Have Your Say

As CLD practitioners who deliver formal, informal and non-formal learning opportunities and accreditations to individuals and communities across Scotland, we want your views.

CLD Standards Council logo in a Blue speech bubble with the words "Have your say" underneath.

In March 2022 the Scottish Government announced that the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) would be replaced with a new qualifications body, as well as its intention to establish a new independent inspectorate (HMIe) whilst looking at how best to align education inspection with the wider inspection system.

Establishing a new qualifications body, and delivering a new approach to inspection are important steps in improving and changing the education and skills system for the better, whilst building on all that is good in Scottish education and skills. It is essential that this includes recognition of Community Learning and Development (CLD) as part of the Scottish Education system, with life wide skills and qualifications for learners of all ages and stages of life.

We will be hosting this online focus group to discuss this consultation with you, our members, so register for your place to attend our “Have Your Say” session, and you can inform and shape our response to this consultation. This session is an opportunity for members to meet with policy officers supporting this consultation, to enquire, discuss and help inform decisions on the most effective approach for reforming education inspection, including the role that any new legislation could play.
The reason for establishing a new qualifications body is to ensure that qualifications consistently meet the needs and expectations of their users, the education system, employers and everyone with a stake in qualifications and awards – including Members of the CLD Standards Council.
The new body will involve young people and learners, teachers and CLD practitioners and wider stakeholders in its decision making. It will be accountable and transparent through robust governance and other arrangements.

As the professional body for CLD practitioners in Scotland, we are specifically seeking further views on the range of establishments and services subject to inspection; the purpose and priorities for improvement of inspection; and the different possible legislative and non-legislative reform measures that can be taken to address the priority issues. Members may also wish to reflect and share views on the value which external scrutiny by HMIe provides to support the development of CLD services and workforce development.

This is a direct opportunity for Members of the CLD Standards Council to comment on the Education Bill, reflect on the CLD Regulations, raise our voice and ensure that we are included and listened to as a distinct profession that has lifelong impact on young people, adult learners, families and communities.

It is critical that, together, we submit a detailed and informed response to maximise the understanding and inclusion of CLD educators and the learning and accreditation that the CLD sector delivers across Scotland. JOIN US. Sign up on Eventbrite and you can inform and shape the response CLD Standards Council submits.

If you would like information on the Scottish Government’s Education Bill, please read the full consultation paper which offers details about the proposed new qualifications body and approaches to inspection.
You will also find links to submit your own response as an individual or from your own organisation. The more responses from CLD practitioners, the more impact we can have as a sector.