CLDSC Annual Report 2021-22
We are delighted to share the CLD Standards Council Annual Report April 2021-March 2022 with you!

This annual report summarises the vast range of project work undertaken by the CLDSC and its members over the year, as well as highlighting the impact and influence this work has had throughout the CLD sector.

Supporting our members and their practice contributes to the support given to learners and communities. Thank you to all of our members, committee members and partners for their ongoing contributions and support of the CLD sector in Scotland.
Please note that on the website, there are two versions of the Annual Report available: the report slides on the graphic design platform named ‘Canva’, or an alternative PDF version of the report that can be downloaded.
The Community Learning & Development Digital Device Fund
The Community Learning & Development Digital Device Fund is provided by the Scottish Government and managed by The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO). The objective of the fund is to provide capital funding to voluntary sector CLD organisations across Scotland to purchase digital devices that can be used by learners to support their learning.
Organisations can apply for up to £15,000 for the purchase of digital devices and the deadline for applications is 16th September 2022. Find out more information and apply on the funding portal.
Please share with any relevant CLD voluntary organisations you are working with and if you use social media, you can retweet SCVO’s tweet about the CLD Digital Device Fund from your account.
Tackling Sectarianism CPD for Youth Workers

The Tackling Sectarianism CPD training will provide youth workers with the tools they need to engage young people on the topic of sectarianism, prejudice and hate in Scotland.
The training will explore the various resources available to youth workers to use in their practice. Participants will have a brief introduction to the topic of sectarianism and will also be able to have a go at some of the interactive activities available. There will also be information available on where participants can do some self-directed learning at a later stage.
A range of dates are available between September 2022 and March 2023. For more information and to book a place, visit the YouthLink Scotland webpage for Tackling sectarianism CPD for youth workers.
The Scottish Cyber Awards 2022

Applications for the Scottish Cyber Awards 2022 are now open.
The Scottish Cyber Awards are for anyone working in the cyber field who feels they, or someone they know, is going above and beyond their day job to make a difference to the cyber security of Scotland. Nominate yourself or share the love and nominate a colleague or partner who is excelling.
Award Categories include:
- Leading Light Innovation
- Best Cyber Education Programme
- Diversity Champion
- Outstanding Young Person in Cyber
Find out more and apply at the Scottish Cyber Awards webpage. Applications close on 31st August 2022.
CLD Changes Lives!

As we all know, CLD definitely does change lives and at CLDSC we are keen to showcase some of the amazing work that has gone on in the CLD Sector.
Dundee City Council’s CLD Review Report 2020 – 2022 gives us a wealth of material to use in what we hope will be a recurring item in the weekly CLDSC Member Bulletin. This is only a snippet of the stories and more will be shared in future editions.

The Hilltown Community Larder began November 2020 in response to the crises people found themselves in during the pandemic. The Larder began as a partnership with Hilltown Local Management Group, the Coldside Community Forum and the Community Empowerment Team (CET). A Committee now runs this with the support of the CET.
Quote from the Larder volunteer: “Being able to volunteer here, saved me during lockdown by giving me a purpose.” GT
We helped distribute over 60,000 food bags in response to demand due COVID

The report from Dundee City Council gives a flavour of what CLD did during the pandemic, showing how we continued to engage with young people, families, adult learners and community organisations; particularly in our most disadvantaged communities and how we supported people in their communities.
Well done to all involved.
We need to celebrate and shout from the rooftops about the amazing stuff we do in the CLD Sector, so go on, send us your stories!
Virtual College Expo22 – Tuesday, 23rd & Wednesday, 24th August 2022

The theme of Rewrite the College Story: Learning Experiences, Skills Development, Anchoring Communities is embedded throughout the action-packed programme for the Virtual College Expo22. It offers a wide range of inspirational keynotes, workshops, seminars, and panel sessions.
View Virtual College Expo22 programme (PDF) for more information on speakers and sessions and book your free place.
Follow on Twitter @ColDevNet #CollegeExpo22
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) Workshops
SCQF is hosting a range of workshops over the next few months, both in person and online:
Would You Credit It? – Thursday, 1st September 2022 – 10am-4pm
This full day in-person workshop is designed to support individuals and organisations who are developing, or who already have, a learning programme which they are considering having Credit Rated for the SCQF. Venue: SCQF Partnership Officers, 201 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LW.
Find out more and register for Would You Credit It.
My Skills, My Future – Tuesday, 13th September 2022, 10am-3pm
A full day in-person workshop for those wishing to use the ‘My Skills, My Future’ suite of resources to support individuals in identifying the skills they have gained from other experiences outwith formal qualifications. Venue: SCQF Partnership Officers, 201 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LW.
Find out more and register for My Skills, My Future.
An Introduction to Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – Tuesday, 20th September 2022, 10am-12:30pm
An online workshop for employers who are looking to recognise the learning that employees have gained through life, work and educational experiences.
Find out more and register for An Introduction to Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL).