Author Archives: Lorna Renton

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 11 May 2022

Thanks! CLDSC Members Short Survey – Planning for 2022

We would like to say a huge thanks to every one of our members who participated in completing the CLDSC Members Short Survey that closed for response on Friday 29th of April. We received approximately 200 completed responses to the survey.
The survey results are crucial for us to understand the views of our members on activities that took place across 2021, and to inform forward planning into 2022 and onwards – so that our work continues to reflect the needs of our members.

Here are a few examples of positive comments that were noted already from the free textbox areas:

Question: What additional CLDSC members services (if any) do you feel would be of benefit to your professional development?

‘Promotion of the Professional Induction Programme and Professional Review Process’
‘Local area CLDSC meetings’
‘Continued aware raising and importance of being a CLDSC member, also the benefits of membership’

General Feedback

‘The CLDSC offer an invaluable service and continued support to CLD practitioners across Scotland’
‘Wellbeing activities were much appreciated at the time of most stress but actually I also felt more connection to the CLDSC and CLD colleagues as a result’
‘I can’t wait to get back to some in person events!’

Scotland’s new Adult Learning Strategy

This week sees the much anticipated launch of Scotland’s first Adult Learning Strategy by the Scottish Government. The strategy delivers on a 2019 Programme for Government and sets out Scottish Government’s ambitions for Adult Learning over the next five years. A launch event (in person and virtual) will be held on 29 June. An Easy Read version of the strategy is available and alternative formats are available upon request.

Adult Learning strategy for Scotland 2022-2027 Creating positive pathways for improved life chances image

Virtual College Expo22 – Speakers Announced

The Virtual College Expo22 will take place on Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 June 2022 with the theme: Rewrite the College Story: Learning Experiences, Skills Development, Anchoring Communities.

Keynote speakers include well-known Scottish actor Danielle Jam; Jamie Hepburn MSP, Minister for Higher Education and Further Education, Youth Employment and Training; Fiona Robertson, Chief Executive of SQA; and Dr Mike Cantlay OBE, Chair of the Scottish Funding Council.

Follow on Twitter @ColDevNet using #CollegeExpo22

View the programme and book your free place.

Scottish Charity Awards – finalists announced!

The Scottish Charity Awards recognise and celebrate the best that Scotland’s voluntary sector has to offer and CLD Standards Council is proud to be sponsoring the Community Action Award at this year’s #ScotCharityAwards. The Awards Ceremony will be held on Wednesday 15 June 2022 with the winners being announced on the night. View all 44 finalists and learn about the positive impact they have been making !
Meantime, members of the public can vote for their favourite overall entry in the People’s Choice Award. You only have one vote – so make it count, and vote for your favourite today!

Scottish Charity Awards 2022 Community Action Award Sponsored by CLD Standards Council Scotland SCVO

SCQF Online Workshops

Two SCQF workshops taking place online in June are open to CLD practitioners:

Would You Credit It? Thurs 9th June 2022, 10:00am – 4:00pm

This online workshop (split into 2 x 2 hour sessions) is designed to support individuals and organisations who are developing, or who already have, a learning programme which they are considering having Credit Rated for the SCQF. This workshop is aimed at organisations who are in the process of developing a learning programme and are considering having it Credit Rated for the SCQF.

My Skills, My Future Thurs 16th June 2022, 10:00am – 3:00pm

An interactive online workshop (split over a morning and afternoon session) for those wishing to use the ‘My Skills, My Future’ suite of resources to support individuals in identifying the skills they have gained from other experiences outwith formal qualifications. This workshop is aimed at those involved with Community Learning, Developing the Young Workforce, or who provide careers advice and guidance. It helps advisers become familiar with, and understand the benefits of, the ‘My Skills, My Future’ resources in order to use them to help and guide a wide range of individuals.

Neurodiversity Training Programme: Summer 2022

Salvesen Mindroom Centre are delighted to announce the launch of their 2022 summer training programme. Details are provided below:

Course name: It Takes All Kinds of Minds: Supporting neurodivergent children and young people
Date: 26th May 2022 at 10.00 am – 16.00 pm

Course name: It Takes All Kinds of Minds: Supporting neurodivergent children and young people
Date(s): 8th, 9th & 15th of June 2022 at 15.00 pm – 17.00 pm
Notes: This course will be delivered over three sessions and participants will be required to attend all sessions.

