As part of the learning offer for leaders we are delighted to open up applications for the third Leading CLD programme for CLD leaders. Evidence suggests there is a need for systematic leadership support for CLD managers in Scotland, in line with the wider offer available to the education system. View the PLL Digital Brochure (PDF)
Facilitated by a team comprised of CLD Standards Council, Education Scotland CLD and Professional Learning and Leadership specialists, participants will engage in professional learning and reflect on their current CLD role. Programme design is based on the experience participants bring, the knowledge of experts/academics; and collaborative activities to develop new knowledge.
The programme will be of most interest to senior local authority managers responsible for CLD services, who have identified CLD leadership as an area for professional development. (This includes managers with no, or little previous experience of CLD; and those interested in developing their leadership capital and professional network). In line with previous programme development approaches, we have developed the content of the programme alongside senior CLD managers and colleagues from the Higher and Further Education sectors.
The programme will run from the beginning of February until the beginning of June, and will include four x 1 day sessions. For further information see the Leading CLD PLL Offer programme area on the Education Scotland website (currently being updated). Interested individuals are invited to apply for this opportunity by following this link to the MS Form by close of business on Friday 8th December. Leading CLD 2024 application form
If you have any questions about the offer then please contact Susan.Epsworth@educationscotland.gov.scot
Education Scotland is delighted to offer a range of free 1:1 online coaching opportunities which could support your wellbeing and professional development and is tailored to individual needs.
You can read more about and sign up by following the links below:
Online Coaching for Education Scotland Workforce Support (knowyoumore.com)
This includes coaching for Headteachers, Deputes and Teachers with pastoral or child protection responsibilities, Middle Leaders and CLD Managers with 4-6 hours 1:1 online coaching.
Online Coaching for Wellbeing for Education Practitioners (knowyoumore.com)
This is open for all CLD practitioners, managers and leaders with 2x1hour coaching and is also open to anyone who has already benefitted from this offer previously.
Both these offerings are fully funded by the Scottish Government. If you or any of your colleagues would value this opportunity, please do sign up.