CLDSC Member Bulletin – 07 September 2022

Professional Approval – University of Glasgow – BA/BA (Hons) Community Development

Congratulations! Gold Star

Professional Approval was awarded to the BA/BA (Hons) Community Development programme delivered by the University of Glasgow.

The Approval Panel would like to note their thanks to the delivery team for the work they undertook in preparing a detailed and succinct submission document.

The Senior Management Team within University of Glasgow also asked to note their appreciation of the hard work of Helen Martin and Joyce Nicholson on their leading of this programme, as well as the amazing work that Amanda McDonald undertakes to ensure that there is a good practice placement experience for all involved.  

The Panel found a lot of positive areas between the submission documents and the discussions throughout the event. Here are just a few of the areas the panel highlighted: 

  • It is clear that the success of this programme is based on relationships and on a few occasions during the process, the Panel heard it was “like being a family”. This was very clear in messages from Students, Senior Management, and Practice Placement Supervisors and extends out to the University Glasgow’s wider community. 
  • The students provided a very clear message that they had lots of opportunity to input to all areas of the programme’s content and the delivery. As a result, they felt their voice was heard and could see changes to the programme implemented.  
  • It is evident that having a dedicated role(s) for Practice Placement (PP) provides students with a substantial level of support while on practice placement. To provide support at this level and quality evidences a huge commitment from the University. 
  • The Panel were keen to note that they were impressed by the focus on research and especially opportunities to undertake CLD specific research. It was heartening to see this research reaping benefits and encouraging a cross-sectoral approach with research that will impact across the CLD field. In particular, how it relates to the intersections of Community Development, Childhood practice and Teaching. The Aspiring headteachers programme is an example where joint working with headteachers and CLD student practitioners completing their placement in schools are now seeing the value of the approach. As a result, they want to do more to support implementation of CLD methodology and pedagogy in their schools. 

As a final comment the panel wanted to share their view that “The time commitment from staff is over and above normal expectations and really needs to be given the recognition it deserves.”

Well done!  

University of Glasgow, CLD Standards Council Scotland Professional Approval

CLDSC on the road again!

We were delighted to take CLDSC on the road again this week for the first time since 2020 with a stall at the Development Trust Association Scotland (DTAS) annual conference. You can follow what happened at the conference by searching #DTAS22 on Twitter.
We were able to connect with community development volunteers and staff throughout the day, giving them information on the benefits of CLDSC membership, details about how to gain Standards Mark for their organisations and signposting a range of professional learning opportunities.
We’re looking forward to conference season this autumn to continue getting back ‘out there’ in person.
If you are hosting an event or conference and would like a CLDSC information stall, please get in touch by emailing

Robbie Crow, CLDSC Development Officer, at the DTAS Conference Stall
Robbie Crow, CLDSC Development Officer, at the DTAS Conference Stall

Scotland’s Policy Conference

Last week our Director, Dr Marion Allison, joined Councillor Susan Aitken, the leader of Glasgow City Council and Ms Kaukab Stewart MSP, Deputy Convenor of the Education, Children and Young People’s Committee to present at Scotland’s Policy Conference about Glasgow’s Economic Renewal. Marion highlighted the role CLD plays in meeting the learning needs of young people, adult learners and communities and considered how wider the use of micro-credentials and the Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework could contribute towards improved democratic engagement, socio-economic outcomes and a move towards a wellbeing economy.  

CLDSC Virtual Members Meet-up – 4 October, 1pm

Come and join us for a special virtual members meet-up in October, and bring along your non-CLDSC pals too! We’re having an open session (so members and non-members alike can attend) to hear all about our recently published CLDSC Annual Report. It’ll also be your opportunity to feed into the plans for 2022-2023, hear about our upcoming conference, and talk directly to the CLDSC staff who will be delivering services for you.

Topics will include a look back at 2021-22, plans for the future, an update on the CLDSC staffing structure, and a chance to hear about our committee work and how you can get involved.

We also want this to be an opportunity to sign up new members, so if you know anyone who works in CLD who isn’t yet a member please bring them along too.

Register for the October Virtual Members Meet-up on EventBrite.

And Thank You

Thanks to everyone who attended the September Virtual Members Meet-up. We had an in depth and insightful discussion around some of the consultation questions posed in the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Review which impact on CLD practitioners. Your valued input, along with the outcomes questionnaire will help form CLDSC response on behalf of members.

SLF 2022 – CLD Focussed Sessions

The learning from the past two years of the pandemic has strengthened the view that placing the humanity of education at the centre is a crucial message for Scottish education at all sectors and stages. This year’s theme for the Scottish Learning Festival is Being Me, Being Us: Placing learners at the heart of Scottish Education.

Find out more and register for the CLD focussed sessions on offer:

SLF Looking for CLD Community Learning & Development

Wednesday, 21st September

  • 12:30-13:15 How good is our Saturday Night (project)? Using the new community learning and development framework to evaluate youth work.
  • 15:45-16:30 Meaningful Parental Engagement around Starting School: Sharing the Glasgow ‘Families in Partnership’ Approach.

Thursday, 22nd September

  • 10:00-10:45 Intergenerational learning opportunities: An essential approach for children and young people within education.
  • 14:00-14:45 How youth work is key to recognising achievement in a reformed education system.
  • 15:45-16:30 The impact of Social Media in the CLD Sector.

And you can also sign up for the in person satellite events (or watch them live streamed) taking place across the country.

CLD Talks Podcast

CLD Talks has been set up to raise the profile of Community Learning Development across Scotland.

They have Talks with front line community workers from third sector and statutory organisations, managers and decision makers to share practice, promote their work and some feel good moments of their careers. It’s now in its 5th season and in this week’s episode, Conor is joined by Suzanne Clark, Service Manager and CLDSC member Kieran Wardrop, Team Co-ordinator, from Vibrant Communities in East Ayrshire. Listen in to hear all the chat about Vibrant’s origins, how they have developed and so much more!

Access the CLD Talks podcast where you will find all streaming platforms and follow CLD Talks on Twitter @CLDTalks to join in the conversation.

Free Numeracy Training for CLD Practitioners

Community Learning Development (CLD) Practitioners and STEM Ambassadors in Scotland – are you interested in FREE numeracy training?

Are you a CLD Practitioner who is interested in easing anxiety in #numeracy and #Maths with young people?

Are a CLD practitioner working in Scotland and are interested in getting involved or finding out more about the project?  If you’re based in the South East of Scotland, the next programme begins on 18 October 2022, and anyone can attend the programme starting on 1 December 2022.

