CLD Standards Council Needs You!

If you are passionate about all things CLD and are interested in supporting

  • developments around professional learning opportunities for practitioners and volunteers,
  • approving qualifications and developing qualification pathways, or
  • encouraging your peers to better understand the benefits and advantages of being a member of the CLD Standards Council,

Then we are looking forward to welcoming you as a committee member.

“It’s good to be part of the voice for CLD across Scotland and to help promote membership and feel you are making a difference.” Member of the R&M Committee

Changes to our Standing Orders have opened up more places on our committees, giving more CLD Standards Council members a say in how the organisation develops, so we are looking to appoint more members to all four of our committees. These are the Executive Committee, Approvals Committee, Professional Learning Committee, Registration and Membership Committee.

“Being a CLD committee member is a great way to work with practitioners across Scotland, and to support the future of CLD. Plus they are the best people – friendly and inspiring in their work and commitment to practice.”

Being a committee member offers opportunities for networking with peers from across Scotland as you debate, discuss and shape the priorities that will guide the direction of travel for the CLD Standards Council.

“Being a member of the PL Committee has played a part in my own CPD for many years. The opportunity to have an influence on strategic developments in professional learning and decision making has been invaluable. The networking and sharing of practice opportunities across all sectors have improved both my confidence and competence as a CLD practitioner who has a professional learning remit. I now have extremely useful contacts in terms of professional development across the breadth of CLD in Scotland.”

“Being on the CLD Standards Council Registration & Membership committee is both a genuine joy, pleasure and a great developmental opportunity for me. I am so grateful to the staff for their care, wisdom and support, and I love the amazing volunteer committee members who bring such diversity of skill and experience to the work we all do. We really are a learning community, a tribe ……and I appreciate how we help each other create a real sense of ‘CLD belonging’.”

If you want to know more about getting involved as a future committee member you can contact Ross for a chat ( or download an information sheet and application form below –

“Being on the PL committee given me a wider perspective of CLD and has provided a professional network that is so supportive. There are members who have been in place for a while, that are welcoming and have a wealth of experience that I would never have had access to. I appreciate the professional and personal value of being part of the team.”

Closing dates for applications will be Friday 11th April 2025, with an induction day planned for 27 June 2025.

Good luck!

Developmental Approval for Sports Academy of Scotland

Sports Academy of Scotland logo

The CLD Approvals panel is delighted to announce that the Sports Academy of Scotland has achieved Developmental approval for the delivery of the SCQF Level 7 SVQ Level 3 in Youth Work, which forms the critical part of the Modern Apprenticeship in Youth Work offered by Sports Academy of Scotland. The approval period is January 2025 – January 2030.

This is an exciting and much needed pathway for learners and young people across Scotland. The Approval panel were impressed with Sports Academy of Scotland’s use of the OneFile digital system which in its demonstration was innovative and supportive to both learners and employers. The panel noted that that the Sports Academy of Scotland team had ensured that access to the SVQ in Youth Work is as accessible as possible by offering several methods and modes for learners to complete their evidence. The panel further commended the obvious passion for Coaching, Mentoring and Community Learning and Development that was expressed through the Developmental Approval Process and thanked Sports Academy of Scotland for the frank, open and honest conversation during the approval process.

For more information about this programme, email

New Year, New Challenges Ahead!

I-develop learning for cld logo followed by  wording -Professional Induction. An introduction to the purpose and functions of the CLD Standards Council expectations of membership.

Are you ready to stretch your mind and flex those brain cells, and tackle the challenges ahead after the festive season?
Is this the year to focus on your CLD career development? Need a challenge to expand your skills and networks?

We can help!

The Professional Induction Programme has gone from strength to strength, and we are inundated with participants for the Spring programme, and we know this will increase for the Autumn 2025 programme, so we are looking for more Course Mentors.

