CLD Summer 2022
Huge thanks to all the CLD: youth workers, community workers, parent helpers and volunteers. You just smashed Summer 2022 making lots of memories with and for young people and their families all over Scotland. Thanks to everyone who shared their stories and pictures @cldstandards #BecauseOfCLD.
We hope you have a deserved break before the autumn session.
College Sector Engagements
South Lanarkshire College Staff Development Event
Last week our Director, Dr Marion Allison, was pleased to be a panel member at South Lanarkshire College’s all staff development event. The topic of the day was ‘Success’ and Marion’s contribution focused on the pathways and partnerships between CLD practitioners and colleges in supporting learners and communities to develop and achieve their desired and required skills, knowledge and career opportunities.
College Development Network Judging Panel
Marion also had the tough task of taking part in the judging for the College Development Network’s College Awards, noting it was inspiring to learn more about the outstanding work, partnerships and programmes going on across the college sector in Scotland. Look out for the shortlist announcements over the next few weeks @ColDevNet.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Consultation and Virtual Members Meet Up
A reminder that we would like your support to gather CLD Standards Council (CLDSC) members’ voices, in response to the current Scottish Government review of the Mental Health and Wellbeing (MH&W) Strategy. We have 3 ways in which you can support this consultation. You can do 1, 2 or all 3 of these options as outlined below. The more responses we gather, the more informed a response we can give.
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy guides the work that the Scottish Government and partners will do to improve MH&W in Scotland. This will include an overall shared vision, a set of outcomes, and how these will be achieved and measured to improve people’s MH&W. Scottish Government want to make sure that the Strategy does the right things to improve MH&W for people in Scotland. It is crucial that we support CLDSC members to input and support the development of this strategy, for the benefit of CLD practitioners, of the communities and of the learners we work with.
1. Survey
CLDSC have looked at some key areas of the consultation, and have created a survey which focuses on a section regarding proposed outcomes for people and communities in the strategy.
Complete the survey on these outcomes. It should only take a few minutes of your time and the survey will be open until 3rd September.
2. Meet Up
At our next Virtual Members Meet Up on 1st September, at 4pm, we will be discussing some of the other key areas in the MH&W consultation, such as:
- Looking after your MH&W
- Barriers to accessing services and support
- Current impact on MH&W for young people and families
- CLD & partnership work to supporting MH&W
If you would like to come along and join us at this 1 hour session, you can register for the September Virtual Members Meet Up on Eventbrite.
3. Full Response
The consultation closes on 9th September 2022 and you can access the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Consultation if you would like to complete an individual and full response.
Thank you in advance for your time and support with this strategy consultation. If you have any further questions, please email us on:
CLDSC Professional Induction Programme – Register to participate
We are pleased to announce that, following its launch at the Gathering by Jamie Hepburn MSP (Minister for Higher Education and Further Education, Youth Employment and Training), the CLDSC Professional Induction Course is running its first full cohort from September 2022. The cohort will consist of up to 18 CLDSC members who will be matched up to buddies and have 3 full months to complete the online course.
For new and longstanding CLDSC members alike, the professional induction programme was created to introduce members of the CLDSC to the purpose and functions of the Council and what is expected of membership based on its professional standards.
Register your interest in participating in the course.
If we can’t fit you in this cohort then we’ll note your interest for the next cohort starting in January.
Concept – new edition
The Summer edition of Concept – the Journal of Contemporary Education Practice and Theory, is now available to view and as always, it is a great mix of articles and reviews. Articles include ‘Post Covid Youth Work and Mental Wellbeing of Young People; Participatory Action Research and Disability Activism; and Rethinking Community Activism as Policy, Politics and Practice’.
Have a read, reflect and clock up some time towards your CLDSC Professional Learning commitment.
DIGI Ken CLD? How digital looks within the sector
Don’t forget to sign up for Education Scotland’s conversation around How Digital looks within the CLD Sector on 25th August at 4pm. They will be exploring how digital can enhance CLD Practice, while discussing practical solutions to the challenges that we are facing. With inputs from several organisations that will be sharing their experience of using digital approaches, to the introduction of the Digital CLD award, this promises to be a session full of creative dialogue and will highlight How Digital Can Improve the CLD Sector.
Find out more and sign up for DIGI Ken CLD? How digital looks within the sector on Eventbrite.
Digital Youth Work Live and Online – 30th August, 1.30pm-3pm

As the new academic season gets going, YouthLink Scotland has a brand new Digital Youth Work Training series lined up.
Join them on 30th August 1.30pm-3pm for Digital Youth Work Live and Online, a 90-minute online session to get your digital youth work kick-started for the session and an introduction to the rest of the programme.
This introductory event will be ideal whether you are using – or thinking about using – digital as an element of your youth work and a great way to connect with others involved in this area. There will be a strong focus on using digital for ‘in person’ youth work; as online continues to be important for many, YouthLink will be including opportunities to think about that too. This is interactive discussion based training, so come ready to share your ideas, resources, examples and advice and hear about some great practice too.
Register for Youth Work Live and Online.
Scottish Learning Festival – 21-22 September 2022 – Registration now open!
Registration is now open for Scottish Learning Festival 2022.
This year’s theme is Being Me, Being Us: Placing learners at the heart of Scottish Education.The theme puts learners at the heart of Scottish Education and reflects The United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of a Child (UNCRC) and also the themes of Ken Muir’s recent reform report ‘Placing Learners at the Centre’ and the OECD 2030 report. The ‘Being Me’ element links to the Education Scotland and Scottish Government publication, Realising the Ambition: Being Me (PDF). The theme champions learner-centred pedagogy and the importance of meeting learners’ developmental needs over time; highlighting that learners develop their individual skills, knowledge and attributes at different rates according to who they are.
There is an expansive virtual SLF Programme. As well as the virtual events, there are six Satellite Events – SLF2022 taking place across the country. These events will be in person, but will also be live streamed.
SQA Appeals Process – A Short Reminder
On Tuesday 9th August, thousands of young people across Scotland received their results for their Nationals, Highers, Advanced Highers, National Progression Awards, Skills for Work Awards, National Certificates and Awards.
A quick reminder that a variety of information is available for parents and pupils on the SQA’s Appeals 2022 service.
This includes key information and resources:
- A decision tree to help pupils decide on whether you should submit an appeal
- What you need to know about the appeals process
- Where to submit an appeal