You can find out more by emailing or register for the free training at the National Numeracy website.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 31 August 2022

University of Glasgow – Professional Approval Panel Visit

CLDSC Approvals Panel members from left to right: Ross Martin, Maggie Paterson, Sarah McEwan, Graeme McMeekin, Susie Bisset and Sean Morrow
CLDSC Approvals Panel members from left to right: Ross Martin, Maggie Paterson, Sarah McEwan, Graeme McMeekin, Susie Bisset and Sean Morrow

The Approval Panel for University of Glasgow BA/BA (Hons) Community Development took place on 24 August 2022; a long awaited return to in person approval visits.  

Do we hear you asking – what is an approval visit? Or maybe you are curious as to why it might be important to University of Glasgow and their CLD students? Then we can fix that with some light reading about approvals

CLDSC would love to be able to tell you the outcome of the approval panel visit with University of Glasgow but the Approval Panel will be reporting to the Approval Committee of CLDSC for official sign off on 01 September 2022 so you will just need to ensure you read the newsletter next week to get the update. In the meantime, why not read more about the Approval Process.

The Approval Panels frequently comment that their own Professional Learning and networking has benefited from being involved in an Approval Visit.   Think you would like to support the CLD Sector in this quality assurance role by becoming an Approval Panel Member? 

To find out more please get in touch at

New Dyslexia Scotland Website will help CLD

Mobile phone being held showing a web page 'Am I dyslexic'

Dyslexia Scotland is encouraging the CLD workforce to sign up to their new website.  

The charity, which is blazing the trail to a dyslexia-friendly Scotland, has created a new digital space with information and resources on dyslexia that will help the sector support dyslexic learners. Educators are a key audience that the site caters for, with professional learning and bite-size guides to support all practitioners.  

This new site also provides the dyslexic community with an easy-to-navigate digital space, with resources to support any stage in their life journey, from school transitions through to adult life, learning and work. Practitioners – and learners themselves – can access vital equalities information to support with common issues faced by the dyslexic community, from how to find out if you are dyslexic through to career and employment advice.

Dyslexia Scotland Chief Executive Cathy Magee said: ‘Our new website coincides well with the launch of the Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland 2022-27. We hope that CLD practitioners looking for ways to develop connections for learners and find ways to address the often-invisible barriers that adults face. We encourage the CLD workforce to access our resources and use them to empower learners in your community.’  

CLD workers who sign up for Educator Membership on the new site will receive an exclusive digital badge, copies of Dyslexia Voice magazine for themselves and colleagues and exclusive discounts in the online shop.

Find out more about Dyslexia Scotland.

Upcoming Conferences

WCDC Conference – 3-5 October 2022

This year’s World Community Development Conference (WCDC) focuses upon social inclusion as the global challenge for community development policies and practice over the coming years.  Co-organised by International Association for Community Development (IACD) and the Inclusive Practices Network, the virtual host is Georgia.

Register for the WCDC 2022 Conference and follow the latest updates on social media: #wcdc2022@wcdc2022 and watch the conference promotional video on YouTube.

Youthlink National Youth Work Conference – 8 November 2022 

The theme of this year’s Conference is Tackling Poverty: The Power of Youth Work to Change Lives and will take place in Glasgow on 8 November. The focus of the conference will be youth work and poverty. Registration will open soon. 

CLD Standards Council Scotland Annual Member Conference

And not forgetting our members conference beginning with the Christmas lecture on 1st December (6-8pm) followed by the main conference on 2nd December. Both are taking place at the John Macintyre Centre, Edinburgh. Registration will open soon – meantime, save the dates!

Working with ESOL Literacies Learners and looking for some training?

Dundee and Angus College are running an online Teaching ESOL Literacies to Adults (TELtA) Course, starting on 24th October and running online, Monday evenings for 20 weeks. 

This SQA Module (Level 9) is an introduction to Teaching ESOL Literacies to Adults will teach you how to analyse and evaluate adult ESOL literacies within a Scottish context, identify and assess ESOL literacies learners and their learning needs, apply skills and strategies to support ESOL literacies learning and plan and deliver ESOL literacies learning. 

Cost: £140 (eligible for SDS Individual Training Account Funding
For more information and to apply contact Dundee & Angus College

ASH Scotland Funding

ASH Scotland is looking to fund youth organisations in Scotland, supporting young people aged 11-25, to create new, innovative resources or approaches around smoking and other health behaviours that impact on mental health and wellbeing. Applicants can apply for up to £2500 to help with project costs.

If successful, your organisation can expect to receive:

  • A grant of up to £2500. This should be used within the 6-month period from 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023. 
  • Support from an ASH Scotland Development Officer. The officer will be available to provide guidance and support to each successful organisation over the grant period.
  • Staff and volunteer training and learning opportunities.

Find out more about ASH Scotland Young People and Mental Health Fund.

Strut Safe Initiative

Our Service: 
Call 0333 335 0026

Our hours are: 
Fridays + Saturdays: 19:00 - 03:00
Sundays: 19:00-01:00

Our responders are there to be friendly voice on the phone, and will stay on line with you until you feel safe.

Strut Safe was founded by Rachel Chung and Alice Jackson following the murder of Sarah Everard in March of 2021. Strut Safe is an initiative to help anyone who feels unsafe when walking in public. They have volunteers based across the UK ready to take calls and stay on the line with you until you get in the door. 
Share and save the number: 0333 335 0026.
Strut Safe are also seeking phone volunteers from anywhere in the UK to join their team!  Find out more about Strut Safe.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 24 August 2022

CLD Catch Up

Members of the CLD Standards Council and Education Scotland CLD Team
Members of the CLD Standards Council and Education Scotland CLD Team

Last week team CLDSC met with colleagues from Education Scotland CLD, HMIe CLD and the Scottish Government CLD Policy Unit. The jam packed agenda included CLD career pathways, professional learning, the recently launched adult learning strategy and the current CLD plans. Information sharing included CLD regional events and discussions focused on what the cost of living crisis, digital learning and the recent SQA results mean for the CLD sector.

CLDSC Professional Induction Programme – open for registration!

Professional Induction
An introduction to the purpose and functions of the CLD Standards Council and expectations of membership
Professional Induction – An introduction to the purpose and functions of the CLD Standards Council and expectations of membership

So far we’ve had 8 sign-ups for the CLDSC Professional Induction Programme due to start in September this year. That means there’s still space for up to 10 more CLDSC members to take part, each of whom who will be matched up with a buddy and have 3 full months’ to complete the online course. 

The professional induction programme is for new and longstanding CLDSC members alike. It was created to introduce members of the CLDSC to the purpose and functions of the Council and what is expected of membership based on its professional standards.

Register your interest in participating in the course. If we can’t fit you in this cohort then we’ll note your interest for the next cohort starting in January.

