At the CLD Standards Council, we try to get out and meet up with members and potential members as much as we can. We enjoy a good catch up with CLD folk and it is great to keep up to date on all the amazing Adult Learning, Community Development and Youth Work happening right across Scotland, all under the banner of CLD.

Vikki Carpenter, one of our Development Officers, along with Julie Beckett from the CLD team within Education Scotland recently went to visit the winners of the Education Scotland CLD award, Tannahill Community Centre at Ferguslie Park in Paisley. First impressions were that this amazing community centre was like a Tardis but sadly no David Tenant to be seen!
On the day they met with Jamie Mallan, the Business Transformation Manager of this community hub along with some of the CLD team and community members. Jamie leads a diverse team of staff, volunteers and other stakeholders to deliver services that address poverty, isolation, housing, loneliness, poor mental health, digital exclusion and educational attainment. It was clear that the local people and community organisations see this centre, and their CLD team, as the ‘go-to’ place for support and information. Innovative and creative in their response to the needs of customers and stakeholders, there is a whole host of opportunities from baby massage to a food pantry, ESOL classes and talent shows!

Vikki was also invited to be part of the CLD Team at Aberdeen City’s CPD day recently. Over 70 CLD workers attended the full day in Cummings Park in Aberdeen. The theme of the day was the CLD Competences and Vikki was delighted to get the ball rolling with a presentation on the CLD Standards Councils work. It was an extraordinary day, hearing about the inspiring, positive programmes happening right across Aberdeen city, delivered by this local authority’s Adult Learning Team, Localities Team, Communities Team, Family Learning Team, Fairer Aberdeen Team, Healthy Minds Team and Youth Work Team. It was impressive to hear about the vast amount of communities they support, as well as the volunteering opportunities and the connections across all of their teams and stakeholders to support individuals and community groups across the city.