CLDSC Virtual Members Meet-up October & November
Thanks to everyone (CLDSC members and non-members alike) who joined our open session to hear all about our recently published CLDSC Annual Report.
If you signed up as a new member, don’t forget to register for the next Professional Induction Programme to find out all about the benefits of membership.
The November Virtual Member Meet-up will take place on Wednesday, 2nd November 2022. Come and join us for an interactive session on the CLD competences, how they can inform your Support and Supervision, and a presentation from Karen Delany who will be showcasing a good practice model.
Register for the November Virtual Members Meet-up on EventBrite.
CLDSC Recruitment of Executive Committee Members
The CLD Standards Council are about to begin recruitment for new members of the Executive Committee. We will be looking for members with experience of strategic leadership and planning in a local authority and/or voluntary sector CLD service, or who can provide guidance and support in the areas of business development and planning, performance management, communications and marketing or with digital and IT related practice. Being a member of the Executive Committee places you as a CLD Standards Council member at the core of how the organisation responds, reacts and plans for education reform, the proposed review of the CLD regulations and continuing to inform how we develop the professional practice standards for new and existing CLD practitioners. Further information on the Executive Committee and how to apply to get involved will be available in the coming weeks.
National Occupational Standards (NOS) – Adult Learning, Family Learning, Community Development
A reminder to sign up and get involved in the review of Community Development and Family Learning NOS and be part of creating a whole new suite of NOS for Adult Learning!
The standards are applicable across the United Kingdom, so we’re offering consultation focus groups across Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales.
We’ve already had over 70 people from across Scotland register to join one of the consultation focus groups taking place in October/November 2022, but we need YOU! Sign up using the EventBrite links below.
Community Development NOS Review Focus Group – Monday 24 October, 2-4.30pm, Zoom
Family Learning NOS Review Focus Group – Monday 31 October, 2-4.30pm, Zoom
Adult Learning NOS Creation Focus Group – Monday 7 November, 2-4.30pm, Zoom
NOS specify the standards of performance individuals must achieve in the workplace, together with the knowledge and understanding required for roles, for most employment sectors. National Occupational Standards can be used to complement the CLD Competences in reflecting on, developing and strengthening practice. Find out more on the CLDSC NOS webpage.
Challenge Poverty Week – 3-9 October

This week is Challenge Poverty Week and you can follow what is happening on Twitter using hashtag #ChallengePovertyWeek2022 and #TurnTheTide.
Times are hard, and getting harder, for hundreds of thousands of people across the country. A rising flood of living costs is pulling more and more people towards poverty. But together, during #ChallengePovertyWeek2022, we can start to #TurnTheTide on the injustice of poverty in Scotland. Using shared CLD values of compassion and a belief in justice, together we can make sure everyone gets the adequate income they need to live a dignified life, and we can redesign our economy so that it works for all of us.
To register for one of Poverty Alliance’s Get Involved meetings, or for a one-to-one chat please email
Find out more information on some of the help available in Scotland on the Scottish Government website.
Cost of Living Crisis for Adult Learning
Adult learners are amongst some of the most marginalised groups in society. We are currently in a cost of living crisis which compounds other aspects of the disadvantage. Some aspects of the crisis cut across the population, for example, Citizens Advice Scotland has found a third of Scots are worried about being able to pay for food and other essentials. LearningLink Scotland is preparing a report on the impact of the cost of living crisis on adult learners.
Please submit your comments by taking a very short survey. Learning Link Scotland will then prepare a short report to pass on to Scottish Government and will upload the report to their website. For further information, contact Jackie Howie at
Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF)
The UKSPF supports the UK government’s wider commitment to level up all parts of the UK by delivering on each of the levelling up objectives:
- Boost productivity, pay, jobs and living standards by growing the private sector, especially in those places where they are lagging
- Spread opportunities and improve public services, especially in those places where they are weakest
- Restore a sense of community, local pride and belonging, especially in those places where they have been lost
- Empower local leaders and communities, especially in those places lacking local agency
The primary goal of the UKSPF is to build pride in place and increase life chances across the UK. This aligns with Levelling Up White Paper missions, particularly: ‘By 2030, pride in place, such as people’s satisfaction with their town centre and engagement in local culture and community, will have risen in every area of the UK, with the gap between the top performing and other areas closing.’
The Fund’s interventions will be planned and delivered by councils across England, Scotland and Wales – ‘lead local authorities’, working closely with local partners and the Scottish and Welsh governments.
In Scotland, they want to use existing strategic geographies and local authorities to draw on the insight and expertise of local partners, including businesses, the voluntary sector to target interventions where most appropriate.
CLD Organisations and Practitioners have a critical role to guide and support communities and local partners, to engage and support lead local authorities for each place to develop an investment plan. Once plans are approved, partners will be asked to provide advice on strategic fit and deliverability. This will ensure that Fund investments complement other activities in the area and meets Fund and local objectives.
Find out more information on who the funds are for, how they will be delivered, funding timelines and who should be involved on the UK Government Shared Prosperity Fund webpage.
Scottish Learning Festival – Recordings Available

Recordings from this year’s Scottish Learning Festival are now available for viewing on the SLF2022 – Virtual Event Portal. Those that registered will receive a code to gain access. If you didn’t sign up, you can still register to view the recordings. Recordings are available until 30th November 2022.