WE NEED YOUR INPUT: Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Consultation

A wee reminder that we would like your support to gather CLD Standards Council (CLDSC) members’ voices, in response to the current Scottish Government review of the Mental Health and Wellbeing (MH&W) Strategy. CLDSC have looked at some key areas of the consultation, and have created 3 ways in which you can have your say:

  1. Complete a survey on the proposed outcomes. The questions (1-7) are directly from the main consultation, however you do have an opportunity to add comments and pose any questions you may have in section 8. It should only take a few minutes of your time and the survey will be open until 3rd September.
  2. Attend our next Virtual Members Meet Up on 1st September, at 4pm, where we will be discussing some of the other key areas in the MH&W consultation. Register for the September Virtual Members Meet Up on Eventbrite
  3. The consultation closes on 9th September 2022 and you can access the full Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Consultation if you would like to complete an individual and full response.

Thank you in advance for your time and support with this strategy consultation. If you have any further questions, please email us at:

Education Scotland – New Educator Leadership Programme

Educator Leadership Programme pathways diagram
Educator Leadership Programme pathways

Growing from the success of Education Scotland’s Teacher Leadership Programme (TLP), the new Educator Leadership Programme (ELP) welcomes Early Learning and Childcare practitioners, Community Learning and Development practitioners and classroom teachers to bring together their skills and experiences. It creates space to collaborate and share practice across sectors, while keeping the learner experience at the centre through a focus on practitioner enquiry.

Applications are open until Friday, 2nd September ahead of the Induction Day on Tuesday, 6th September

Find out more and apply for the Educator Leadership Programme.

Education Scotland – Supporting Workforce Wellbeing

Education Scotland - Supporting Workforce Wellbeing

Now Live
- Stepping Stones
- 1:1 Coaching
- Into Coaching

Coming Soon
Supervision Spaces
- Taking care of yourself
- Taking care of the staff you lead
Supporting Workforce Wellbeing

Supporting Workforce Wellbeing is a Scottish Government funded package which first launched in 2020 in response to the pandemic.

The offer is now in its third year and has evolved after listening to feedback from the education system.

The 2022-2023 offer is centred on providing mental health and wellbeing support for individuals in the education workforce across the wide education spectrum including schools, Community Learning and Development and Early Learning and Childcare. 

Find out more about Supporting Workforce Wellbeing where you can search for the for the offer and apply for the relevant programmes. 

Conference Season is here!

There are lots of CLD professional learning opportunities coming up at a variety of conferences over the coming months.  Below is September’s offering with more to come next week.

DTAS – 4th and 5th September 2022

The Development Trusts Association Scotland annual conference and AGM is returning as an in-person event in 2022, for the first time in three years. The theme for this year is Gather, Connect and Thrive. Bookings for the conference have now closed, but you can follow events on Twitter @DTAScot and #DTAS22.

CDAS – 20th September 2022

Community Development Alliance Scotland is holding its annual conference on 20th September in Edinburgh with a focus on #StrentheningCommunityDevelopment. The conference will explore the challenges and opportunities we currently face and the next steps for community development in Scotland, and beyond.

Speakers include: Tom Arthur MSP, Scottish Government – Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth; Prof Alan Miller, Professor of Practice in Human Rights Law School University of Strathclyde; and opportunities to participate in workshops, world cafe open space for networking and reverse panel inputs from membership organisations.

Find out more and register to attend the CDAS Conference

National CLD Numeracy Practitioners Network Meeting – 6th September

Booking is now open for this practitioners’ network meeting, on Tuesday, 6th September from 10am-11.30am. There will be information about Maths Week Scotland along with sharing of practice, including online resources. 

Book your place for the National CLD Numeracy Practitioners Network Meeting.

Becoming a Numeracy Champion – free training available for CLD practitioners and STEM Ambassadors

Following on from the success of Phase 1 of a STEM grant, this programme is being offered free to CLD practitioners in the South East (Oct-Nov), Northern Alliance (Sep-Nov) and Tayside (Nov-Dec). There is also a ‘mop up’ session for all areas (Dec). 

The programme consists of 3 x 2 hour workshops and was highly valued by previous participants. Dates and registration details are below: 

Illuminating Leadership Events – 20th and 21st September

After a successful Illuminating Leadership Festival earlier this year, Collective Leadership for Scotland and partners are now inviting you to join the Autumn Illuminating Leadership Event Series. A variety of events will take place over the course of 2 days, during which participants and hosts can reflect, share, and identify ways in which they have taken ideas and learning into practice. All events are free and open to all, regardless of background or practice setting.

Events include: 

  • Collective Circle for Change
  • Coaching for Systemic Change
  • Creative Inquiry
  • Facilitating in Complexity

Find out more and book a space on the Illuminating Leadership – Collective Leadership for Scotland website.  

You can also follow on Twitter @CollectiveScot and check out  #IlluminatingLeadership.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 17 August 2022

CLD Summer 2022

Huge thanks to all the CLD: youth workers, community workers, parent helpers and volunteers. You just smashed Summer 2022 making lots of memories with and for young people and their families all over Scotland. Thanks to everyone who shared their stories and pictures @cldstandards #BecauseOfCLD.

We hope you have a deserved break before the autumn session.

College Sector Engagements

South Lanarkshire College Staff Development Event

Last week our Director, Dr Marion Allison, was pleased to be a panel member at South Lanarkshire College’s all staff development event. The topic of the day was ‘Success’ and Marion’s contribution focused on the pathways and partnerships between CLD practitioners and colleges in supporting learners and communities to develop and achieve their desired and required skills, knowledge and career opportunities.  

College Development Network Judging Panel

Marion also had the tough task of taking part in the judging for the College Development Network’s College Awards, noting it was inspiring to learn more about the outstanding work, partnerships and programmes going on across the college sector in Scotland. Look out for the shortlist announcements over the next few weeks @ColDevNet.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Consultation and Virtual Members Meet Up

A reminder that we would like your support to gather CLD Standards Council (CLDSC) members’ voices, in response to the current Scottish Government review of the Mental Health and Wellbeing (MH&W) Strategy. We have 3 ways in which you can support this consultation. You can do 1, 2 or all 3 of these options as outlined below. The more responses we gather, the more informed a response we can give.
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy guides the work that the Scottish Government and partners will do to improve MH&W in Scotland. This will include an overall shared vision, a set of outcomes, and how these will be achieved and measured to improve people’s MH&W. Scottish Government want to make sure that the Strategy does the right things to improve MH&W for people in Scotland. It is crucial that we support CLDSC members to input and support the development of this strategy, for the benefit of CLD practitioners, of the communities and of the learners we work with.

1. Survey

CLDSC have looked at some key areas of the consultation, and have created a survey which focuses on a section regarding proposed outcomes for people and communities in the strategy.

Complete the survey on these outcomes. It should only take a few minutes of your time and the survey will be open until 3rd September.