Course name: Neurodiversity and why it matters
Date: 31st of May 2022 10.30 am – 12.00 pm

Course name: A very brief history of neurodiversity (Free webinar)
Date: 7th of June 2022 at 14.00 pm – 14.30 pm

Course name: Hidden in plain sight: Neurodiversity, Women & Girls
Date: 9th of June 2022 at 10.00 am – 13.30 pm

Course name: Introduction to supporting neurodivergent employees
Date: 23rd of June 2022 at 10.00 am – 12.30 pm

Course name: Introduction to Universal Design for Learning
Date: 29th of June 2022 at 10.00 am – 13.30 pm

Coming soon
Introduction to supporting disclosure
Challenging stereotypes: Alternative presentations of autism

Please note – there are fees for some of this training.
For further information or to book a place please visit the Salvesen Mindroom Eventbrite page.

Mental Health Awareness Week 9-15 May 2022

Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event with an opportunity to focus on achieving good mental health.

The theme this year is loneliness and the aim of the week is to raise awareness of the impact of loneliness on our mental wellbeing and the practical steps we can take to address it. During Mental Health Week use the hashtag #IveBeenThere to share experiences of loneliness to support others.

Please make the most of our member offers to link with colleagues from across Scotland.

You can also sign up to walk, run or jog as part of the 80 miles in May challenge and share your photos using #80MilesinMay and #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek.

  • NHS Inform – Healthy Living has information on what you can do to look after your mental and physical wellbeing.
  • Breathing Space has a helpline which is open Monday-Thursday from 6pm-2am and Friday-Monday from 6pm-6am. Call free on 0800 83 85 87.
  • The Mind mental health charity helpline is open Monday-Friday 9am-6pm. Call 0800 123 3393.

STOP PRESS Digital Competence Survey – We need your views!

As you may know, CLD Standards Council is undertaking a review to ensure that digital skills, knowledge and competence is embedded and visible across our Competent Practitioner Framework. This is one of the priorities highlighted by Jamie Hepburn, Minister for Higher Education and Further Education, Youth Employment and Training, in the CLD Digital Investment funding announcement made in December 2021.
We held a series of focus groups in March and based on feedback from those, we now want to offer an opportunity for CLD practitioners in adult learning, community development and youth work settings to participate in an online survey.
We want to hear your views and all CLD practitioners (staff and volunteers across all areas of delivery) are encouraged to participate.
The CLD Digital Competence Survey should take around 10-20 mins to complete and will be open until Friday 27 May 2022.

Guidance for CLD students and programme providers for academic year 2021/22

Please see the following advice from the CLD Standards Council Scotland (CLDSC) in response to the continued disruption to delivery of CLDSC approved programmes caused by the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) restrictions. Due to the exceptional and rapidly changing circumstances, this guidance is intended to manage and minimise disruption to CLD students attending Scottish Further Education Institutions (FEIs) and Higher Education institutions (HEIs) whilst seeking to ensure that the quality of CLD learning programmes is not compromised.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 20 October 2021

We’re recruiting! – Assistant Director, CLD Standards Council

The post holder will oversee CLDSC operations whilst also having responsibility for driving and implementing change throughout the organisation. This is a high profile role which will require the post holder to actively manage and lead on a number of high profile projects whilst also communicating to senior colleagues and stakeholders through the dissemination of complex information and production and presentation of papers. The post holder will represent the CLD Standards Council as required in dealings with other organisations and the Scottish Government.

Specific Duties include:

  • Support the governance and delivery of the organisational strategy, ensuring projects are delivered to a high quality standard by fostering a continuous improvement approach.
  • Fostering relationships with stakeholders at senior levels
  • Work proactively and collaboratively with stakeholders including the Scottish Government, Education Scotland, COSLA, SCVO and other CLD national agencies to ensure that quality delivery of CLDSC functions in respect of CLD workforce development.
  • Liaise regularly with CLDSC Members to address emerging issues and ensure service standards are maintained.
  • Production and presentation of corporate and strategic papers on a range of CLD related topics.
  • Deputise for the Director when required
  • Liaise with Director to ensure regular and appropriate communications are being sent to stakeholders.

For more information and to apply, view the Work for Scotland webpage.
Closing date for applications Monday 8 November 2021 at midnight.

Education Reform Consultation – Virtual Meet-up – 26 October 1-3pm

This Meet-up will focus on gathering feedback from CLD practitioners for the Scottish Government consultation on the Education Reform plans, which include replacing the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and reforming Education Scotland (ES).

CLD Standards Council will create a response to the consultation on behalf of the membership and the sector. Register for the Meet-up on Eventbrite to have your views noted. You do not need to be a CLDSC Member to attend, so please share this with colleagues. PLEASE NOTE – extended meeting time – now 1-3pm.

There will also be a final general webinar hosted by Professor Ken Muir, University of the West of Scotland, taking place on Thursday 28 October 4.30-6pm. Professor Muir is keen to engage widely to hear the views and ideas from all those with an interest in Scottish Education.
You can book a space on this Webinar via Eventbrite.

Practice Placement Standards Spotlight

Following launch of the Professional Approval Standards suite of material last week and the fact that Student CLD Practitioners may be starting to seek out/explore Practice Placement Opportunities please let us introduce you to one of the templates from the Practice Placement Standards material, Template 3 – Preplacement Preparation

To explore all of the templates please access our Google drive and download relevant document to allow you to complete your own information. To download right click on the relevant document, select download from drop down box. Once downloaded you may need to enable editing, fill in your form as you see fit and set up your professional learning folder in whatever system you will use.

To make life even easier for you we have a direct link to Template 3 – Preplacement preparation click on “File” at the top of the navigation ribbon and select “download” then “Microsoft word (.docx)”. Open your downloaded file and click on “enable editing” and you are good to go!

Once you are making use of the templates and documents please let us know if there is something you think is missing, not clear, needs amended etc by emailing us at Good luck in your studies and remember to encourage your fellow students and practice placement providers to Register with CLDSC.

Skills Development Scotland Career Review

The current review will capture and respond to the views, needs and experiences of young people, parents, employers, teachers as well as experts in further and higher education, including CLD. In line with Scotland’s Careers Strategy – Moving Forward, the review aims to ensure careers services are fit for purpose and future proofed in order to provide recommendations for the implementation of all age career services across Scotland. The review will also look at best practice and innovation from across the world with the aim of presenting final recommendations to Ministers this December. Further information can be found on the Skills Development Scotland website.

COP 26 – New York Times Educate on Climate day FREE online tickets

Educators are being invited to register for the New York Times Educate on Climate day on Friday 5th November, for free! This one-day event has been designed by educators for educators and will seek to tackle some of the biggest challenges in education. What world will our learners inherit, and how can we prepare them to thrive in it? How should we nurture the next generation of climate leaders? How do we empower students to think critically about the challenges facing our planet, and how can we work hand in hand with young people to help shape climate solutions?

For more details and to register, visit the Education Scotland Learning for Sustainability blog.

National Youth Work Awards – nominations open

Still a few weeks left to get your nominations submitted for the 2022 National Youth Work Awards. Choose from 12 award categories and help celebrate the value of youth work.
This year’s categories:

  • Arts & Creativity
  • Community-based Youth Work
  • Digital & Stem
  • Environment & Conservation
  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
  • Inspirational Leader
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Participation & Youth Voice
  • Recognising Skills & Achievement
  • Team of the Year
  • Volunteer Youth Worker
  • Youth Worker of the Year
  • Lifetime Achievement Award

Download the National Youth Work Awards nomination form (PDF)
Download the National Youth Work Awards guidance and criteria (PDF)
The deadline for nominations is 5pm on 25 November 2021.

Census for Scotland Support sessions

Scotland’s next census will be held in March 2022. This census will be a digital first census and National Records of Scotland want to encourage as many households in Scotland as possible to complete it online. To help support this they are offering the online events listed below, to give you information on how the census will be delivered and how you can help get messages and support to those groups you already support in other ways, to ensure they can take part in the census and be counted.

Each online event will last no longer than 30 minutes and you can register for the relevant event by clicking on the link below.

Register for Parents of young children event 27 October 2021 14:00-14:30

Register for Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) event 3 November 2021 11:00-11:30

Register for Veterans event 10 November 2021 14:00–14:30

Register for Older people event 17 November 2021 11:00-11:30

Register for Digitally excluded/High deprivation event 24 November 2021 11:00-11:30

Register for Gaelic Speakers event 1 December 2021 11:00-11:30

Register for People with disabilities event 8 December 2021 11:00-11:30

Register for Rural areas and islands event 15 December 2021 11:00-11:30

Register for LGBTI community event 12 January 2022 11:00-11:30

Register for Young people not living at home event 19 January 2022 11:00-11:30

If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with National Records of Scotland directly –

Standards Mark approval for the Jack Kane Community Centre

The Approval Committee of CLDSC are delighted to confirm the Standards Mark Approval for Jack Kane Community Centre. The Approval Panel noted that they were impressed with the good quality of the submission and heartened that CLD focus is embedded throughout the organisation.

The panel wish to highlight a number of good factors within the submission:2

  • Impressed about the support to students and staff including the payment of the PVG fee
  • Young Peoples Committee being active and live is a clear commitment to the young people in their community.
  • There is a clear and strong workforce development focus.
  • The Support and Supervision document and the Log Book gave our panel members document envy and should be used as an exemplar for other providers.
  • The overall learning culture within the organisation demonstrates a joined up thinking approach and provides a bigger picture approach to practice.

Congratulations to Jack Kane Community Centre!

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 4 August 2021

Challenge Poverty Week 4-10 October 2021

We are working with colleagues in Education Scotland CLD Team to coordinate events and information during Challenge Poverty Week. Watch this space for more details. Meantime, you can subscribe to the Poverty Alliance monthly newsletter for updates and use #ChallengePoverty and #NowIsTheTime to join the national conversation.

There is also free media and communications training available. This will share the latest research on how to frame poverty messages to build support for the solutions to tackle it. Find out more: at Free training – Challenge Poverty Week

Resilient Communities 2021 – Shaping Cross-Sector Collaboration

These online workshops will continue the local and national dialogue about what is needed to sustain and enhance connections and cross-sector working in response to Covid-19.
The workshops are designed to:

  • Share recent research findings with a range of stakeholders across the voluntary and statutory resilience sectors and networks in community planning. The project, led by the VCS Resilience Advisory Group to the Scottish Resilience Partnership, is an exploration of the practical experience for public agencies, community groups and third sector organisations working together locally on Covid 19.
  • Facilitate discussions amongst participants about how this learning can inform their current and future collaborative work on community resilience
  • Test an approach that can be adapted for local use to help stakeholders identify actions that they can take forward to develop and improve grassroots relationships and partnership activity for effective emergency mobilisation in the future.

Attendees will be fully engaged in shaping future pathways for progress on collaborations and partnership working on resilient communities.

The workshops are for public agencies, community groups and third sector organisations working together locally on Covid 19.

1-3.30pm – Tuesday 10th August
10am-12.30pm – Thursday 19th August
7-9pm – Wednesday 25th August

Book your workshop place today.

Leadership Campfires – 1 and 2 September 2021

Collective Leadership Scotland presents The Leadership Campfires, a two-day online global festival bringing together people to explore experiences and ideas for practising leadership as collaborative agency. It will feature a variety of self-hosted 80-minute campfires scheduled throughout the two days and offered across varying time zones. It enables participants from all over the world to meet and inquire about hosted topics revolving around Collective Leadership and Leadership-As-Practice.

All Leadership Campfire events are online, free and open to participants from all backgrounds or localities. All events focus on participation with participants and feature engaging and conversational content. Event titles include: ‘Leadership, Technology and Precarious Work’; ‘The Craft of Leadership’; and (who could resist?) ‘Toasting Marshmallows – Avoiding a Burnt Bottom’.

View the full programme and sign up for events.

DTAS Annual Conference 2021: “Community Climate Action”

The DTAS Annual Conference and AGM will take place virtually from Sunday 5th September to Tuesday 7th September 2021.
The programme for the event aims to be engaging, relevant and thought-provoking. Networking sessions have been included in the programme, and there will also be an informal networking space available immediately after every conference session where people can come together and carry on the conversation – or strike up new ones with new contacts.
Conference sessions will be recorded and made available in the Members’ Area of the DTAS website for members to access after the conference.

See the DTAS website conference page for the programme and booking details.

CLD STEM Network

The next meeting for the next STEM Network for CLD Practitioners will be on the 7th September 2021, 10-11.30am. Contents will include updates on learning for sustainability, COP26 resources and information, Earth Allies campaigning skills, Maths on Toast, and climate resources following by breakouts to network. Contact for more information.

CDAS Conference – 29 September 2021 – Save the date!

The Community Development Alliance Scotland Conference takes place online on 29 September 2021. Programme details will be available soon.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 28 July 2021

Welcome to Ruth Washbrook

This week we are delighted to welcome Ruth Washbrook to our team. Ruth joins us from Scottish Government and will be our new Business Manager. She is looking forward to finding out more about CLD and supporting the smooth running of our business. Remember to say hello and introduce yourself at forthcoming CLDSC events.

CLDSC Support Offer – CLD Plans

CLDSC has written to local authority Chief Executives to advise of the offer available to support creation of the Workforce Development section of the CLD Plans. Practical support examples can be found on i-develop, along with the correspondence.

Learning & Development and Career Development NOS Published

Over the past year, CLD Standards Council has been leading review of two suites of National Occupational Standards (NOS): Learning & Development; and Career Development. These reviews are now complete and the revised Standards can be accessed individually through the NOS Database. You can view and download the entire suites, along with the Functional Map overviews on the NOS pages of CLD Standards Council website.

edX Scholarships

In October 2020, edX launched the Macquarie Group Scholarship Program to help support learners from “low income and underrepresented groups” in Australia, India, the United Kingdom and the United States who have been negatively impacted by Covid-19 and are seeking skills-based learning opportunities to support their career development. Learners who are underserved, who are out of work, or at risk of losing their jobs in industries that are more impacted by COVID are the focus of the scholarships.
The next round of scholarships is now open. Scholarship funds of up to $500 (US dollars) are available which can be used for any edX course (excluding Masters Degrees and Executive Education courses). Apply here


We’re delighted to announce that we’ve reached 4000 Twitter followers (well, 4002 to be precise, as we go to press with this bulletin!). Thank you to all of you who follow, read, like, retweet and respond to our tweets.
In the past week, we’ve tweeted about professional learning opportunities, CLD job opportunities (#CLDJobOpps), practice awards nominations and much more. If you don’t follow us already, why not connect @cldstandards And don’t forget to use #BecauseOfCLD when you’re tweeting!

Want to find out more about CLDSC? Quiz Kirsty!

As the professional body for people who work or volunteer in Community Learning and Development, CLDSC exists to support practitioners in a variety of ways. As a Registered Member or Associate Member, you have access to a range of member benefits and resources to support your opportunities for ongoing learning and development.
Is your team/organisation is interested in …

  • finding out about available professional learning opportunities?
  • the ongoing benefits of CLDSC registration?
  • a whistle-stop tour of useful links/pages on our website and i-develop?

Kirsty is available to join you virtually for an hour or so at times that suit you to go over all of the above and also cover any specific areas you’d like more information on. While many staff/volunteers are already CLD Standards Council members, we also want to reach out to those who are not and support them to register. If you’d like your team/organisation to quiz Kirsty on all things CLDSC, email

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 14 July 2021

Virtual Meet Up – Practice Placements Thursday 29 July 1-2:30pm

Provision of practice placements for CLD students is an expectation within the CLD Plans guidance. Come along to our Virtual Meet-up to find out more about the benefits for your organisation and CLD students as well as what support CLDSC can offer. Register for the Meet up on Eventbrite.

Career Pathways Member survey

Thanks to everyone who took time to complete the Career Pathways member survey last month. We’re currently analysing the results and will provide full feedback soon.
Meantime, here are a few key stats from the findings so far:

  • 122 CLD practitioners completed the survey
  • 85% stated the joined CLD Standards Council because they identify as a CLD practitioner; 83% joined because it supports the recognition of CLD as a profession.
  • 77% or respondents have faced barriers in undertaking study to further their CLD career.
  • 74% are interested in undertaking accredited CLD professional learning in future.

