There’s still time to pack in some professional learning before the Winter Learning Festival for CLD ends for another year!
Organised by the five regional professional learning networks, Education Scotland and CLD Standards Council; the Winter Learning Festival offers annually an exciting programme of free online learning for those working or volunteering in CLD.
Over the course of October to March, each regional network takes a week and offers a variety of professional learning activities. Activities are open to CLD practitioners across Scotland, so join in and get connecting with others across the country.
The final week 19-23 February, is hosted by the South-West Alliance and includes sessions on:
- Outcome-Based Learning in ESOL
- Good Governance
- Parental Empowerment Programme
- Introduction to Community Interpreting Qualification
You will find more details about what’s on offer and links to register on the Winter Learning Festival I-develop page.
And if you’re wondering what to learn in March, join us for the Member Meet-up on 12 March when CEMVO Scotland will share information about their Race Equality Environmental Programme which aims to improve the capacity of the environmental sector to tackle racial inequality and meet the needs of ethnic minority people.