2. Meet Up

At our next Virtual Members Meet Up on 1st September, at 4pm, we will be discussing some of the other key areas in the MH&W consultation, such as:

  • Looking after your MH&W
  • Barriers to accessing services and support
  • Current impact on MH&W for young people and families
  • CLD & partnership work to supporting MH&W

If you would like to come along and join us at this 1 hour session, you can register for the September Virtual Members Meet Up on Eventbrite

3. Full Response

The consultation closes on 9th September 2022 and you can access the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Consultation if you would like to complete an individual and full response.

Thank you in advance for your time and support with this strategy consultation. If you have any further questions, please email us on:

CLDSC Professional Induction Programme – Register to participate

Professional Induction - An introduction to the purpose and functions of the CLD Standards Council and expectations of membership

We are pleased to announce that, following its launch at the Gathering by Jamie Hepburn MSP (Minister for Higher Education and Further Education, Youth Employment and Training), the CLDSC Professional Induction Course is running its first full cohort from September 2022. The cohort will consist of up to 18 CLDSC members who will be matched up to buddies and have 3 full months to complete the online course. 

For new and longstanding CLDSC members alike, the professional induction programme was created to introduce members of the CLDSC to the purpose and functions of the Council and what is expected of membership based on its professional standards.

Register your interest in participating in the course.

If we can’t fit you in this cohort then we’ll note your interest for the next cohort starting in January. 

Concept – new edition

The Summer edition of Concept – the Journal of Contemporary Education Practice and Theory, is now available to view and as always, it is a great mix of articles and reviews. Articles include ‘Post Covid Youth Work and Mental Wellbeing of Young People; Participatory Action Research and Disability Activism; and Rethinking Community Activism as Policy, Politics and Practice’.

Have a read, reflect and clock up some time towards your CLDSC Professional Learning commitment. 

DIGI Ken CLD? How digital looks within the sector

Don’t forget to sign up for Education Scotland’s conversation around How Digital looks within the CLD Sector on 25th August at 4pm. They will be exploring how digital can enhance CLD Practice, while discussing practical solutions to the challenges that we are facing. With inputs from several organisations that will be sharing their experience of using digital approaches, to the introduction of the Digital CLD award, this promises to be a session full of creative dialogue and will highlight How Digital Can Improve the CLD Sector.

Find out more and sign up for DIGI Ken CLD? How digital looks within the sector on Eventbrite

Digital Youth Work Live and Online – 30th August, 1.30pm-3pm

As the new academic season gets going, YouthLink Scotland has a brand new Digital Youth Work Training series lined up.

Join them on 30th August 1.30pm-3pm for Digital Youth Work Live and Online, a 90-minute online session to get your digital youth work kick-started for the session and an introduction to the rest of the programme.

This introductory event will be ideal whether you are using – or thinking about using – digital as an element of your youth work and a great way to connect with others involved in this area. There will be a strong focus on using digital for ‘in person’ youth work; as online continues to be important for many, YouthLink will be including opportunities to think about that too. This is interactive discussion based training, so come ready to share your ideas, resources, examples and advice and hear about some great practice too.

Register for Youth Work Live and Online.

Scottish Learning Festival – 21-22 September 2022 – Registration now open!

Being Me, Being Us, SLF 2022 - Placing Learners at the Heart of Scottish Education, September 21-22,

Registration is now open for Scottish Learning Festival 2022

This year’s theme is Being Me, Being Us: Placing learners at the heart of Scottish Education.The theme puts learners at the heart of Scottish Education and reflects The United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of a Child (UNCRC) and also the themes of Ken Muir’s recent reform report ‘Placing Learners at the Centre’ and the OECD 2030 report. The ‘Being Me’ element links to the Education Scotland and Scottish Government publication, Realising the Ambition: Being Me (PDF). The theme champions learner-centred pedagogy and the importance of meeting learners’ developmental needs over time; highlighting that learners develop their individual skills, knowledge and attributes at different rates according to who they are. 
There is an expansive virtual SLF Programme. As well as the virtual events, there are six Satellite Events – SLF2022 taking place across the country. These events will be in person, but will also be live streamed.

SQA Appeals Process – A Short Reminder

On Tuesday 9th August, thousands of young people across Scotland received their results for their Nationals, Highers, Advanced Highers, National Progression Awards, Skills for Work Awards, National Certificates and Awards. 

A quick reminder that a variety of information is available for parents and pupils on the SQA’s Appeals 2022 service.

This includes key information and resources:

  • A decision tree to help pupils decide on whether you should submit an appeal  
  • What you need to know about the appeals process
  • Where to submit an appeal

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 10 August 2022

Virtual Members Meet Up: Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Consultation – 1st September 2022, 4pm

The next Virtual Members Meet Up will take place on Thursday, 1st September, 4pm-5pm. This month we are focusing on the Scottish Government’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy consultation.

The Strategy will guide the work that the Scottish Government and partners will do to improve mental health and wellbeing in Scotland. This will include an overall shared vision, a set of outcomes, and how these will be achieved to improve people’s mental health and wellbeing. It will also describe how we impact will be measured. Scottish Government want to make sure that the Strategy does the right things to improve mental health and wellbeing for people in Scotland. They also want your views on whether the draft overall vision, and our draft outcomes, are the right ones.

We want to gather your voice to respond to some key areas of the consultation. It is crucial that we explore how CLD Standards Council members can input and support the development of the strategy, for the benefit of CLD practitioners and of the communities and learners we work with.

You can sign up for the session on the September Virtual Members Meet Up EventBrite page

CLD Changes Lives!

You have it in your power to raise the profile of the CLD Sector!

As we all know, CLD definitely does change lives and at CLDSC we are keen to showcase some of the amazing work that goes on in the CLD Sector. 

In last week’s bulletin we highlighted some fabulous work from Dundee City Council, taken from their CLD Review report 2020–2022. But we know there’s more happening across the country too.

What have the communities you work with done? What was the feedback from activities you engaged with them in? What was the impact?

Let’s share the stories as a celebration of the CLD Sector. We want to hear all about it! We need you to send us links, photos, stories, quotes, and really tell the tale of how CLD Changes Lives!

Do it now! Send information to Someone may just enjoy that wee 5 minutes of fame! 

DIGI KEN CLD? How digital looks within the sector

Education Scotland would like to invite you to join them in a conversation around How Digital looks within the CLD Sector on the 25th, August at 4pm. They will be exploring how digital can enhance CLD Practice, while discussing practical solutions to the challenges that we are facing. With inputs from several organisations that will be sharing their experience of using digital approaches, to the introduction of the Digital CLD award, this promises to be a session full of creative dialogue and will highlight How Digital Can Improve the CLD Sector.

Find out more and sign up for DIGI Ken CLD? How digital looks within the sector on Eventbrite

IACD Practice Insights Magazine – Call for Abstracts

The next issue of the International Association for Community Development’s (IACD) Practice Insights magazine will focus on the ways that community development practitioners are enabling communities to combat climate change.