What kind of World do we want to live in?

Tayside and Fife CLD Professional Learning Alliance organised a 2 day virtual conference in April 2021. The aim of the conference was to refresh, revitalise and refocus the CLD workforce after a very challenging year during the Covid crisis. The output from the conference was captured and is available to view on i-develop.

Scottish Government’s Volunteering Support Fund

The £3.3 million Fund is now open for applications and will be delivered on Scottish Government’s behalf by Impact Funding Partners over the next 3 years. Organisations can apply for up to £30,000 to March 2024.
The fund is geared towards organisations in Scotland with an annual income of under £250,000. It will enable Scotland’s small to medium sized third sector organisations to recruit additional volunteers who will contribute towards delivering a new volunteering project, or extending/expanding an existing one, and improve how volunteers are supported in their role.

The fund will support organisations to deliver on four key outcomes:

  • Increase diversity in the third sector’s volunteer pool, to particularly include people who experience disadvantage or would traditionally experience barriers to volunteering
  • Improve governance, leadership and financial knowledge of organisations through the recruitment of skilled volunteers to enhance the third sector’s capacity
  • Improve organisational capacity to provide opportunities for skills and personal development through volunteering
  • Enhance services delivered by organisations to better meet the needs of the communities they serve

A full overview of the fund plus information on how to apply can be found on Impact Funding Partners website.

Scottish Learning Festival 21-23 September 2021 – online

SLF is an entirely virtual event this year and the website is now live: SLF 2021 – Scottish Learning Festival There will be a range of live and recorded sessions; an exhibition area and networking opportunities. The conference programme is being developed and the website will be updated. You can also sign up for the regular e-bulletin ‘The Delegate’ for all the latest information and news about SLF 2021.

CLD Summer Programmes

It’s mid-July and CLD summer activities and programmes are well underway with adult learners, young people and community groups. Please link us in to your work by tweeting – tag us on @cldstandards and use the hashtag #BecauseOfCLD. We love seeing the amazing practice being undertaken in communities across Scotland and want to share it widely.

Time for You – mental health and wellbeing support

In between all the summer provision, don’t forget to take time out for you. If you want to access free mental health and wellbeing support, SAMH is providing the Time for You service for frontline workers in Scotland. There are three levels of support to choose from, ranging from online self-help to one-to-one therapy. You can find more information on the SAMH website.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 7 July 2021

Draft Adult Learning Strategy Scotland

Thanks to Members who were able to attend last week’s Members’ Meet Up to discuss the Draft Adult Learning Strategy Scotland. The key themes discussed included:

  • Expanding and Extending Adult Learning,
  • Connecting the Adult Learning Journey
  • Communication
  • Access and Inclusion
  • Workforce Development

The CLDSC consultation response has now been sent to Scottish Government and we look forward to the next stages in strategy development. Response is available on the CLDSC website.

Practice placements for CLD Students

Are you involved in developing the 3 year plans for your CLD Partnership and wondering about how you will meet the expectation to provide practice placements for CLD students? Come along to our Virtual Meet-up on Thursday 29 July from 1-2:30 pm to find out more about the benefits for your organisation as well as for the students and how to go about it. If you are interested in becoming a placement supervisor and supporting your organisation to take a placement then this is for you too. Register for the Meet-up on Eventbrite.

World Educational Research Association (WERA)

Our Director, Dr Marion Allison is delighted to be presenting at this year’s WERA conference as part of the Closing the Gap: Communities and Schools in Partnership symposium. Professor Margery McMahon (University of Glasgow) will present Communities and their schools – reconceptualising school leadership with Alison Mitchell (Rosshall Academy / University of Glasgow) then sharing her experience of Networking with Community Learning and Development: a school’s perspective. Dr. Louise Sheridan (University of Glasgow) and Marion will conclude by illustrating The role of CLD Standards in Transformative Education – Within and Outside School Walls. Papers and presentation will be available shortly.

