Welcome to Ross Martin

A warm welcome is extended to Ross Martin who joins us as Assistant Director.
Ross joins us from Fife Council where he was the Community Development Support Manager responsible for both strategic and operational actions.
Ross was the lead for the CLD Regulations and Planning, CLD Workforce Development, CLD Performance & Improvement, Public Protection and Equalities. Part of his remit was managing a team in the areas of ESOL, Literacies, Digital Youth Work, Volunteering, Performance & Workforce Development, Food Insecurity, Gaelic Community Development and Youth Research.
We’re delighted to have Ross join the team and know he is looking forward to meeting CLDSC members across Scotland in his new role.
Standards Mark Approval – Aberdeenshire CLD Service

The standard of this submission was very much appreciated by the approval panel who stated that they had enjoyed reading another Gold Star submission as it was clear and easy to find the evidence. The panel are keen to see some of the approaches to professional learning shared with other organisations. The hard work and commitment to CLD professional learning from the Aberdeenshire CLD Service is to be commended.
The panel also wished to share some of the areas that had impressed them within the submission:
- Great to see a high level of CLD Workforce Registered with CLDSC
- Excellent video demonstrating their Professional Learning SharePoint site navigation
- Good to see a clear commitment to the CLD values and principles
- Professional learning record used by Workforce to capture 35 hours of PL incorporates the competences and this will make it easier for the workforce to provide evidence for re-registration.
Well done!

The Gathering is back for 2022!

Come join us at the Gathering on Wednesday, 15 June (next Wednesday!) for the official launch of our newly created Professional Induction Programme, a CLD Standards Council e-learning course for new and existing members of the CLDSC!
As well as hearing about the benefits of the professional induction, you’ll also hear from us about the benefits of CLDSC membership and why CLD is important. Jamie Hepburn MSP – Minister for Higher Education and Further Education, Youth Employment and Training – will also be joining us.
Sign up for our event, on Wednesday, 15 June 2022, 9.30-10.30am at the Gathering website.
July Virtual Members’ Meet-up – Tuesday 5 July 1-2pm – Social Security Scotland
Following the successful pilot of Adult Disability Payment in Scotland, Social Security Scotland will begin accepting new applications for Adult Disability Payment from clients living in all local authorities in Scotland as part of the national roll out of this form of assistance on 29 August 2022.
Many CLD practitioners support adults who will be entitled to this benefit. Come along on Tuesday, 5 July at 1pm to hear what Adult Disability Payments are, how you can support any CLD learners you work with to apply, how you can prepare your own services, and have any questions you might have answered. The session will provide an overview of the new benefit, outline special rules for terminal illness, how to apply for the benefit, how decisions are made and information collected, and how appeals can be made.
You can find out more and register for the session on Eventbrite.
National Young People’s Advisory Group
Children in Scotland are supporting the new national young people’s advisory group, recently launched under the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group. The group has been set up to make sure young people’s views are heard directly by decision-makers, to influence government policy. More information on this work can be found on the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group page.
The group will be aimed at young people (16-25) who have tried to take their own life or have suicidal thoughts. It is also for people who have experienced suicide (please note that two years must have passed if they have sadly lost someone through suicide for them to get involved) and those who suffer from poor mental health. Due to the nature of the group, it is expected that all young people will have a worker involved who can provide support before and after meetings.
The group sessions will be relaxed and fun, they should also give people the opportunity to meet new people and share their views.
If any young people you work with are interested, please get in touch with Chris Ross from Children in Scotland at cross@childreninscotland.org.uk. Chris would be delighted to speak to anyone interested and is happy to arrange sessions to meet with young people to provide more information and the chance to meet the team behind this project.
ESOL Aficionados
Do you know an exceptional, energetic, enthusiastic ESOL practitioner? Of course you do! Why not nominate a CLD ESOL colleague, volunteer, tutor or manager to be part of the NATECLA ESOL Aficionados page where the work of ESOL practitioners is celebrated and showcased. Or why not have your own profile on show?
If you’d like to nominate yourself or a colleague, contact the NATECLA team.
College Development Network – Board Member Vacancies
Two independent Board Member vacancies with College Development Network (CDN) are available. These are voluntary positions with expenses paid for meetings and events.
This year, CDN will begin building its next multi-year strategy and be growing its commercial activities, range of core services to the education system, and partnerships with many other organisations and agencies.
CDN is headquartered in Stirling’s historic Airthrey Castle but with colleagues and partners across Scotland and beyond. The Board of Directors would like to welcome two new independent members as it take the next steps in our growth and development.
Prior board level experience is not a pre-requisite for the role – enthusiasm, creativity, and an interest in skills education are.
Although applicants from all backgrounds will be considered equally, CDN is particularly looking for individuals who have professional or non-executive experience in the fields of:
- Digital learning and communications
- Commercial training and personal professional development
- Working across and between the four nations of the UK
Please submit a CV and covering letter to recruitment@cdn.ac.uk if you are interested in these roles. You can also request a confidential conversation with CDN’s Chief Executive or Chair, prior to formal application, by emailing this address.
Please note that the closing date for applications is Friday 24 June at 5pm, with initial sifting of applications during w/c 27 June. Interviews will take place in July and August.