IACD sees community development as a necessary and important strategy for positive strengthening of individuals and systems, and want Practice Insights to highlight how the challenges of the climate crisis are compelling innovation, encouragement, opportunity, and resilience. Suggested topics include the role of community development in:

  • Local responses to supporting communities impacted by climate change due to acute disasters and/or chronic stress
  • Re-shaping of public services in response to community needs and weaknesses in systems highlighted by climate change
  • The role of young people as caretakers, community organizers, and advocates in climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • Innovations in technology for the purposes of addressing climate change at the community level
  • Creative innovations to climate protection, social connection, and communication
  • Coordination with public health and/or medical health responses in the face of acute emergencies related to climate change-related weather events

If you have experience of working with communities on issues that relate to climate change, why not write about it and send an abstract describing your article in 500 words or less by 15 September, 2022 to Paul Lachapelle at:

Don’t worry if you are not experienced in writing for publication, IACD will provide supportive comments and suggestions on your proposal (“abstract”) and your article. 

New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy – Implementation and Impact Survey

A short online survey that was developed to explore the implementation and impact of the New Scots Refugee Integration strategy has been extended and now ends on Friday, 12th August 2022. Practitioners are invited to complete this survey if they or their organisation have been involved in activities which support the integration of refugees and people seeking asylum in some way.

This will be the last opportunity to fill out the survey. Organisers want to gather data from as many practitioners as possible to ensure a wide range of perspectives are represented in the findings.

The survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete and all responses will be anonymised.

Complete the survey.

If you would like to respond but you cannot do so by Friday, 12th of August, please email:

Challenge Poverty Week – 3rd-9th October 2022

Times are hard, and getting harder, for hundreds of thousands of people across the country. A rising flood of living costs is pulling more and more people towards poverty. But together, during #ChallengePovertyWeek2022, we can start to #TurnTheTide on the injustice of poverty in Scotland.

Getting involved is easy and fun! To help your organisation plan how they will get involved, the Poverty Alliance are running a Get Involved meeting on 1 September 2022 at 2pm, designed to showcase the different ways your organisation can take part in the week, and to help you plan your activities.  

Find our more information about Challenge Poverty Week and sign up to reserve your place! If you have any further questions, email

Women’s Experience of Poverty

The Poverty Alliance and the Scottish Women’s Budget Group are looking to speak to women living on low-incomes about the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis.

They are interested in speaking to a range of women across Scotland including disabled women, women from minority ethnic communities, women with caring responsibilities, single parents and single women.

People taking part will receive vouchers for their participation. Please share with anyone you think might be interested!

For more information, please email or call on 07867 818239.

SQA Outlines Support to Young People

On Tuesday 9 August, thousands of young people across Scotland received their results for their Nationals, Highers, Advanced Highers, National Progression Awards, Skills for Work Awards, National Certificates and Awards. SQA has published the 2022 results and headline figures

SQA’s Appeals 2022 service is free of charge.

If learners have a query about their certificate, they can call SQA’s Candidate Advice Line on: 0345 279 1000.

Further information can be obtained from:
Skills Development Scotland’s Results Helpline: 0808 100 8000
UCAS: 0371 468 0468 / UCAS Clearing resources

And don’t forget to check out the #NoWrongPath Campaign which demonstrates that many people in interesting job roles across Scotland may not have taken a straight, obvious or traditional path to get there – that there is #NoWrongPath.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 03 August 2022

CLDSC Annual Report 2021-22

We are delighted to share the CLD Standards Council Annual Report April 2021-March 2022 with you!  

CLDSC Annual Report 2021/2022

This annual report summarises the vast range of project work undertaken by the CLDSC and its members over the year, as well as highlighting the impact and influence this work has had throughout the CLD sector.

2021/2022 - A Snapshot in Numbers
2845 Members, 54 Approvals Requests, 22 Professional Learning Events, 5 Policy and Consultation Submissions, 2 New Team Members

Supporting our members and their practice contributes to the support given to learners and communities. Thank you to all of our members, committee members and partners for their ongoing contributions and support of the CLD sector in Scotland.

CLDSC member voice

Please note that on the website, there are two versions of the Annual Report available: the report slides on the graphic design platform named ‘Canva’, or an alternative PDF version of the report that can be downloaded.

The Community Learning & Development Digital Device Fund

The Community Learning & Development Digital Device Fund is provided by the Scottish Government and managed by The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO). The objective of the fund is to provide capital funding to voluntary sector CLD organisations across Scotland to purchase digital devices that can be used by learners to support their learning.

Organisations can apply for up to £15,000 for the purchase of digital devices and the deadline for applications is 16th September 2022. Find out more information and apply on the funding portal.

Please share with any relevant CLD voluntary organisations you are working with and if you use social media, you can retweet SCVO’s tweet about the CLD Digital Device Fund from your account. 

Tackling Sectarianism CPD for Youth Workers

Action on Sectarianism - Information that empowers action - Tackling Sectarianism CPD

The Tackling Sectarianism CPD training will provide youth workers with the tools they need to engage young people on the topic of sectarianism, prejudice and hate in Scotland.

The training will explore the various resources available to youth workers to use in their practice. Participants will have a brief introduction to the topic of sectarianism and will also be able to have a go at some of the interactive activities available. There will also be information available on where participants can do some self-directed learning at a later stage.

A range of dates are available between September 2022 and March 2023. For more information and to book a place, visit the YouthLink Scotland webpage for Tackling sectarianism CPD for youth workers

The Scottish Cyber Awards 2022

Applications for the Scottish Cyber Awards 2022 are now open.

The Scottish Cyber Awards are for anyone working in the cyber field who feels they, or someone they know, is going above and beyond their day job to make a difference to the cyber security of Scotland. Nominate yourself or share the love and nominate a colleague or partner who is excelling.

Award Categories include: 

  • Leading Light Innovation
  • Best Cyber Education Programme
  • Diversity Champion
  • Outstanding Young Person in Cyber

Find out more and apply at the Scottish Cyber Awards webpage. Applications close on 31st August 2022.

CLD Changes Lives!

As we all know, CLD definitely does change lives and at CLDSC we are keen to showcase some of the amazing work that has gone on in the CLD Sector. 

Dundee City Council’s CLD Review Report 2020 – 2022 gives us a wealth of material to use in what we hope will be a recurring item in the weekly CLDSC Member Bulletin. This is only a snippet of the stories and more will be shared in future editions.  

We offered diversionary activities for young people either online or face to face depending on restrictions at the time.  On average 10 people attended each session in 20-21 and 15 in 21-22
We worked with 1944 individuals in 20-21 (60% from SIMD regeneration areas) and 2226 individuals in 21-22 (59% from SIMD regeneration areas)
We delivered 3892 Targeted Group Work sessions with 724 individual attendees in 20-21 and 845 individual attendees in 21-22

The Hilltown Community Larder began November 2020 in response to the crises people found themselves in during the pandemic.  The Larder began as a partnership with Hilltown Local Management Group, the Coldside Community Forum and the Community Empowerment Team (CET).  A Committee now runs this with the support of the CET.   

Quote from the Larder volunteer: “Being able to volunteer here, saved me during lockdown by giving me a purpose.” GT

We helped distribute over 60,000 food bags in response to demand due COVID

27,974 in 20-21, 33,632 in 21-22

The report from Dundee City Council gives a flavour of what CLD did during the pandemic, showing how we continued to engage with young people, families, adult learners and community organisations; particularly in our most disadvantaged communities and how we supported people in their communities.

Well done to all involved.

We need to celebrate and shout from the rooftops about the amazing stuff we do in the CLD Sector, so go on, send us your stories!

Virtual College Expo22 – Tuesday, 23rd & Wednesday, 24th August 2022

Virtual College Expo22 - Tuesday 23 - Wednesday 24 August 2022 #collegeexpo22
College Development Network

The theme of Rewrite the College Story: Learning Experiences, Skills Development, Anchoring Communities is embedded throughout the action-packed programme for the Virtual College Expo22. It offers a wide range of inspirational keynotes, workshops, seminars, and panel sessions.  

View Virtual College Expo22 programme (PDF) for more information on speakers and sessions and book your free place.   

Follow on Twitter @ColDevNet #CollegeExpo22

Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) Workshops

SCQF is hosting a range of workshops over the next few months, both in person and online:

Would You Credit It? – Thursday, 1st September 2022 – 10am-4pm
This full day in-person workshop is designed to support individuals and organisations who are developing, or who already have, a learning programme which they are considering having Credit Rated for the SCQF. Venue: SCQF Partnership Officers, 201 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LW.
Find out more and register for Would You Credit It.

My Skills, My Future – Tuesday, 13th September 2022, 10am-3pm
A full day in-person workshop for those wishing to use the ‘My Skills, My Future’ suite of resources to support individuals in identifying the skills they have gained from other experiences outwith formal qualifications. Venue: SCQF Partnership Officers, 201 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LW. 
Find out more and register for My Skills, My Future.

An Introduction to Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – Tuesday, 20th September 2022, 10am-12:30pm
An online workshop for employers who are looking to recognise the learning that employees have gained through life, work and educational experiences.
Find out more and register for An Introduction to Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL).

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 27 July 2022

Coming Soon: CLDSC Annual Report for 2021-22

The CLD Standards Council is pleased to announce that the Annual Report for 2021-22 will be published and shared with partners in August 2022 (watch this space!). 

This annual report will summarise the vast range of project work undertaken by the CLDSC and its members over the year, as well as highlighting the impact and influence this work has had throughout the CLD sector.

A few highlights:

  • 2,845 total members as at 31 March 2022
  • Did you know: On average, 16 new members joined the CLDSC every month
  • There were 54 Approvals requests
  • 22 Professional Learning events were held
  • 5 Policy and Consultation submissions were completed by the CLDSC on behalf of members (including to the Education Reform)
  • The Professional Induction Programme was launched at the SCVO Gathering for 2022

If you are not currently a member of the CLDSC and wish to join, you can find out how to register on the CLDSC website.

August Virtual Members Meet Up – Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland

A final call to sign up for our Virtual Members Meet Up on Wednesday, 3rd August, 1-2pm. Come along to find out more about the recently launched Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland and discuss how CLD Standards Council members can support the implementation of the Strategy and help it achieve its mission and ambitions. 

Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland 2022-2027 Front Cover Image

You can sign up for the session on the August Virtual Members Meet Up EventBrite page

Becoming a Numeracy Champion: Children, families and feeling good about maths programme

Education Scotland is working with National Numeracy to run Phase 2 of the ‘Becoming a Numeracy Champion: Children, families and feeling good about maths’ programme in the autumn and is offering free places for CLD Practitioners.

The programme is run as a series of 3 online sessions which equip participants with the knowledge and skills they need to support families to have positive attitudes towards maths.

Each programme covers:

  • Numeracy: understanding the numeracy issue
  • Supporting positive attitudes in children
  • Supporting parents, carers & families

There are free places for CLD practitioners in the three Regional Improvement Collaborative areas which were not included in Phase 1 of the programme. There is also an additional session open to all regions who might have missed the original opportunity to get involved last year. The sign-up links and dates for each programme are below:

Education Scotland Community Learning and Development (CLD) Wakelets

Community Learning and Development (CLD) Wakelet Website Image

This Community Learning and Development (CLD) Wakelet makes it easy to access relevant materials from the one place. When you explore the Wakelet you will discover a collection of links to online resources. Please check which are available and suitable for use within your organisation, as well as relevant to the learners in your area of practice.

CashBack for Communities Fund – phase 6 open for applications

A reminder that applications for Phase 6 of the CashBack for Communities programme close at noon on Friday 12th August.

CashBack for Communities is a Scottish Government fund that uses funds recovered from criminals to expand young people’s horizons and increase the opportunities they have to develop their interests and skills. £20-million is available in this round of funding and successful applicants will commence from April 2023 to March 2026.

Organisations must have a proven track record of delivering activities which support the Scottish Government’s Justice Vision and the criteria for CashBack Phase 6 as set out below. You can find out more on the Scottish Government’s Vision for Justice in Scotland here.

Phase 6 will fund projects which deliver a range of trauma informed and person-centred services & activities for young people between the ages of 10-25 that:

  • Support young people most at risk of being involved in antisocial behaviour, offending or reoffending towards or into positive destinations
  • Provide person-centred support for young people, parents and families impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma
  • Support young people to improve their health, mental health and wellbeing
  • Support people, families and communities most affected by crime

Further information on the criteria for the fund and how to apply can be found on the CashBack for Communities website

YouthLink Recruitment – Chair and Honorary Treasurer

The Board of YouthLink Scotland is currently recruiting for the roles of Chairperson and Honorary Treasurer. YouthLink’s present Chairperson, The Very Rev. Dr. Lorna Hood OBE and Honorary Treasurer, Gavin Whitefield CBE will retire in November having completed their second terms of office. 

YouthLink is asking for members and stakeholders to help to nominate a new independent Chairperson and Honorary Treasurer. The appointments are for someone not currently employed within the youth work sector but with the right skillset and sector fit for the next chapter of the organisation.

For further information and to view the person specifications and job roles, visit the YouthLink website


Launched in 2017, #NoWrongPath is a social media movement led by Developing the Young Workforce, which provides inspiration and reassurance to young people receiving their exam results. 