The Professional Induction Programme (PIP) was developed by CLD Standards Council members to help those joining take advantage of all the benefits available as part of CLD Standards Council membership. Taking part helps members to

  • Increase their awareness and understanding of
    • the purpose, functions and professional standards of the CLDSC and the requirements;
    • the benefits of membership, with particular reference to professional learning and development
    • being a member of the CLDSC;
    • the process of professional learning and development to professional practice, recognition and progression;
    • the benefits that peer support and mentoring bring to professional learning and development.
  • Produce a Professional Learning & Development (PL&D) Plan setting professional learning goals within the context of your practice and critically reflect on its development.

The programme is split into three units:

  1. The CLD Standards Council Scotland – its Vision, Values, Code of Ethics and functions;
  2. Registration, Learning and Review;
  3. Goal Setting and Plan Development.

Each unit takes approximately 5 hours, with participants having 3 months to complete the programme.
The programme is delivered through i-develop and each participant is allocated a course mentor.

About being a Course Mentor


The main role of Course Mentors in the Professional Induction Programme is as follows:

  • To be part of a supportive learning community;
  • To give feedback on the professional learning plan submitted by participants;
  • To assist participants to progress in their journey as reflective practitioners.

Benefits for you

In carrying out this role, you have a unique opportunity to further your own professional development, which you can use as evidence of your own professional learning for registration purposes. You also enable participants to complete the course requirements.


You will be asked to support up to 6 PIP participants per programme. On average, you would commit around 1-2 hours per week over the course of the programme delivery.

Support for you

New mentors go through an induction process. To maintain professional standards, mentors are supported during the programme through regular mentor meetings and networking. All mentors are encouraged to raise any questions or issues of concern between mentor meetings.

If you are interested in taking part, complete this PIP Course Mentor registration form.
Tick off those new year resolutions and join us as a PIP Course Mentor!

Great to see you! – The Annual lecture

Photograph of Alan Sherry OBE and Kate Still in front  of an audience in a lecture hall with the CLD Standards Council banner and Glasgow University on presentation screen.

On Friday the 4th of October the CLD Standards Council hosted its annual lecture with the support of Glasgow University School of Education.

Kate Still, who led the Independent Review of CLD, delivered the lecture to practitioners from across Scotland and, alongside our Chair Alan Sherry OBE, took questions from the audience.

Kate spoke about her personal CLD journey as she undertook the review of CLD and about how learning challenges in her family shaped her determination to make skills and learning development more accessible, and more supportive. This was a guiding factor in how Kate approached the review.

Kate shared stories from the meetings she had with Young People and Adults and how CLD impacted their learning, wellbeing, and life. Kate was able to directly link these sessions into how she shaped the recommendations.

We support Kate’s call to the sector to take ownership of the recommendations and seek to engage proactively with decision makers on the next steps.

Here are some thoughts about the lecture from CLD Standards Council members:

“Kate Still encouraged everyone to ‘embrace your power to believe in people’ and talked of the value of the transformative CLD experiences that she witnessed across Scotland whilst undertaking the Independent Review. Kate’s said that ‘too many people still don’t know about it’ and highlighted the pressures on CLD services and the continuing issues with lack of parity of esteem with school-based education provision. Talking of CLD being the invisible glue that holds communities together, Kate reminded us of the live-saving impact of CLD and the reasons why many of us came into this line of work in the first place.” – Julie Beckett

“A clear message I took home is that we are stronger together, a unified CLD sector has an opportunity with the report to expand the excellent work across Scotland serving more learners better”. Emma Whitelock

“This year’s lecture was fantastic – both challenging and inspiring. The publication of the independent review of CLD is obviously one of the biggest moments for our sector in recent years, so it was great to hear directly from Kate Still about the review process and findings. Kate started by sharing some powerful experiences from her own learning journey, highlighting people that had made a real difference in her life. She reminded CLD practitioners to ‘embrace your power to believe in people.’ Kate also thanked learners and practitioners for engaging so positively in the review. For her, the evidence from the review clearly shows that CLD has a significant impact in communities, but not enough people know that CLD works. Kate argued that the review report makes a strong case for investment in CLD and for an effective CLD workforce across Scotland. As we wait for the Scottish Government’s response to the Review, Kate called for unified response from the CLD sector to the review recommendations, and encouraged all of us in the CLD sector to be pro-active in using the evidence and recommendations from the review to make change happen where we can”. – John Galt

Come and join our team

mage of a neon sign on a black wall, which has a yellow mega phone at the top, then the words Come Join Us in neon blue and pink underneath

The CLD Standards Council are recruiting for a Corporate Performance Officer.

Do you have a strong knowledge, understanding and experience of CLD professional practice, CLD delivery structures and the make-up of the CLD workforce?

Do you have a skillset in quantitative and qualitative methods and analysis?

Do you have knowledge of the Data Protection Act 2018?

The Corporate Performance Officer role with the CLD Standards Council will work directly with the Assistant Director and the Development Officer (Policy & Research) to gather and use evidence to support the improvement of practice standards for CLD practitioners, inform decisions and development of professional learning requirements of CLD practitioners and advise on trends and challenges associated with membership demographics.

If this matches your skills and experience and you want to make a difference to professional CLD practice in Scotland then check out the further information and details on how to apply on the Scottish Government job site.

CLD Review – You said, we wrote, they recommended.

In July, Mr Graeme Dey MSP, Minister for Further and Higher Education and Veterans announced that the report on the independent review of CLD had been published Learning: For All. For Life. A report from the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD).

Ms. Kate Still was appointed in December 2023 to conduct the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD), and ministers will consider and formally respond to the recommendations in due course.

CLD Standards Council Members had a clear contribution to the review and the report is comprehensive, making reference to almost every aspect of CLD and offering 20 recommendations under 6 headings:

  • Leadership and Structures – establishing a strategic leadership group.
  • Overarching Policy Narrative – developing a clearer and more cohesive policy narrative.
  • Focus on Delivery – publish a Delivery Plan by end of 2024
  • Budgets and Funding – undertake an assessment of funding
  • Developing workforce standards – consideration of HMIs inspection reports to be a standing item on Strategic leadership group
  • Demonstrating Impact – annual celebration of CLD successes

There are 15 references to the CLD Standards Council in the report with clear recognition that “The CLD Standards Council, given the limited resources supporting its work, does a good job in raising standards across CLD, raising its profile and supporting those working in the sector”. There is an ask for an enhanced role for the CLD Standards Council and a recommendation that “The CLD Standards Council should be supported to transition towards an independent status more akin to the General Teaching Council Scotland.”.

We are working with Committee Members, Members and stakeholders to consider and respond to all recommendations within the report and have set up two opportunities for members to attend a Have Your Say event where we will share feedback in relation to the recommendations made in the CLD Review report.

Sessions will take place on Tuesday 20 August 2024 via MS Teams and you can choose to attend at 2-3.30 pm or 6.30-8 pm (members only need to attend one session). At the session, we will

  • Invite members views regarding the report and its reflection of CLD.
  • Review the key “asks” of members through our submissions and consider any connections to the report’s recommendations.
  • Discuss the possible impact on the work and role of the CLD Standards Council.
  • Gather members views on the recommendations for our formal response to the CLD review report and recommendations.

Please register to join us on Eventbrite.

Professional Induction Programme – sign up now!

Image of i-develop logo, Induction logo and wording _ Professional Induction An Introduction to the purpose and functions of the CLD Standards Council and expectations of memebrship.

The Professional Induction Programme (PIP) was developed by CLD Standards Council members to help those joining take advantage of all the benefits available as part of CLD Standards Council membership.  Taking part will help you to 

  • Increase your awareness and understanding of 
    • the purpose, functions and professional standards of the CLD Standards Council and the requirements; 
    • the benefits of membership, with particular reference to professional learning and development 
    • being a member of the CLD Standards Council; 
    • the process of professional learning and development to professional practice, recognition and progression; 
    • the benefits that peer support and mentoring bring to professional learning and development. 
  • Produce a Professional Learning & Development (PL&D) Plan setting professional learning goals within the context of your practice and critically reflect on its development. 

