CLDSC Member Bulletin – 8 July 2020

Review of Career Pathways for CLD

The CLD Standards Council (CLDSC) has identified that for those wishing to continue to develop their skills and professional practice, a clear, supported learning pathway is essential. We have conducted a review of the professional learning opportunities currently available, assessing the range of existing pathways and identifying actions to make them more effective and efficient.

The review report and summary are available on the website.

The review has been circulated to relevant Scottish Ministers and senior colleagues in universities, colleges and partner organisations to secure their support in addressing the actions recommended at a strategic level.

Issues like the availability and accessibility of CLDSC approved college and university CLD programmes, the barriers facing CLD practitioners at different stages along the path, such as funding and the need for a variety of modes of study, are highlighted and Improvement Actions proposed. The more local element of the review is ongoing and more information is needed about local and regional provision to find where there are gaps. If you can tell us about professional learning and development opportunities in your area or organisation, please get in touch. They don’t need to be happening right now – we’re keen to hear about what’s available generally. Email

CLDSC see this review as fundamental to its vision ‘that the communities and people of Scotland are served effectively by CLD practitioners who are recognised as competent, confident and committed to equality, empowerment and life-wide learning for all’.

CLDSC Member Virtual Meet Up 17 July 2020

The next Virtual Meet-Up will take place on Friday 17 July 1-2pm. We got lots of ideas from the last Meet-Up for discussion themes and the topic for this Meet Up is Sharing Digital Learning Tools. So, this one is all about you and sharing your experiences (good or not!), skills and the digital tools you’ve used – especially over the last few months when we’ve all had to become more digitally agile! Even if you’re feeling a bit digitally fragile, join in, find out what others are using and/or share what you’re using.

Register for the Meet-up on Eventbrite

Don’t forget you can also join our Slack group workspace (you can download the Slack app on a tablet or phone). It has an instant chat facility and different channels for group discussions. We can also share information, files, and more. More and more people are joining and chatting about CLD practice. If you’d like to join, email and we’ll send you the workspace invite!

Wave 4 of the CLD Response to COVID-19 Survey

The fourth wave of the survey will be open till Friday the 31 July.
Whether you responded to previous waves or not, please take the time to contribute to wave 4 which is asks about how things are changing as we move out of lockdown. We want to hear how CLD practice is being adapted again as restrictions ease but social distancing and other measures are still in place.
Please complete the survey here:
Please also pass the link on to any CLD colleagues. We really appreciate your support with this task at this busy time.

The CLD Standards Council has asked practitioners to complete the short survey to gather information and examples on the CLD Response to COVID-19.
The results from the first and second wave of the survey have been collected and you can find the reports on the CLDSC website.

Standards for Community Development Practice

The International Association for Community Development (IACD) has published a summary version of their Shared International Standards for Community Development Practice. These can be used for example to build shared awareness and understanding of what community development is. You can access both the summary and the full standards on the IACD website.

The CLDSC partnered IACD in the development of the standards, and CLDSC member Clare MacGillivray, also a member of IACD’s board, has been honoured by being named IACD Global Ambassador 2020. Many congratulations, Clare! See Clare’s acceptance speech on twitter.

TES Professional Learning Opportunity

If you are looking for useful reading material, remember that your CLD Standards Council Membership gives you free online access to TES magazine. Details are available in the Members benefit page on i-develop . But you will need to login to access this.
Email us at if you have lost your username or password and are having difficulty resetting.