Developing the Young Workforce are aiming to demonstrate that many people in interesting job roles across Scotland may not have taken a straight, obvious or traditional path to get there – that there is #NoWrongPath. It aims to show young people the options that are available to them and that exams results are not necessarily the key to unlocking future success.

  • Step 1: Pledge your support for the campaign and mark Tuesday 9 August 2022 (Scottish Exam Results Day) in your diary.
  • Step 2: On Tuesday 9 August 2022, post a photograph of yourself holding a handwritten sign outlining your name, what you did when you left school and what you are doing now. Remember to use #NoWrongPathDownload the #NoWrongPath template PDF file.
  • Step 3: Nominate a friend or colleague and encourage them to get involved, too!

Get Involved and Promote Your Pathway into CLD at #NoWrongPath.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 20 July 2022

Scottish Government Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy – Consultation

Scottish Government have launched a public consultation on ‘A new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy’ and are keen to hear views from a broad range of stakeholders to help inform the final strategy, which will be published before the end of 2022. The Strategy will aim to focus on every part of what mental health and wellbeing means. This covers a range of things, including:

  • Addressing the underlying reasons behind poor mental health
  • Helping to create the conditions for people to thrive
  • Challenging the stigma around mental health
  • Providing specialist help and support for mental illness

There are online consultation events, or individuals and organisations can submit their own responses. There is also an easy read option which may be useful when supporting young people and adult learners to participate in this consultation. The virtual events provide an opportunity for anyone interested to engage with Scottish Government on this work and share views. You can book onto one of five sessions below:

Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Consultation – Wed 3 Aug 2022 at 15:00
Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Consultation – Mon 8 Aug 2022 at 10:00
Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Consultation – Tue 16 Aug 2022 at 09:30
Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Consultation – Fri 26 Aug 2022 at 14:00
Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Consultation – Thu 1 Sep 2022 at 15:30

The consultation is open for responses until 9th September 2022.  CLDSC will be submitting a response on behalf of our membership. Details on how you can participate will be available soon. Find out more about the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy consultation.

August Virtual Members Meet Up – Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland

Don’t forget to sign up for our next Virtual Members Meet Up, which takes place on Wednesday, 3rd August, 1-2pm. Come along to find out more about the recently launched Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland and discuss how CLD Standards Council members can support the implementation of the Strategy and help it achieve its mission and ambitions. 

You can sign up for the session on the August Virtual Members Meet Up EventBrite page

Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland 2022-2027
Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland 2022-2027

Digital CLD Awards

Congratulations to the seven organisations across youth work, adult learning and community development, who are the first in Scotland to be recognised under a new digital award scheme for community learning and development (CLD) organisations!

The pilot was funded by Scottish Government’s CLD Digital Development Fund and is focused on recognising the many planned and ongoing improvements organisations are making in developing the skills of their staff to improve the ways they reach and support learners through digital technologies. The awards highlight how well these increasing uses of digital approaches are impacting on the experiences and skills of learners and stakeholders. Awards were granted to:

Jamie Hepburn, Minister for Higher Education and Further Education, Youth Employment and Training said: ‘I offer my congratulations to all organisations who have achieved the Digital CLD Award. This is an important digital achievement for them and will make a real difference in helping to build the digitally literate, inclusive and talented young people, adults and communities of the future.’ 

You can find out more on the Digital CLD Awards Scotland website

A Shout out for Cultural Videos – WCDC 2022

Virtual World Community Development Conference - Inclusion as a Global Challenge for Community Development

The World Community Development Conference 2022 (3rd-5th October 2022) is a great event that brings together hundreds of people involved in community development from around the world. 

This event is always accompanied by traditional songs, national dances and performances which is always very exciting and inspiring. The virtual format of the conference this year includes the regular cultural programme, so attendees can still enjoy the culture and traditions from different parts of the world! It’s going to be wonderful! 

THEY NEED YOU! Please send your cultural video to them, so that everyone around the world attending the conference will be able to enjoy songs and dances together, and explore the full of the colours of the culture of all countries involved.

For more information visit the World Community Development Conference 2022 website.

DTAS Conference – 4th-5th September 2022

The Development Trust Association Scotland (DTAS) annual conference and AGM is returning as an in-person event in on 4th-5th September 2022 at the Double Tree Hilton Westerwood Hotel, Cumbernauld.

The theme is Gather, Connect and Thrive. This year’s speakers include CEO of Circular Communities, Michael Cook, CEO of Keep Scotland Beautiful, Barry Fisher, as well as Mr Tom Arthur MSP, Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth. The conference programme includes a study visit to Cranhill Development Trust in the east end of Glasgow, a virtual study visit to Glen Urquhart Rural Community Association and a total of nine workshops to choose from. Workshop topics include succession planning and collaboration, Community Ownership Support Service and Community Shares Scotland sessions. Attendees will be able to participate in a speed-networking session and browse the Marketplace which will include stands from a wide range of different organisations. 

For those unable to attend in-person, selected sessions from the programme will be available online free of charge, including the virtual study visit, AGM and the opening and closing plenaries.

For further information and to book your place, visit the DTAS website.

Scotland Learns

Education Scotland have published a schedule for August 2022 until June 2023 detailing publication dates and submission deadlines for Scotland Learns. You can find out at more details on the Education Scotland website.

This newsletter focuses on offering up to date information to support you, as educational practitioners, in creating ideas and learning activities to support children, young people and family learning. It also includes news, resources and useful links, as well as sharing practice from around Scotland. With well over 35,000 subscribers, this is a great way to share your news with stakeholders. 

There are still a few weeks until the newsletter resumes, so if you’d like to submit content, please send around 40 words and a link to further information to or email them to subscribe and receive your monthly copy.

The Promise Partnership Fund

Phase 3 of the Promise Partnership Fund has launched on the Corra Foundation website. The three key areas of focus for applications are around a supported workforce, supportive school structure (right to education) and youth justice & rights.  Find out more about the next steps and the challenge briefs/application criteria on the The Promise Partnership – Corra website.  

The closing date for applications is 16th September 2022, with outcomes from the Decision Making Panel announced in December 2022.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 13 July 2022

Launch of CYPFEI & ALEC Fund Replacement

Third sector organisations that support children, young people, families and adult learners are now able to apply for core funding from the new Children, Young People, Families and Adult Learning Third Sector Fund (CYPFAL). The fund is a replacement for the previous CYPFEI & ALEC fund and will provide up to £16-million funding for 2 years from April 2023.

The new fund focuses on providing core funding to organisations that are delivering services and support that are targeted towards positive outcomes for children, young people, families and adult learners with particular focus on the Scottish Government policy priorities:

  • Children, Young People, Families and Adult Learners affected by Poverty
  • The Promise
  • Implementation of UNCRC
  • Family Support
  • Mental and Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing
  • Equalities and Wellbeing

Applications can be completed online from 12:30pm on 6 July 2022 via the Corra Foundation website where guidance and the online application form is available. The deadline for submitting applications is at 3pm on 5 September 2022.

