University of Glasgow – Professional Approval Panel Visit

The Approval Panel for University of Glasgow BA/BA (Hons) Community Development took place on 24 August 2022; a long awaited return to in person approval visits.
Do we hear you asking – what is an approval visit? Or maybe you are curious as to why it might be important to University of Glasgow and their CLD students? Then we can fix that with some light reading about approvals.
CLDSC would love to be able to tell you the outcome of the approval panel visit with University of Glasgow but the Approval Panel will be reporting to the Approval Committee of CLDSC for official sign off on 01 September 2022 so you will just need to ensure you read the newsletter next week to get the update. In the meantime, why not read more about the Approval Process.
The Approval Panels frequently comment that their own Professional Learning and networking has benefited from being involved in an Approval Visit. Think you would like to support the CLD Sector in this quality assurance role by becoming an Approval Panel Member?
To find out more please get in touch at
New Dyslexia Scotland Website will help CLD
Dyslexia Scotland is encouraging the CLD workforce to sign up to their new website.
The charity, which is blazing the trail to a dyslexia-friendly Scotland, has created a new digital space with information and resources on dyslexia that will help the sector support dyslexic learners. Educators are a key audience that the site caters for, with professional learning and bite-size guides to support all practitioners.
This new site also provides the dyslexic community with an easy-to-navigate digital space, with resources to support any stage in their life journey, from school transitions through to adult life, learning and work. Practitioners – and learners themselves – can access vital equalities information to support with common issues faced by the dyslexic community, from how to find out if you are dyslexic through to career and employment advice.
Dyslexia Scotland Chief Executive Cathy Magee said: ‘Our new website coincides well with the launch of the Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland 2022-27. We hope that CLD practitioners looking for ways to develop connections for learners and find ways to address the often-invisible barriers that adults face. We encourage the CLD workforce to access our resources and use them to empower learners in your community.’
CLD workers who sign up for Educator Membership on the new site will receive an exclusive digital badge, copies of Dyslexia Voice magazine for themselves and colleagues and exclusive discounts in the online shop.
Find out more about Dyslexia Scotland.
Upcoming Conferences
WCDC Conference – 3-5 October 2022
This year’s World Community Development Conference (WCDC) focuses upon social inclusion as the global challenge for community development policies and practice over the coming years. Co-organised by International Association for Community Development (IACD) and the Inclusive Practices Network, the virtual host is Georgia.
Register for the WCDC 2022 Conference and follow the latest updates on social media: #wcdc2022@wcdc2022 and watch the conference promotional video on YouTube.
Youthlink National Youth Work Conference – 8 November 2022
The theme of this year’s Conference is Tackling Poverty: The Power of Youth Work to Change Lives and will take place in Glasgow on 8 November. The focus of the conference will be youth work and poverty. Registration will open soon.
CLD Standards Council Scotland Annual Member Conference
And not forgetting our members conference beginning with the Christmas lecture on 1st December (6-8pm) followed by the main conference on 2nd December. Both are taking place at the John Macintyre Centre, Edinburgh. Registration will open soon – meantime, save the dates!
Working with ESOL Literacies Learners and looking for some training?
Dundee and Angus College are running an online Teaching ESOL Literacies to Adults (TELtA) Course, starting on 24th October and running online, Monday evenings for 20 weeks.
This SQA Module (Level 9) is an introduction to Teaching ESOL Literacies to Adults will teach you how to analyse and evaluate adult ESOL literacies within a Scottish context, identify and assess ESOL literacies learners and their learning needs, apply skills and strategies to support ESOL literacies learning and plan and deliver ESOL literacies learning.
Cost: £140 (eligible for SDS Individual Training Account Funding)
For more information and to apply contact Dundee & Angus College
ASH Scotland Funding
ASH Scotland is looking to fund youth organisations in Scotland, supporting young people aged 11-25, to create new, innovative resources or approaches around smoking and other health behaviours that impact on mental health and wellbeing. Applicants can apply for up to £2500 to help with project costs.
If successful, your organisation can expect to receive:
- A grant of up to £2500. This should be used within the 6-month period from 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023.
- Support from an ASH Scotland Development Officer. The officer will be available to provide guidance and support to each successful organisation over the grant period.
- Staff and volunteer training and learning opportunities.
Find out more about ASH Scotland Young People and Mental Health Fund.
Strut Safe Initiative

Strut Safe was founded by Rachel Chung and Alice Jackson following the murder of Sarah Everard in March of 2021. Strut Safe is an initiative to help anyone who feels unsafe when walking in public. They have volunteers based across the UK ready to take calls and stay on the line with you until you get in the door.
Share and save the number: 0333 335 0026.
Strut Safe are also seeking phone volunteers from anywhere in the UK to join their team! Find out more about Strut Safe.