News from the CLD Standards Council
Modern Apprenticeship Framework Review
We are currently seeking views from CLD Youth Workers, Youth Work Providers, Training Organisations and Educational Institutions to inform the review of the Modern Apprenticeship Framework based on the Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) in CLD Youth Work. The Modern Apprenticeship and SVQs in CLD Youth Work are an important part of the network of Community Learning and Development qualifications that support the professional learning and development of CLD youth workers in Scotland.
Please share your views by completing our Modern Apprenticeship CLD Youth Work survey, which closes on 27 February 2023.
Family Learning National Occupational Standards (NOS) – online survey deadline extended!
Following two rounds of focus groups, we have now prepared draft NOS and have changes available to comment on.
Please make your views known by completing our Family Learning NOS online survey and please also share with your colleagues.
The survey deadline has been extended until 6pm on Friday, 3rd March. Information on the review process can be found on the Family Learning NOS webpage.
You can also register to come along to the sector feedback session on 8 March 2023, where you can find out what changes are being made as a result of your inputs.
Adult Learning draft NOS ready for review!
And in other news…the brand new National Occupational Standards for Adult Learning have now been drafted and are ready for you to review and comment on. The Functional Map and the Standards are available to view on the Adult Learning NOS webpage. You can share your views and highlight any amendments by completing the Adult Learning NOS survey. The survey will remain open until 6pm on 9 March 2023.
If you’d like to find out a bit more about the new standards before completing the survey, why not come along to a sector meeting on Monday, 27 February. Register for the Adult Learning NOS Feedback Session on Eventbrite.
Upcoming CLD Events
CLD Standards Council: Member Meet-up – Adult Learning with Citizen Literacy

Citizen Literacy is a home grown, wholly independent Community Interest Company (CIC), a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping improve adult literacy in the English language, based and registered in Scotland.
The educational design of the programme is a good fit with the ideas connected to the Science of Reading and the use of phonics, but with very different methods to those used with children. Where possible they make the resources free (e.g. the free learner web app and downloads for tutors to use in ‘class’).
Join this members meet-up session on 6th March at 4 pm, to find out how this adult learning resource could work for you and your learners.
Register for the Adult Learning with Citizen Literacy Member Meet Up on Eventbrite.
Have Your Say: Post-school education, research and skills

Come and join us to help clarify the work of the CLD workforce across Scotland and inform what does and does not work in the current post-school education ecosystem.
Our response will inform Ministers and other decision makers to shape and deliver the reform we believe necessary to secure a sustainable future for our learners, communities and economy. CLD workers are not a shy breed so come and have your say.
You can sign up using the Eventbrite links below for a focus group specifically aimed at your sector: FE/HE, Local Authority, Third Sector and Students.
- FE/HE Focus Group – Friday, 24th February, 10.00-12.30
- Local Authority Focus Group – Wednesday, 1st March, 09.30-12.00
- Third Sector Focus Group – Thursday, 2nd March, 13.00-15.30
- Student Focus Group – Friday, 3rd March, 11.00-13.30
News from the CLD Sector
Scottish Education Awards – Have you nominated for CLD?

There is only one week left to nominate your amazing CLD programmes and practitioners for a Scottish Education Award. Let’s highlight all the good CLD practice that happens across Scotland. There is there a CLD Award which recognises CLD’s contribution to improving life chances for people of all ages. There are also Digital, Lifelong Achievement, Parent and Family Engagement Awards, so get nominating on the Scottish Education Awards website. #BecauseOfCLD #ScotEdAwards2023
Fathers Network Scotland
This network began as a visionary seed project in 2008 and by 2016 was spearheading the Scottish Government sponsored ‘Year of the Dad’. By the end of the campaign they had inspired almost 6,000 individuals and well over 1,000 organisations to celebrate the difference a supportive dad can make to improving children’s lives as well as raise awareness of the learning and support dads need.
CyberScotland Week 2023
27th Feb – 5th March. Free webinars, resources and learning opportunities will be available throughout the week. These will help people and organisations become more informed about cyber risks and learn how to become more cyber resilient.
Community Funding Programme
Through the Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland, environmental organisations, community groups, land owners and farmers will be eligible to apply for a share of £1.8 million in funding to help grow their nature projects.
Clubs at the Heart of Community
Scottish Cycling have ambitious plans to grow the network of youth cycling clubs as a key legacy outcome of the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships, by supporting a network of inclusive and engaging clubs, where everyone has an opportunity to play their part in the cycling community.