2pm

How do you see the role of CLD in relation to climate change?
The Scottish Government’s draft strategy for public engagement in climate change says this: Putting People First. Decarbonising our nation will have a significant effect on people’s lives, so it is crucial that we understand and respond to people’s concerns, have an inclusive decision making process, and put people in Scotland at the forefront of everything that we do. A net zero nation is not possible without the support and contribution of our citizens. Communities are not bystanders in the transition but integral players in making it a success. 

Does this need a role for CLD? Register to attend the meet-up on Eventbrite and come along to share experiences and ideas, and hear about CLD involvement around the COP26 conference.

College-based Professional Learning Opportunities – Supporting CLD Placements 

The next workshop in this series takes place on Thursday 11 March at 3 pm.  It will focus on Supporting CLD Practice Placements, looking at the importance of the placement experience for CLD Practitioners and the benefits to CLD employers of taking a placement.  Issues surrounding placements will be explored and good practice shared with a view to strengthening partnership working in support of practice placements.  Register for this event through 

#CLDTalks Podcast

Have you caught up with the new CLD Podcast yet?  Created by CLDSC Registered Member Conor Maxwell, CLD Worker in South Lanarkshire, the podcasts have been established to raise the profile of CLD across Scotland.  You can find the podcasts on all the usual podcast sites like or Spotify and follow @CLDTalks on Twitter – make sure you use the #CLDTalks hashtag! There are two podcasts to listen to so far: Jim Sweeney MBE and Adele Martin.  You’re guaranteed insights, information, learning and laughs!

Education Scotland resource and information updates

These webinars are aimed at any education Practitioners, and are large events with 3 presenters sharing information in a CLD context and with Q&A via comments. Platform: Google meet (unless stated).

  • National Numeracy CLD Network 25th February 10am – 11.30am for practitioners hosted on ZOOM (Learning Link Scotland and Education Scotland) – featuring National Numeracy online checker and Glasgow Science Centre, Our World Our Impact with a numeracy focus. 
  • CLD Adult Literacy – 3rd March 10am – 11am – Education Scotland digital team resources & professional learning, Edinburgh – Scots Literacy resources and Education Scotland Numeracy / Maths resources
  • ESOL – 4th March 1pm – 2pm – Ayrshire Partnership, Aberdeenshire CLD Digital learning and NATECLA Scotland
  • CLD Adult Learning – 10th March 10am – 11am – Glasgow Science Centre, Our World Our Impact resources, Adult Achievement Awards – online and National Numeracy Day online checker and resources
  • CLD Digital Delivery of Remote Learning 26th March 9.30-10.30am. This webinar will focus on engaging learners digitally, approaches to monitoring and evaluation and introduce useful digital tools.

Education Scotland have also developed a Summary of CLD Covid resources on the National Improvement Hub highlighting guidance, practitioner resources, research and case studies. Please get in touch with if there is any information you would like to add to this page.

Praxis Lunch Friday, 26th February 12-2pm – Universal Basic Income

Hosted by University of Dundee and Dundee City Council, the latest praxis lunch welcomes Dr Marcia Gibson from MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit at Glasgow University who will be speaking about Universal Basic Income.

Marcia has published a scoping review of evidence from studies similar to basic income and she will share some of her findings and perspectives on the desirability of BI based on simulation modelling studies. Please click here to read a blog post that Marcia has published which outlines her views on BI in the current context.

The lunch will will take place on TEAMS.  The session will follow the normal format of an input from Marcia and then time for discussion and reflection.  If you’d like to attend, please email Sarah McEwan and she will send you the invitation.  

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 17 February 2021

Calling all CLD Students

Remember the days when going to University or College looked like this?

Group of students in a library

But now it looks more like this

cartoon image to someone looking at a screen full of faces.

As the professional body for people who work, volunteer and/or study in Community Learning and Development the CLD Standards Council Scotland (CLDSC) recognises the many and varied challenges that the current pandemic brings to the lives of Students and their studies. As your Professional Body this edition of our weekly Members Bulletin is dedicated to providing some help, suggestions and support for CLD Student Practitioners.

Message from the Director of CLDSC, Dr Marion Allison

Just imagine, that scary and exciting moment when you’re responsible for the community project and / or centre, with all that it entails. As you journey through your CLD career there will be many occasions you will search for your essays on empowerment, remember your debates about inclusion and draw from your practice presentations on partnerships.

As Scotland considers a post-COVID society the skills, knowledge and experience of qualified CLD professionals will be central to bringing about positive change with and for young people, learners and communities. Interpreting, influencing and implementing legislation and policy, leading learning programmes, understanding good governance, managing budgets are just some of the tasks that will be required. In many respects these are the more straightforward aspects of our roles. Working with and for people and communities is at the core of CLD practice and it is in this space that our professional competence and attributes really matter.

Ultimately, the mixture of theory and practice embedded in Scotland’s college and university CLD programmes ensure that you are prepared to take on these roles. Both aspects are essential. Whilst lockdown continues, the challenges for students, colleges, universities and placement providers are real. Be reassured, herculean efforts are being made to ensure that CLD students and programmes are not diminished. The learners and communities of Scotland need you to be ready for that day, when you are effectively handed the keys.

About Us

We are a member led organisation. Our approach and work plans to deliver our core responsibilities are defined by our member committees and based on feedback from the wider membership.

We are funded by the Scottish Government, with a ministerially appointed Chair. Our core responsibilities are:

  • Deliver a professional approvals structure for qualifications, courses and development opportunities for everyone involved in CLD
  • Maintain a registration system available to practitioners delivering and active in CLD practice
  • Develop and establish professional learning and development opportunities

Have a look at our video.

Joining CLD Standards Council

As a student, you have registered with CLD Standards Council as an Associate Member and you can take advantage of a whole host of Member Benefits including:

  • Monthly Virtual Member Meet-Ups (see below for info about the February Meet-Up)
  • CLD Standards Council Members Slack Space with a dedicated channel for CLD Students. Email to request the Slack joining information.
  • invitation to our Annual Members Conference
  • access to our Buddy/Mentor/Professional Learning Verifier support
  • weekly Member Bulletin News updates
  • free online access to Times Educational Supplement Scotland magazine
  • membership of Scotland wide University and College Libraries
  • links with UK-wide Association of Professional Lecturers in Youth & Community Work
  • access to Scottish Council for Development & Industry materials/events
  • i-develop access to member only areas and much more…

Why not share this newsletter with your fellow students who have not yet joined CLDSC? All they need to do is go to the Registration page on i-develop, download and complete the application form, and then submit it via i-develop. There’s no charge and within a couple of weeks, they can take advantage of a whole host of Member Benefits.

CLD Professional Practice Placement

Are you in need of some guidance on your placement? Have you used the Practice Placement Standard 2017 document? – Guidelines for Professional Practice Placement. This provides guidance to what you should expect from your placement and who is responsible for what during your placement. The document was created in partnership with Higher Education, Further Education and representatives from employers and practice supervisors in CLD. We are currently working on the 2nd online version of this resource which will include templates and checklists as well as setting out who is responsible for what during professional practice placement.

The new version of the document is being designed putting you, the student, at the very heart of the process; your learning, your evidence, your meetings and your professional development. Watch this space for more updates in March 2021.

Want to join the focus group? Are you a member of CLDSC? It will provide you with an opportunity to share your practice experiences, thoughts, ideas or questions not only with CLDSC but with other students across Scotland. A great networking opportunity. A possibility of gaining some Professional Practice hours?

Join the CLDSC Professional Practice Focus Group Slack Space – Email to request the Slack joining information.

Professional Practice Placement Student Focus Group

At the beginning of February CLDSC hosted an initial meeting to start the process of setting up the focus group. The purpose of the initial meeting was to allow CLDSC as the Professional Body for CLD to engage with Students involved in approved CLD programmes. Educational Providers were asked to provide the names of student representatives to attend the initial meeting (thank you to those who took part). It was agreed the focus group was helpful and should continue.

Want to join the focus group? Are you a member of CLDSC? It will provide you with an opportunity to share your practice experiences, thoughts, ideas or questions not only with CLDSC but with other students across Scotland. A great networking opportunity. A possibility of gaining some Professional Practice hours?

Join the CLDSC Professional Practice Focus Group Slack Space – Email to request the Slack joining information

Professional Learning

As part of your CLDSC registration commitment, you are required to undertake a certain amount of professional learning each year. We have developed a range of materials which you can use to help you record and reflect on your professional learning.

Our Supporting Professional Learning Together offer gives you access to CLDSC Buddies, Mentors and/or Professional Learning Verifiers. It also helps broaden your network through #CLDSCConnectors and the CPD Discussion forum CPD Discussion Forum.

And we also provide a range of professional learning opportunities which you can take part in. You’ll find them in a variety of places including i-develop and our monthly Member Meet-Ups. Read on to find out more!


i-develop supports creative and innovative professional learning and development for CLD practitioners. It integrates the theories and practices such as peer support, communities of practice, learning journeys and reflection-in-action, in order to shape and support a learning community of practitioners across CLD in Scotland.

Click on some of the Useful Links on the homepage to find out about our Members’ Conference 2020, Professional Learning Networks in your area, volunteering in CLD and more.

Virtual Member Meet-Up 26 February 1-2pm

At this month’s Meet-Up, we’ll be talking about climate change, the Scottish Government’s draft strategy for public engagement on this, and what the role of CLD is, can and should be. Under the strategic objective of “Enabling Participation in Policy Design” the strategy’s aim is that “People actively participate in shaping fair and inclusive policies that encourage adaptation to and mitigation of climate change”. Is this part of what you currently do? Do you think you should be more involved? Do you need support for this?

Register to attend the meet-up on Eventbrite and come along to share experiences and ideas about CLD practice and climate change.

Other useful resources