Coming Soon: CLDSC Annual Report for 2021-22
The CLD Standards Council is pleased to announce that the Annual Report for 2021-22 will be published and shared with partners in August 2022 (watch this space!).
This annual report will summarise the vast range of project work undertaken by the CLDSC and its members over the year, as well as highlighting the impact and influence this work has had throughout the CLD sector.
A few highlights:
- 2,845 total members as at 31 March 2022
- Did you know: On average, 16 new members joined the CLDSC every month
- There were 54 Approvals requests
- 22 Professional Learning events were held
- 5 Policy and Consultation submissions were completed by the CLDSC on behalf of members (including to the Education Reform)
- The Professional Induction Programme was launched at the SCVO Gathering for 2022
If you are not currently a member of the CLDSC and wish to join, you can find out how to register on the CLDSC website.
August Virtual Members Meet Up – Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland
A final call to sign up for our Virtual Members Meet Up on Wednesday, 3rd August, 1-2pm. Come along to find out more about the recently launched Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland and discuss how CLD Standards Council members can support the implementation of the Strategy and help it achieve its mission and ambitions.

You can sign up for the session on the August Virtual Members Meet Up EventBrite page.
Becoming a Numeracy Champion: Children, families and feeling good about maths programme
Education Scotland is working with National Numeracy to run Phase 2 of the ‘Becoming a Numeracy Champion: Children, families and feeling good about maths’ programme in the autumn and is offering free places for CLD Practitioners.
The programme is run as a series of 3 online sessions which equip participants with the knowledge and skills they need to support families to have positive attitudes towards maths.
Each programme covers:
- Numeracy: understanding the numeracy issue
- Supporting positive attitudes in children
- Supporting parents, carers & families
There are free places for CLD practitioners in the three Regional Improvement Collaborative areas which were not included in Phase 1 of the programme. There is also an additional session open to all regions who might have missed the original opportunity to get involved last year. The sign-up links and dates for each programme are below:
- Northern Alliance (1, 8 and 15 September 9.30-11.30am)
- South-East Collaborative (18, 25 October and 1 November 1-3pm)
- Tayside Collaborative (30 November, 7 and 14 December 9.30-11.30am)
- All Regions (1, 8, 15 December 9.30-11.30am)
Education Scotland Community Learning and Development (CLD) Wakelets

This Community Learning and Development (CLD) Wakelet makes it easy to access relevant materials from the one place. When you explore the Wakelet you will discover a collection of links to online resources. Please check which are available and suitable for use within your organisation, as well as relevant to the learners in your area of practice.
CashBack for Communities Fund – phase 6 open for applications

A reminder that applications for Phase 6 of the CashBack for Communities programme close at noon on Friday 12th August.
CashBack for Communities is a Scottish Government fund that uses funds recovered from criminals to expand young people’s horizons and increase the opportunities they have to develop their interests and skills. £20-million is available in this round of funding and successful applicants will commence from April 2023 to March 2026.
Organisations must have a proven track record of delivering activities which support the Scottish Government’s Justice Vision and the criteria for CashBack Phase 6 as set out below. You can find out more on the Scottish Government’s Vision for Justice in Scotland here.
Phase 6 will fund projects which deliver a range of trauma informed and person-centred services & activities for young people between the ages of 10-25 that:
- Support young people most at risk of being involved in antisocial behaviour, offending or reoffending towards or into positive destinations
- Provide person-centred support for young people, parents and families impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma
- Support young people to improve their health, mental health and wellbeing
- Support people, families and communities most affected by crime
Further information on the criteria for the fund and how to apply can be found on the CashBack for Communities website.
YouthLink Recruitment – Chair and Honorary Treasurer
The Board of YouthLink Scotland is currently recruiting for the roles of Chairperson and Honorary Treasurer. YouthLink’s present Chairperson, The Very Rev. Dr. Lorna Hood OBE and Honorary Treasurer, Gavin Whitefield CBE will retire in November having completed their second terms of office.
YouthLink is asking for members and stakeholders to help to nominate a new independent Chairperson and Honorary Treasurer. The appointments are for someone not currently employed within the youth work sector but with the right skillset and sector fit for the next chapter of the organisation.
For further information and to view the person specifications and job roles, visit the YouthLink website.

Launched in 2017, #NoWrongPath is a social media movement led by Developing the Young Workforce, which provides inspiration and reassurance to young people receiving their exam results.
Developing the Young Workforce are aiming to demonstrate that many people in interesting job roles across Scotland may not have taken a straight, obvious or traditional path to get there – that there is #NoWrongPath. It aims to show young people the options that are available to them and that exams results are not necessarily the key to unlocking future success.
- Step 1: Pledge your support for the campaign and mark Tuesday 9 August 2022 (Scottish Exam Results Day) in your diary.
- Step 2: On Tuesday 9 August 2022, post a photograph of yourself holding a handwritten sign outlining your name, what you did when you left school and what you are doing now. Remember to use #NoWrongPath. Download the #NoWrongPath template PDF file.
- Step 3: Nominate a friend or colleague and encourage them to get involved, too!
Get Involved and Promote Your Pathway into CLD at #NoWrongPath.