The programme is split into three units: 

  1. The CLD Standards Council Scotland – its Vision, Values, Code of Ethics and functions; 
  2. Registration, Learning and Review; 
  3. Goal Setting and Plan Development. 

Each unit takes approximately 5 hours, you have 3 months to complete the programme and you can set your own pace. 

The programme is delivered through i-develop and you’ll be supported by a course mentor.  All the course mentors are members of the CLD Standards Council Professional Learning Committee.  You will also be able to connect with other members who are doing the programme through workshops.

If you’re interested in taking part, complete this PIP Registration Form and we’ll add you to the list!

Seal of Approval

CLD Standards Council Approvals Committee are happy to announce that they have approved Fife College for the HNC Working with Communities.

Fife College have received full approval from the CLD Standards Council for their part time hybrid HNC Working with Communities. For any practitioners interested but are out with the local Fife area, classes will be available to join online via Microsoft Teams. The course will be 1 day per week in college/online (Thursday 9am-4pm) and 1 day per week on placement (minimum of 6 hours per week). This does not need to be one full day and can be made up of a variety of working/voluntary hours throughout the week and weekends either during the day or in the evenings. It is suggested that those joining from out with the local area would be in suitable employment, or able to source their own placement opportunity (Support can be provided, if necessary).

If you earn under £25k, part time funding is available through the SAAS Part Time Fee Grant. This does leave £206 payable by the student, which can be paid in instalments using Fife College’s payment plan.

To apply for the course, please do so on the Fife College website.

We are delighted that the UHI (University of the Highlands and Islands) BA (Hons) Child and Youth Studies with Community Learning and Development has received accreditation with the CLD Standards Council Scotland. This builds on the well-established BA (Hons) Child and Youth Studies degree and provides an opportunity for individuals in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland to gain a professionally recognised qualification in the sector. UHI are looking forward to welcoming the first cohort in September 2024!

Find out more on the UHI website.

Views on the News

We want to provide an update regarding Wednesday’s public announcements from Scottish Government about Scotland’s Education Reform Programme (news release).

Firstly, the Education (Scotland) Bill was published on the Scottish Parliament website which begins the process of the Bill being scrutinised by Parliament. The Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills also provided an update on the future of Education Scotland in response to a Government Initiated Question (GIQ) published on the Scottish Parliament website. The Bill published provides the legal underpinning to support the design and delivery of a national organisational infrastructure for education in Scotland that more effectively supports the system to deliver for Scotland’s learners.

These updates are a significant step forward for Education Scotland, with whom the CLD Standards Council holds a Framework Agreement as per Ministerial requirements. As yet, the position and standing of the CLD Standards Council will need to be considered together with any recommendations that are accepted from the independent review of CLD in Scotland. By way of assurance, please note that the CLD Standards Council staff team continue to engage positively with Scottish Government and Education Scotland colleagues.

The following points provide further information that may be useful for CLD Standards Council Members when considering the impact and implications of these changes for CLD Standards Council members.


Part 1 of the Bill establishes Qualifications Scotland. The new agency will change name from Scotland’s Qualification’s Agency (SQA) to Qualifications Scotland and will:

  • replace the Scottish Qualifications Authority, which is dissolved by the Bill
  • develop and award qualifications (other than university degrees)
  • have an independent Accreditation Committee to regulate qualifications (other than university degrees) and the organisations that award them
  • give advice to Scottish Ministers
  • produce charters setting out what learners, teachers and practitioners should expect from Qualifications Scotland
  • involve learners, teachers and others in decision making through a Board of Management, committees and an advisory council

Part 2 of the Bill establishes the Chief Inspector and sets out what they will do and how they will operate. The new inspectorate is to be called His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Education.
The Chief Inspector will:

  • inspect places where education is provided and education services
  • have an Advisory Council
  • publish an inspection plan and reports on inspections
  • publish an annual report, and reports on the performance of the Scottish education system
  • tell Scottish Ministers when a school or education authority is not making necessary improvements