CLD Standards Council: Equalities Reference Group

The CLDSC Equalities Reference Group (ERG) was established by Members to create, improve and implement equalities and inclusion practices and processes that enhance the our professional values and principles. Furthermore, the group will also consider longer term matters for equalities and inclusion in relation to CLD professional practice in Scotland, including but not limited to professional learning, identity, recruitment, mobilisation and sustainability. To get involved and have your say please feel free to comment on our Miro board.

Connecting Scotland, closing the digital divide

Connecting Scotland has launched a third round of applications. The programme provides a device, data, training and support to digitally excluded, low income households. This new round aims to support individuals seeking employment or developing skills for employment opportunities.
To date the Connecting Scotland programme has supported over 36,000 households, including:

  • 17,289 families with children
  • 8,061 isolating and high vulnerability group
  • 4,120 young care leavers
  • 4,899 older and disabled people
  • 1,695 other vulnerabilities

SQA – SVQ Consultation

SQA Accreditation is carrying out a piece of evidence-based research into Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs). These were first introduced in 1990 and the design rules have not changed much since then. They are looking to see whether the brand needs to be refreshed to ensure that the qualifications remain fit for purpose.
They would like to hear the employers’ views of SVQs. So, if you are an employer and based in Scotland then please contact the Information and Research Manager at

Online learning opportunities

From the SCQF –

My Skills, My Future Online Workshop Tues 24 August 2021, 10:00am – 15:00pm
An interactive online workshop (split over a morning and afternoon session) for those wishing to use the ‘My Skills, My Future’ suite of resources to support individuals in identifying the skills they have gained from other experiences outwith formal qualifications.
Register for the My Skills, My Future workshop

Would You Credit It? Online Workshop Thur 02 Sept 2021, 10:00am – 16:00pm
This workshop (split over a morning and afternoon session) will introduce participants in some detail to the SCQF and the criteria which will determine whether a learning programme is suitable for Credit Rating.
Register for the Would you credit it workshop

Introduction to Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Online Workshop Tues 14 September 2021, 10:00am – 12:30pm
An online taster session for learners and practitioners looking for a basic introduction to RPL processes and practice. This will provide an ideal overview for those with no prior knowledge of RPL.
Register for the Introduction to RPL workshop

From SAMH – Time for You

SAMH is providing a new, free service which frontline workers can access right now!
The Time for You service offers instant access to free mental health and wellbeing support for frontline workers in Scotland. There are three levels of support to choose from, ranging from online self-help to one-to-one therapy. You can find more information on the SAMH Time for You webpage.

From Salvesen Mindroom Centre

Train the Trainer – Introduction to supporting neurodivergent children and young people Thursday 22 July 10:00am – 2:00pm
Find out how you can begin to support neurodivergent children and young people, and how to share your knowledge with others.
Join the virtual workshop to raise understanding of, and improve support for, neurodivergent children and young people who may experience learning difficulties and their families.
Learn how the short films about Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, DCD, and Tourette Syndrome can be used to expand your own knowledge and understanding of neurodiversity in a way that you can share. This course includes all training materials, follow up support and resources.
Cost: £40.00 Contact:
Booking the Train the trainer session on Eventbrite

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 14 April 2021

Wellbeing Sessions with Dr Karen Edge

The initial well-being, COVID-19 and leadership session was very well received.

That was a great session. Loving the relevant, practical development opportunities. Thank you for putting them on.

Quote from participant

The following three sessions are available for all CLDSC Members, aiming to encourage you to pause, reflect and plan the next steps in your personal and professional CLD journey.

Pause and Reflect Thurs 22nd April 2021 4pm – 6pm Book Pause and Reflect session
Care and Wellbeing Thurs 13th May 2021 4pm – 6pm Book Care and Wellbeing session
Next Steps Thurs 20th May 2021 4pm – 6pm Book Next Steps session

Virtual Member Meet Up

The next members’ meet-up will be at 13.00 on Tuesday 27th April. This meet-up will allow us to spend some time thinking about some of the key aspects of reflective practice, particularly around evidencing the impact of our work through the use of case studies. You can sign up for the Meet-up on Eventbrite.