August Virtual Members Meet Up – Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland

The next Virtual Members Meet Up will take place on Wednesday, 3 August, 1-2pm, hosted by Simon Ashpool  from Scottish Government CLD Policy Team. This month it will focus on the recently launched Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland and will explore how CLD Standards Council members can support the implementation of the Strategy, and help it achieve its mission and ambitions. You can sign up for the session on the August Virtual Members Meet Up EventBrite page

Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland 2022-2027 Cover Page

Scottish Government – Covid 19 Principles

Scottish Government official information on the guiding principles to manage Covid-19 including for a community learning and development (CLD) setting was revised on the 22nd of June 2022. 

Specifically, the Overview and Principles have been updated to reflect current guidance. For further information, visit the Coronavirus (COVID-19): universities, colleges and CLD providers page on the Scottish Government website

World Community Development Conference – 3-5 October 2022 – online

Inclusion, Challenges, Opportunities is the unifying theme for #WCDC2022, in order to encourage a global discussion and reflection on the new reality that community development practice has to operate in as we enter a post pandemic world. This will build upon the work many have been doing in realizing the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Agenda 2030.  

The deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended until August 1, 2022, so if you’d like to present at the conference, please visit the Call for Participation page on the WCDC2022 website.

If you’d like to attend as a participant, you can now register at the WCDC2022 website.  Keep up to date with news and events on Twitter using #WCD2022.

Virtual World Community Development Conference 2022, Inclusion as a Global Challenge for Community Development

New Guide to Accessing Community Based Adult Learning for Disabled People

In December 2021 LEAD Scotland were awarded funding from the Scottish Government to deliver their very first ‘lived experience’ project to help create a new guide to accessing Community Based Adult Learning (CBAL). 

LEAD Scotland recruited and paid six disabled people, all with some past or current experience of accessing CBAL, to co-produce the guide. It was important for the group to reflect their experiences of being disabled and sharing tips on how to ask learning providers for the right support to learn. The guide is full of useful advice and information related to various disability related topics, such as knowing your rights under the Equality Act and using CBAL to build knowledge on how to get involved in campaigning.

Find out more about the new Guide to Accessing Community Based Adult Learning for Disabled People

#IWill Ambassador Recruitment 2022

Join the movement, #IWill Ambassador Applications Open! Apply to an an #IWill Ambassador or nominate a young person today

@IWillScotland have opened applications for this year’s #IWill Ambassadors! More than 1 in 5 of us are under 18, but who gets to make the decisions that matter? Do you care or know someone who cares about putting #YouthVoice at the centre of our society? 

#IWillAmbassador applications & nominations are open.  Find out more at YouthLink Scotland  #IWill Ambassador Recruitment.

Summertime CLD Activities

It’s mid-July and CLD summer activities and programmes are well underway with adult learners, young people and community groups. Please link us in to your work by tweeting – tag us on @cldstandards and use the hashtag #BecauseOfCLD. We love seeing the amazing practice being undertaken in communities across Scotland and want to share it widely.

CLDSC Member Bulletin – 06 July 2022

Adult Learning Strategy Launch Videos

Following the launch of the Adult Learning Strategy on 29 June, the recordings of the session are now available on i-develop. We are also pleased to welcome Simon Ashpool, from the CLD Policy Team in Scottish Government, to host our August Virtual Members Meet Up which will focus on the Adult Learning Strategy and workforce development in CLD. You can sign up for the event on the August Virtual Members Meet Up EventBrite page.

Watch the introduction from Mhairi Harrington OBE, Chair of the Adult Learning Strategic Forum for Scotland followed by Jamie Hepburn MSP, Minister for Further Education, Higher Education, Youth Employment and Training.

Watch recordings of the workshops centred around each of the Strategy’s key themes

Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland 2022-2027 Cover Page
Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland 2022-2027

CLD Career Day

Following feedback from our further and higher education partners, we are delighted to announce that the CLD Standards Council will be hosting our first CLD Career Day in Autumn 2022. The purpose of the event will be to promote all aspects of Community Learning & Development as a career.  We will have employers, education providers, student support providers, CLD partnerships and alliances all in one room where current and prospective CLD students can hear all about the opportunities available to them in the CLD sector

We will be releasing details of the event soon, including a ‘Save the Date!’ and information on the location. In the meantime, if you would like to be involved in shaping the event and contributing ideas, please contact us at by 15 July and we will be in touch!

CLD Standards Council Conference 2022 – 2 December – Save the Date!

Our Annual Members Conference this year will be held on Friday, 2nd December 2022. We plan to make it a hybrid event with the option to attend in person at the John McIntyre Conference Centre in Edinburgh. There will also be a conference-eve lecture at the venue on the evening of Thursday, 1 December 2022.

Book the date(s) in your diary and keep a look out for the conference registration opening after the summer.

Please note, the conference is for members of the CLD Standards Council.  If you or a colleague are not currently members and would like to attend, find out how to apply for membership.  

Community Development Alliance Scotland (CDAS) Annual National Conference 2022 – Save the Date!

CDAS Annual National Conference Tuesday 20th September, 10am-3pm

CDAS have announced that their Annual National Conference will be held on Tuesday, 20 September 2022, 10am – 3pm in person in Edinburgh. The event will include workshops, speakers and participation from a number of CDAS membership organisations highlighting the social, environmental, physical and economic impact of community development.

Registration will open soon and you can find out more by following CDAS on Twitter @CDAScotland and through the CDAS Facebook page.

National Voluntary Youth Work Organisations Support Fund 2022-2023

The National Voluntary Youth Work Organisations Support Fund 2022-23 is now open for applications! Funded by Scottish Government and administered by YouthLink Scotland, this fund supports workforce development with the voluntary youth work sector. In addition to funding national voluntary sector youth work organisations, the fund this year – for the first time – also offers support to specialist equalities focused voluntary youth work organisations to support them to build on and develop their reach and offer to young people with protected characteristics. Grants of up to £35,000 are available for national youth work voluntary organisations, £10,000 for regional equalities focused organisations, and £5,000 for local equalities focused organisations.
The deadline for submissions is 22 July 2022 and you can find out more on the YouthLink Scotland website.

Let’s Do Net Zero Community Buildings Fund 2022-2025

Funding from the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) is here to support communities to engage with, participate in and benefit from the energy transition to net zero emissions. The fund opens in May 2022 and is planned to run until the end of March 2025, subject to funding availability.

Funding is available for many types of self-managed community buildings, including:

  • village halls
  • community centres
  • community hubs
  • sports facilities
  • faith buildings

Find out more information about the Let’s Do Net Zero Community Buildings Fund at the Local Energy Scotland website