The Bill sets out the following key measures in relation to the inspectorate:

  • ensure the inspection of education provision can continue to be carried out by HM Inspectors in the full range of establishments and services as are currently inspected, from early learning and childcare to adult learning 
  • Give HM Chief Inspector powers to set the frequency and focus for inspections 
  • Retain some limited power for Scottish Ministers to initiate inspection in all areas of the Inspectorate’s remit 
  • Require HM Chief Inspector to report annually on the performance of Scottish education so far as within HM Chief Inspector’s remit   

Education Scotland will:

  • retain the same name and remain as the national education agency with its primary focus on curriculum and providing curriculum design, delivery and improvement which will cover the provision of resources to support high quality learning and teaching.
  • support professional learning through a national framework and build on existing and well-regarded national leadership professional learning programmes, including curriculum focused professional learning.
  • work with local authorities to inform approaches to wellbeing, inclusion, behaviour and also enabling better support for those with additional support needs.
  • use its unique national perspective to inform, share and promote wider approaches to improvement to close attainment gaps as set out in the National Improvement Framework.  
  • deliver change and improvement to achieve excellence and equity in education, including Gaelic Medium Education.

The Bill will now be examined by the Scottish Parliament which is a lengthy process, and we will continue to keep you up to date with progress regarding the CLD Standards Council and Scotland’s Education Reform.

As always, thank you for your continued support and contribution to the CLD Standards Council.

CLD in Scotland Conference – a 21st Century Profession!

What do you get when you take 120 CLD leaders, 12 amazing speakers, 1 central Glasgow venue and throw in a bucket load of passion, enthusiasm and critical thinking? The “CLD in Scotland Conference” of course!

On 17th April, CLD Standards Council and CLD Managers Scotland jointly hosted the CLD in Scotland Conference. It aimed to bring key stakeholders in the CLD sector together to consider strategic issues affecting CLD in Scotland and to consider how these issues should be addressed by the review of CLD.

To get us thinking, we were joined by an array of speakers from across the academic, economic and education spheres.

Some of the key messages they shared and questions they posed include:

CLD in Context – Dr Rachel Shanks, University of Aberdeen 

  • Connecting Freire, Kahneman, Fielding 
  • Cognitive bias, and intuitive unconscious bias decision 
  • Individual agency and self-awareness to become agents of change   

Delivering Positive Outcomes – Professor Sinead Gormally, University of Glasgow

  • How do we increase the visibility and recognition of CLD as a sector, whilst still supporting each of our 3 domains of practice and specialist roles?
  • If we are to deliver positive outcomes – what then is our (CLD’s) unique role and contribution to the Scotland we want? And how do we evidence and articulate this?
Professor Sinead Gormally holding a mic to the left of a lectern. CLD Standards Council pop up banner is behind her right shoulder. To her left, is a large screen with a page of a presentation on The Changing Landscape of Scottish Education.

CLD: Ready for the Future – Pauline Radcliffe, Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership

  • Recognising real learning’s worth – and where that happens 
  • How can your voices be more effectively heard in other “languages” (i.e. different professional contexts)? 

Capturing the Impact of CLD – Professor Emeritas Karen MacArdle, Sue Briggs and Kirsty Forrester

  • What can we do about Social Justice? Counter hegemony with critical education for us and them; Sharpen up our language and speak truth to power; Amplify and interpret voice and stories; Be political/change driven.
  • What are the key outcomes against which we wish to be assessed, known, measured?

Scotland’s Labour Market and the Role of CLD – Chris Brodie, Skills Development Scotland

  • Scotland has a shrinking labour pool. Prioritising investment in skills through data and insight-led decision making will be increasingly important for people and the economy!
  • What opportunities and challenges to these labour market conditions present for the CLD sector itself?

You can see the social media feedback by clicking on the #CLDinScotland hashtag.

Conference slides and resources will be available on i-develop soon.