Virtual Members Meet-up – Tuesday, 4 October 2022, 1-2pm
Know someone who isn’t a member of CLDSC but wants to find out more? Bring them along to our special virtual members meet-up in October!
This open session will give members and non-members a chance to hear all about our recently published CLDSC Annual Report as well as feeding into the plans for 2022-2023. You’ll get the latest updates on our plans for our Members Conference on 1st and 2nd December 2022 (#CLDSCConf2022) and be able to talk directly to the CLDSC staff who deliver services for you.
So, grab a cuppa and a pal and join us!
Register for the October Virtual Members Meet-up on EventBrite.
National Occupational Standards (NOS) – Adult Learning, Family Learning, Community Development
Get involved in the review of Community Development and Family Learning NOS and be part of creating a whole new suite of NOS for Adult Learning!
The standards are applicable across the United Kingdom, so we’re offering consultation focus groups across Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales.
We’ve already had 30 people from across Scotland register to join one of the consultation focus groups taking place in October/November 2022, but we need YOU! Sign up using the EventBrite links below.
Community Development NOS Review Focus Group – Monday 24 October, 2-4.30pm, Zoom
Family Learning NOS Review Focus Group – Monday 31 October, 2-4.30pm, Zoom
Adult Learning NOS Creation Focus Group – Monday 7 November, 2-4.30pm, Zoom
NOS specify the standards of performance individuals must achieve in the workplace, together with the knowledge and understanding required for roles, for most employment sectors. National Occupational Standards can be used to complement the CLD Competences in reflecting on, developing and strengthening practice. Find out more on the CLDSC NOS webpage.
CDAS Conference 2022
The CLDSC were out and about again last week and were thrilled to support and participate in the Community Development Alliance Scotland (CDAS) Conference 2022, in Edinburgh. There were a wide range of excellent workshops on topics such as CD policy in Scotland, Poverty and Human Rights, as well as a very informative and inspiring talk from Professor Alan Miller regarding the proposed new Scottish Bill on Human Rights.
If you missed it then you can catch up what happened by searching #CDASconf22 on Twitter or visit the CDAS website.
During the “market place” section of the day CLDSC were able to connect with community development organisations, practitioners and volunteers, and we had a great time discussing the benefits of CLDSC Membership, as well as our Approvals, Standards Mark, Professional Learning opportunities and so much more.
Kirsty even had time for a cuppa whilst CLDSC conference planning with Sarah Latto from Volunteer Scotland!

If you are hosting an event or conference and would like a CLDSC information stall, please get in touch by emailing
HM Inspectors find community development outcomes improving across Scotland
Education Scotland’s HM Inspectors have found the Community Learning and Development (CLD) sector and its partners across Scotland are helping to secure better outcomes for individuals most marginalised or socially isolated during and since the pandemic.
Inspectors carried out a thematic review of community development practice in response to COVID-19 and have now published their report ‘Responsive, supportive and resilient communities: A review of community development during the pandemic’, which outlines their findings. HM Inspectors will also be hosting webinars to provide an opportunity to talk through the findings.
Find out more and sign up on EventBrite for one of the following themed webinars on Sharing findings – Responsive, supportive and resilient communities report:
Volunteering – 7th October 2022 – 12:15-13:30
Community response – 11th October 2022 – 12:15-13:45
Digital access and workforce development – 13th October 2022 – 12:15-13:30
Planning for the future and next steps – 27th October 2022 – 12:30-14:00
Planning for the future and next steps – 27th October 2022 – 16:00-17:30
Partnership working – 2nd November 2022 – 15:00-16:15
Improving Gender Balance and Equalities: consultation on new resources
Evidence shows that socio-economic outcomes in e.g. employment, and mental and physical health are still too often linked to gender. These draft resources have been developed by a multi-agency working group to support Community Learning and Development (CLD) providers to take a close look at their policies and practice in relation to gender equality. They provide an invitation for CLD services to self-evaluate their current practice and to plan for improvement.
Education Scotland is inviting feedback from CLD providers on the draft resources to ensure that the final materials are effective and will be used actively in the future to improve gender balance. The more feedback received, the better!
For more information visit the Improving Gender Balance and Equalities in CLD: development of new resources webpage.
Feedback can be submitted until the end of November 2022. For any CLD providers interested in piloting the resources, please contact by 7th October 2022.
National Conversation on Education
The Scottish Government announced that they are inviting everyone who has an interest in the future of our education system to join the National Discussion and work together to drive change within Scottish Education.
We are calling all of you amazing CLD practitioners out there to get involved to support all aspects of lifelong learning within this national discussion on Scottish education reform. Education is not something that only happens in a classroom and with young people, but with families, adults and communities. As CLD practitioners, you can help spotlight the critical informal CLD learning being carried out across Scotland, as well as support and encourage ALL learners to have a voice.
Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said:
“We want to bring the widest possible range of voices and views into the room. It is our children and young people who hold the biggest stake in our education system.”
She added that Professor Ken Muir, in his recent report, had:
“challenged all of us to work together to establish a consensual vision for education, which can genuinely put the learner at the centre”.
This is a chance to pause, reflect and contribute to an exciting future vision for education in Scotland. You can take the survey yourself, and encourage your learners to do the same, or even host a group discussion.
Find out more about the National Discussion on Scottish Education and keep an eye on future bulletins for information on how you can sign up for a CLDSC group discussion.
Who Cares? Scotland Rally: Open to All

Who Cares? Scotland invites you to march with them on Sunday 23rd October, starting at 1pm, for their Love Rally (Glasgow Green to George Square).
Find out more on the Who Cares? Scotland website or email Katie Macmillan at or Kenny Murray at