Project funding for work with refugees – save the date of information session, Tuesday 4th May, 4 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

The New Scots Refugee Integration Delivery Project is a new programme supported by the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. £2.8 million is available for new projects spreading documented good practices and supporting innovation related to the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy.

A number of the funding topics have a clear CLD focus, for example: “Projects improving access to and availability of appropriate language and literacies learning and practice which build refugees’ social connections”; and “Projects to enable the creation, development and participation of refugee-led community organisations”.

There are three levels of funding: small grant – up to £5,000; medium grant – £5,001 – £25,000; large grant – £25,001 – £115,000.

A wide range of organisations can apply, including Community Groups, Local Authorities, Public Bodies, and Social Enterprises. We are arranging an information session with Jewels Lang, Communities Manager at the Scottish Refugee Council, for CLDSC members on Tuesday 4th May, 4 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. – save the date and look out for booking details next week.

Jewels says: “This project presents an amazing opportunity to consolidate best practice and introduce innovative services across the full range of the New Scots Integration Strategy. The potential is there to make a real step change in refugee integration services to the benefit of refugees across Scotland.”

The closing date for applications is 22nd May; for more information and details of how to apply, see the Scottish Government website.

Children’s Human Rights, and CLD – Webinar Video

Following the vote by MSPs to make children’s human rights (as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) law in Scotland, the Children’s Parliament hosted a webinar about Children’s Human Rights and CLD. The aim of this event was to bring together experts in children’s human rights and CLD to consider, at this opportune moment, how we can draw connections between these two important fields of theory and practice.
Our own Dr Marion Allison was part of the panel discussion and you can watch the recording of the webinar on the Children’s parliament website.

You might also like to attend the Children in Scotland webinar on The Teenage Brain: implications for behaviour and learning – Thursday 22 April, 10.30am-12pm. This webinar will focus on the adolescent brain/how it develops. Key learning will include: – The impact of stress chemicals on behaviour and learning.
You can find more details and book your place on the Children in Scotland site. (Note there is a charge of £37.66 for this session).

Education Scotland CLD webinar: Family Learning inspection report, key messages and challenges

Taking place on 7 May 2021 from 2pm – 3pm, this webinar will explore the key messages from the national review of Family Learning that took place in early 2020. It will focus on the strengths and areas for development identified during the review and will explore lessons for practice post-Covid 19. There will be an input from HMIE and practitioners involved in the delivery of Family Learning. There will also be an opportunity for discussion.

Book your place on the webinar on Eventbrite.

HM Inspector of Education vacancies

Education Scotland are currently seeking applications for two HM Inspector of Education posts with a background in:
• Tertiary education (including colleges and work-based learning)
• Community Learning and Development (CLD).

Full application details are on the Work for Scotland website

The main purpose of the HM Inspector of Education role is to bring about improvement in standards and quality in education through external evaluative activities, identifying and disseminating highly-effective practice and building capacity to support continuous improvement. HM Inspectors of Education undertake a programme of scrutiny, including inspections across all education sectors. Please note: This role requires a significant amount of travel and staying and working away from home as Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Education are required to undertake scrutiny and inspection activity across all areas of Scotland.

Local Place Plans

The Scottish Government is developing detailed proposals for Local Place Plans (LPPs), introduced by the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 and intended to “offer the opportunity for a community led, but collaborative, approach to creating great local places”.
The Government is currently consulting on proposals for regulations which will cover the LPPs content, preparation, submission and registration; and on a draft ‘How to’ Guide (PDF) for community organisations (which the CLDSC has contributed to).
The deadline for responses on the proposed regulations is 25 June, with engagement activities taking place after 6 May. Development of the How to is continuing; comments on to, preferably also by 25 June.

Guidance for CLD students and programme providers for academic year 2020/21

Please see the updated guidance for 2021-2022

Please see the following advice from the CLD Standards Council Scotland (CLDSC) in response to the disruption to delivery of CLDSC approved programmes caused by the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak. Due to these exceptional and rapidly changing circumstances, this guidance is intended to manage and minimise disruption to CLD students attending Scottish Further Education Institutions (FEIs) and Higher Education institutions (HEIs) whilst seeking to ensure that the quality of CLD learning programmes is not compromised.

This is the guidance updated as of March 2021